
Terms for subject Law containing The | all forms | exact matches only
a vademecum on the use of the general system of diplomasvademecum dwar l-użu tas-sistema ġenerali tad-diplomi
acceptance of the successionaċċettazzjoni ta' wirt
access to the Commission's fileaċċess għall-fajl tal-Kummissjoni
access to the courtsaċċess għall-ġustizzja
access to the courtsrimedju legali
action programme to improve awareness of Community law within the legal professions Robert Schuman projectprogramm ta' azzjoni biex jittejjeb l-għarfien tal-liġi tal-Komunità fil-professjonijiet legali il-proġett ta' Robert Schuman
Additional Protocol to the European Agreement on the Transmission of Applications for Legal AidProtokoll addizzjonali għall-Ftehim Ewropew dwar it-trasmissjoni ta' applikazzjonijiet għal għajnuna legali
administration of the estates of deceased personsamministrazzjoni tal-patrimonju
administration of the estates of deceased personsamministrazzjoni tal-patrimonju tad-deċedut
administration of the estates of deceased personsamministrazzjoni tal-wirt
adoption by the Council of acts which require unanimityadozzjoni ta' deċiżjonijiet tal-Kunsill li jeħtieġu unanimità
adversarial part of the proceedingsparti kuntrarja
Advisory Committee for Coordination in the Internal Market FieldKumitat Konsultattiv għall-Koordinazzjoni fil-Qasam tas-Suq Intern
Advisory Committee for Coordination in the Internal Market FieldKumitat Konsultattiv dwar is-Suq Intern
Advisory Committee on restrictive practices and monopolies in the transport industryIl-Kumitat Konsultattiv dwar il-Prattiċi Restrittivi u l-Monopolji fl-Industrija tat-Trasport
agreement in the form of an exchange of lettersftehim fil-forma ta' skambju ta' ittri
agreement in the form of an exchange of notesftehim fil-forma ta' skambju ta' noti
Anti-Drug Coordination Centre for the MediterraneanĊentru ta' Koordinazzjoni kontra d-Drogi fil-Mediterran
any discrimination based on nationality between workers of the Member Stateskwalunkwe diskriminazzjoni bbażata fuq ċittadinanza bejn ħaddiema tal-Istati Membri
appeal against non-compliance of the Staterikors għal nuqqas ta' Stat li jwettaq obbligu
assent of the Councilkunsens tal-Kunsill
Association of the Councils of State and Supreme Administrative Jurisdictions of the European UnionAssoċjazzjoni tal-Kunsilli tal-Istat u tal-Ġurisdizzjonijiet Amministrattivi Supremi tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic WorksKonvenzjoni ta' Berna għall-Protezzjoni ta' Xogħlijiet Letterarji u Artisitiċi
binding act of the Communityatt Komunitarju li jorbot
body set up by the Communities and having legal personalitykorp stabbilit mill-Komunitajiet u li għandu personalità ġuridika
citizen of the European Economic Areaċittadin taż-ŻEE
citizen of the European Economic Areaċittadin taż-Żona Ekonomika Ewropea
citizen of the Unionċittadin tal-UE
citizen of the Unionċittadin tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Commission Regulation laying down detailed rules for the implementation of the Financial RegulationRegolament ta' Implimentazzjoni
Commission Regulation laying down detailed rules for the implementation of the Financial RegulationRegolament tal-Kummissjoni li jistabbilixxi regoli dettaljati għall-implimentazzjoni tar-Regolament Finanzjarju
Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of TerrorismKumitat ta' Esperti Magħżula għall-Valutazzjoni ta' Miżuri kontra l-Money Laundering
Committee of the RegionsKumitat tar-Reġjuni tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Committee of the RegionsKumitat tar-Reġjuni
Committee of the Regions of the European UnionKumitat tar-Reġjuni tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Committee of the Regions of the European UnionKumitat tar-Reġjuni
Committee on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist FinancingKumitat għall-Prevenzjoni tal-Ħasil tal-Flus u ta' l-Iffinanzjar tat-Terroriżmu
Committee on the Rights of the ChildKumitat dwar id-Drittijiet tat-Tfal
Community Merger Control - Green Paper on the Review of the Merger RegulationKontroll Komunitarju tal-Amalgamazzjonijiet - Green Paper dwar ir-Reviżjoni tar-Regolament tal-Għaqdiet
competence in relation to the subject matterkompetenza ratione materiae (ratione materiae)
competence in relation to the subject matterġurisdizzjoni ratione materiae (ratione materiae)
consultation of the Court of Auditorskonsultazzjoni mal-Qorti tal-Awdituri
contribution of the Legal Servicekontribut tas-Servizz Legali
contribution to the pension schemekontribuzzjoni tal-pensjoni
control by the customs authoritieskontroll doganali
Convention for the drawing up of a draft Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European UnionKonvenzjoni għat-tfassil ta' abbozz ta' Karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea
Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial MattersKonvenzjoni ta' Lugano tal-2007
