
Terms for subject Law containing grounded | all forms | exact matches only
according to the facts on the groundсогласно сложившейся практике (Alexander Demidov)
batable groundспорная территория
be groundedнаходиться под домашним арестом (Andrey Truhachev)
constitute a ground for something/doing somethingпослужить основанием (чего-либо, для чего-либо Евгений Тамарченко)
delimitation on the groundпроведение границы на местности
evidential groundдоказательное основание (Tayafenix)
facts on the groundсложившаяся практика (Facts on the ground is a diplomatic term that means the situation in reality as opposed to in the abstract. wiki Alexander Demidov)
freehold ground rentплата за пожизненную или наследственную аренду земли
freehold ground rentплата за пожизненную аренду земли
freehold ground rentплата за наследственную аренду земли
gain groundдобиваться конкурентного преимущества (► to become more popular or successful: "Despite making ground within her own party, she still has to watch her back. gain/make ground on sb "The search engine is continuing to gain ground on the market leader. ► FINANCE to increase in value: "The shares have steadily made ground. gain/make ground against something "The Euro continued to gain ground against the pound and the dollar through the course of the week. CBED.to gain ground on his competitors. ТМТ Alexander Demidov)
good groundдостаточное основание
ground floor termsравные условия (первоначальные, в зависимости от контекста Kovrigin)
ground muscleсухопутные войска (This is a telltale sign of a sweeping modernization effort undertaken five years ago by Vladimir V. Putin that has revitalized Russia’s conventional military abilities, frightening some of its former vassal states in Eastern Europe and forcing NATO to re-evaluate its longstanding view of post-Soviet Russia as a nuclear power with limited ground muscle. 4uzhoj)
ground ruleосновная норма
grounded complaintмотивированная жалоба (ksenia740)
grounded in lawоснованный на законе (Lawyers for former president, John Dramani Mahama, have insisted that all objections they have raised before the Supreme Court which is hearing the presidential election petition are justified and grounded in law. aldrignedigen)
high groundдостаточное основание
improved ground rentплата за аренду земли под постройку
improved ground rentплата за аренду земли под застройку
it is common ground thatстороны сходятся в том, что (английский вариант встречается в решениях английских судов 4uzhoj)
legal groundюридическое основание
mandatory groundоснование для выдачи обязательного для исполнения предписания (Yeldar Azanbayev)
mandatory groundимперативное основание (Yeldar Azanbayev)
on any groundна любом основании ("(..) Similarly, no Party waives any right to object on any ground to use in evidence of any of the material covered by this Protective Order." – Kyle C. Bisceglie ART Vancouver)
on any legal groundпо всем законным основаниям (Alexander Matytsin)
reasonable groundразумное основание
reasonable groundдостаточное основание
reasonable ground to believeразумные основания для предположения
redeemable ground rentподлежащая погашению земельная рента (Black's Law Dictionary – Rent paid by a tenant under a long-term lease for the use of undeveloped land, usu. for the construction of a commercial building. Also termed – ground rent. алешаBG)
serve as a groundслужить основанием (for felog)
standalone groundсамостоятельное основание (Евгений Тамарченко)
substantial groundсущественные основания (Maria528)
sufficient groundдостаточное основание
well-ground claimsобоснованные притязания