Convention on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial MattersKonvenzjoni dwar il-ġurisdizzjoni u r-rikonoxximent u l-eżekuzzjoni ta' sentenzi f'materji ċivili u kummerċjali
Convention on the Elimination of Double Taxation in connection with the Adjustment of Profits of Associated EnterprisesKonvenzjoni dwar l-eliminazzjoni tat-taxxa doppja in konnessjoni mal-aġġustament tal-qligħ ta' intrapriżi assoċjati
Convention on the international recovery of child support and other forms of family maintenanceKonvenzjoni dwar l-irkupru internazzjonali tal-manteniment għat-tfal u forom oħra ta' manteniment tal-familja
Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligationsKonvenzjoni ta' Ruma ta' l-1980
Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligationsRuma I
Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligationsKonvenzjoni dwar il-liġi applikabbli għal obbligi kuntrattwali
Convention on the Law Applicable to Traffic AccidentsKonvenzjoni dwar il-Liġi Applikabbli għall-Inċidenti tat-Traffiku
Convention on the Unification of Certain Points of Substantive Law of Patents for InventionKonvenzjoni dwar l-Unifikazzjoni ta' Ċerti Punti tal-Liġi Sostantiva tal-Privattivi ta' Invenzjoni
Convention relating to the Status of Stateless PersonsKonvenzjoni dwar l-Istatus ta' Persuni Apolidi
Council Framework Decision on the application of the principle of mutual recognition to confiscation ordersDeċiżjoni Kwadru dwar ir-rikonoxximent reċiproku ta' ordnijiet ta' konfiska
Court of Justice of the EFTA StatesIl-Qorti tal-EFTA
crime against the peace and security of mankinddelitt kontra l-paċi u s-sigurtà tal-umanità
Decision on a regulatory framework for radio spectrum policy in the European CommunityDeċiżjoni dwar qafas regolatorju għall-politika dwar l-ispettru tar-radju fil-Komunità Ewropea
Declaration on the consolidation of the TreatiesDikjarazzjoni dwar il-konsolidazzjoni tat-Trattati
Declaration on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the signature of the Treaties of RomeDikjarazzjoni ta' Berlin
Declaration on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the signature of the Treaties of RomeDikjarazzjoni fl-okkażjoni tal-ħamsin anniversarju ta' l-iffirmar tat-Trattati ta' Ruma
departure from the territoryħruġ mit-territorju
Deputy Secretary-General of the CouncilDeputat Segretarju Ġenerali tal-Kunsill
Deputy Secretary-General of the CouncilDeputat Segretarju Ġenerali tal-Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of the European UnionDeputat Segretarju Ġenerali tal-Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of the European UnionDeputat Segretarju Ġenerali tal-Kunsill
Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/ECid-Direttiva dwar l-Iskambju tal-Kwoti tal-Emissjonijiet
Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/ECid-Direttiva 2003/87/KE tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill tat-13 ta' Ottubru 2003 li tistabbilixxi skema għall-iskambju ta' kwoti ta' emissjonijiet ta' gassijiet serra ġewwa l-Komunità u li temenda d-Direttiva 96/61/KE
Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on Alternative Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and Regulations EC No 1060/2009 and EU No 1095/2010Direttiva 2011/61/UE tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill tat-8 ta' Ġunju 2011 dwar Maniġers ta' Fondi ta' Investiment Alternattivi u li temenda d-Direttivi 2003/41/KE u 2009/65/KE u r-Regolamenti KE Nru 1060/2009 u UE Nru 1095/2010
Directive laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekersDirettiva li tistabbilixxi standards minimi għall-akkoljenza ta' dawk li jfittxu ażil
Directive laying down minimum standards for the reception of asylum seekersDirettiva dwar il-kondizzjonijiet ta' akkoljenza
Directory of Community legislation in force and other acts of the Community institutionsDirettorju tal-leġislazzjoni Komunitarja fis-seħħ u ta' atti oħrajn tal-istituzzjonijiet Komunitarji
document instituting the proceedingsatt promotur
Each Member State shall determine the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed. Such sanctions shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Pending the adoption, where necessary, of any legislation to this end, the sanctions to be imposed where the provisions of this Regulation are infringed shall be those determined by the Member States in order to give effect to Article ... of Regulation ...Kull Stat Membru għandu jiddetermina liema sanzjonijiet għandhom jiġu imposti fejn ikun hemm ksur tad-dispożizzjonijiet ta' dan ir-Regolament. Dawn is-sanzjonijiet għandhom ikunu effettivi, proporzjonati u dissważivi. Sa meta tiġi adottata leġislazzjoni, fejn ikun meħtieg, għal dan il-għan, is-sanzjonijiet li għandhom jiġu imposti meta jkun hemm ksur tad-dispożizzjonijiet ta' dan ir-Regolament għandhom ikunu dawk determinati mill-Istati Membri għall-finijiet tal-implimentazzjoni tal-Artikolu ... tar-Regolament ...
enshrined in the Treatyminqux fit-Trattat
entered into an arrangement with the creditorsproċedura ta' ftehim preventiv mal-kredituri
entry into the territorydħul fit-territorju
entry into the territorydħul ġewwa t-territorju
equality before the lawL-ugwaljanza f'għajnejn il-liġi
escort to the borderakkumpanjament lejn il-fruntiera
estate accepted without liability to debts beyond the assets descendedsuċċessjoni taħt il-benefiċċju tal-inventarju
EU legislation in the area of protection of witnesses and collaborators with justiceleġiżlazzjoni tal-UE fil-qasam tal-protezzjoni tax-xhieda u l-kollaboraturi mal-ġustizzja
European Agreement on the Transmission of Applications for Legal AidFtehim Ewropew dwar it-Trażmissjoni ta' Applikazzjonijiet għal Għajnuna Legali
European Convention on the International Validity of Criminal JudgmentsKonvenzjoni Ewropea dwar il-Validità Internazzjonali ta' Sentenzi Kriminali
European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant WorkersKonvenzjoni Ewropea dwar l-Istatus Ġuridiku tal-Ħaddiema Migranti
European Convention on the Supervision of Conditionally Sentenced or Conditionally Released OffendersKonvenzjoni Ewropea dwar is-Superviżjoni ta' Trasgressuri Sentenzjati Kondizzjonalment jew Liberati Kondizzjonalment
European Financial Coalition against child pornography on the InternetKoalizzjoni Finanzjarja Ewropea
European Financial Coalition against child pornography on the InternetKoalizzjoni Finanzjarja Ewropea kontra l-pornografija tat-tfal fuq l-Internet
European Financial Coalition against child pornography on the InternetKoalizzjoni Finanzjarja kontra l-Pornografija tat-Tfal
excerpt of enrolment in the professional registersilta mir-reġistrazzjoni fir-reġistru professjonali
exit from the territoryħruġ mit-territorju
extract from the judicial recordsilta mir-rekords ġudizzjarji
formation of the Courtkulleġġ Ġudikanti
Framework Decision on the European arrest warrant and the surrender procedures between Member StatesDeċiżjoni Kwadru tal-Kunsill 2002/584/ĠAI tat-13 ta' Ġunju 2002 dwar il-mandat ta' arrest Ewropew u l-proċeduri ta' konsenja bejn l-Istati Membri
Framework Decision on the mutual recognition of confiscation ordersDeċiżjoni Kwadru dwar ir-rikonoxximent reċiproku ta' ordnijiet ta' konfiska
fraud in the inducementgħemil doluż (dolus)
General Council of the JudiciaryKunsill Ġenerali tal-Ġudikatura
Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of ChemicalsGHS
Globally Harmonized System for the Classification and Labelling of ChemicalsSistema Globalment Armonizzata tal-Klassifikazzjoni u l-Ittikettar ta' Sustanzi Kimiċi
granting indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residenceregolarizzazzjoni ta' barranin
Hague Convention of 25 November 1965 on the choice of courtIl-Konvenzjoni dwar Ftehim dwar l-Għażla tal-Forum
having their affairs administered by the courtsproċedura ta' amministrazzjoni kkontrollata mill-qrati
illegal entry into the territorydħul mhux awtorizzat fit-territorju
illegal entry into the territorydħul illegali fit-territorju
in breach of the regulationsf'sitwazzjoni irregolari
in breach of the regulationsf'sitwazzjoni illegali
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their FamiliesKonvenzjoni Internazzjonali dwar il-Ħarsien tad-Drittijiet tal-Ħaddiema Migranti Kollha u tal-Membri tal-Familji tagħhom
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former YugoslaviaTribunal Internazzjonali għall-Prosekuzzjoni ta' Persuni Responsabbli ta' Vjolazzjonijiet Serji tal-Liġi Umanitarja Internazzjonali li Twettqu fit-Territorju ta' dik li qabel kienet il-Jugoslavja mill-1991
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former YugoslaviaTribunal Kriminali Internazzjonali għal dik li kienet il-Jugoslavja
International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States, between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994Tribunal għar-Rwanda
International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States, between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994Qorti Kriminali Internazzjonali għar-Rwanda
International Institute for the Unification of Private LawUNIDROIT
International Institute for the Unification of Private LawIstitut Internazzjonali għall-Unifikazzjoni tal-Liġi Privata
International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991Tribunal Kriminali Internazzjonali għal dik li kienet il-Jugoslavja
International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991Tribunal Internazzjonali għall-Prosekuzzjoni ta' Persuni Responsabbli ta' Vjolazzjonijiet Serji tal-Liġi Umanitarja Internazzjonali li Twettqu fit-Territorju ta' dik li qabel kienet il-Jugoslavja mill-1991
joining a spouse for the purpose of family reunificationriunifikazzjoni tal-konjuġi
joint proposal by the Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policyproposta konġunta mill-Kummissjoni u mir-Rappreżentant Għoli tal-Unjoni għall-Affarijiet Barranin u l-Politika ta' Sigurtà
joint proposal from the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and the Commissionproposta konġunta mir-Rappreżentant Għoli tal-Unjoni għall-Affarijiet Barranin u l-Politika ta' Sigurtà u l-Kummissjoni
judgment of the Courtsentenza tal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja
judgment which has the force of res judicatasentenza li tkun għaddiet f'ġudikat bħala "res judicata"
jurisdiction in relation to the subject matterġurisdizzjoni ratione materiae (ratione materiae)
jurisdiction in relation to the subject matterkompetenza ratione materiae (ratione materiae)
law of the forumliġi tal-forum (lex fori)
law of the forumlex fori
Law of the Seadritt marittimu
Law on the Circulation of Fertilisersliġi dwar iċ-ċirkulazzjoni tal-fertilizzanti
lawful entry into the territorydħul legali fit-territorju
lawful entry into the territorydħul leġittimu fit-territorju
leave to enter granted to businessmen and the self-employedawtorizzazzjoni għall-eżerċizzju ta' attività professjonali fil-kapaċità ta' persuna li taħdem għal rasha
legal act of the Unionatt legali tal-Unjoni
legal act of the Unionatt legali
Material factors to substantiate the asylum claimmotivazzjoni tal-applikazzjoni għall-ażil
measure building upon the Schengen acquismiżura li tibni fuq l-acquis ta' Schengen
measure constituting a development of the Schengen acquismiżura li tibni fuq l-acquis ta' Schengen
member of the Commissionmembru tal-Kummissjoni
member of the Commissionmembru tal-Kummissjoni tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej
member of the Commission of the European Communitiesmembru tal-Kummissjoni
member of the Commission of the European Communitiesmembru tal-Kummissjoni tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej
member of the European Commissionmembru tal-Kummissjoni
member of the European Commissionmembru tal-Kummissjoni tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej
Member States shall determine the penalties applicable to breaches of the national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive. Those penalties shall be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.L-Istati Membri għandhom jiddeterminaw il-pieni applikabbli għall-ksur tad-dispożizzjonijiet nazzjonali adottati skont din id-Direttiva. Dawn il-pieni għandhom ikunu effettivi, proporzjonati u dissważivi.
Member States shall lay down the rules on penalties applicable to infringements of national provisions adopted pursuant to this Directive and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The penalties provided for must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive. Member States shall notify those provisions to the Commission [by …][without delay][…] and shall notify it [without delay] of any subsequent amendment affecting them.L-Istati Membri għandhom jistabbilixxu r-regoli dwar il-pieni applikabbli għall-ksur tad-dispożizzjonijiet nazzjonali adottati taħt din id-Direttiva u għandhom jieħdu l-miżuri kollha meħtieġa biex jiżguraw li dawn jiġu implimentati. Il-pieni previsti għandhom ikunu effettivi, proporzjonati u dissważivi. L-Istati Membri għandhom jinnotifikaw dawn id-dispożizzjonijiet lill-Kummissjoni [sa …] [mingħajr dewmien] […] u għandhom jinnotifikawha [mingħajr dewmien] bi kwalunkwe emenda sussegwenti li tolqothom.
obligation to leave the territoryobbligu ta' tluq mit-territorju
obligation to leave the territorydeċiżjoni ta' ritorn
obligation to state the reasons on which the decision is basedobbligu ta' motivazzjoni
Office of the High Commissioner for Human RightsUffiċċju tal-Kummissarju Għoli għad-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem
opening of the successionftuħ tas-suċċessjoni
operative part of the judgmentdispożittiv
operative provisions of the judgmentdispożittiv
opinion of the Legal Serviceopinjoni tas-Servizz Legali
order for escort to the borderdeċiżjoni ta' akkumpanjament lejn il-fruntiera
order of the courtinġunzjoni
parent not having custody of the childġenitur li ma għandux il-kustodja
presumption of risk associated with the applicant's nationalitypreżunzjoni tar-riskju marbut man-nazzjonalità tal-applikant
preventing the facilitation of entryprevenzjoni tal-faċilitazzjoni ta' dħul
principal in the first degreeawtur
principle of the rule of lawstat tad-dritt
procedure for monitoring the subsidiarity principlemekkaniżmu ta' kontroll tas-sussidjarjetà
proceedings in which a regulation of the Council is at issuekontroversji li jpoġġu f'dubju Regolament tal-Kunsill
prohibition on leaving the territoryprojbizzjoni ta' ħruġ mit-territorju
Protocol amending the protocols annexed to the Treaty on European Union, to the Treaty establishing the European Community and/or to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy CommunityProtokoll li jemenda l-protokolli annessi mat-Trattat dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea, mat-Trattat li jistabbilixxi l-Komunità Ewropea u/jew mat-Trattat li jistabbilixxi l-Komunità Ewropea tal-Energija Atomika
Protocol amending the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy CommunityProtokoll li jemenda t-Trattat li jistabbilixxi l-Komunità Ewropea tal-Enerġija Atomika
Protocol of Amendment to the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and Other Scientific PurposesProtokoll ta' Emenda għall-Konvenzjoni Ewropea għall-Protezzjoni ta' Annimali Vertebrati użati għal Skopijiet Sperimentali u Oħrajn Xjentifiċi
Protocol on permanent structured cooperation established by Article 42 of the Treaty on European UnionProtokoll dwar il-kooperazzjoni strutturata permanenti stabbilita mill-Artikolu 42 tat-Trattat dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea
Protocol on the application of the Charter of fundamental rights to Poland and to the United KingdomProtokoll dwar l-applikazzjoni tal-Karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali tal-Unjoni Ewropea għall-Polonja u għar-Renju Unit
Protocol on the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionalityProtokoll dwar l-applikazzjoni tal-prinċipji ta' sussidjarjetà u proporzjonalità
Protocol on the Euro GroupProtokoll dwar il-Grupp tal-Euro
Protocol on the exercise of shared competenceProtokoll dwar l-eżerċizzju tal-kompetenzi kondiviżi
Protocol on the role of national parliaments in the European UnionProtokoll dwar ir-rwol tal-Parlamenti Nazzjonali fl-Unjoni Ewropea
Protocol relating to Article 6 of the Treaty on the European Union on the accession of the Union to the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental FreedomsProtokoll dwar l-Artikolu 6^2 tat-Trattat dwar l-Unjoni Ewropea dwar l-adeżjoni tal-Unjoni għall-Konvenzjoni Ewropea għall-Protezzjoni tad-Drittijiet tal-Bniedem u l-Libertajiet Fundamentali
Protocol to the Agreement on Collective PassportsProtokoll għall-Ftehim dwar Passaporti Kollettivi
public policy ordre public of the forumordni pubbliku 'ordre public' tal-forum
referral to the Court of Justicetressiq quddiem il-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja
registration with the policedikjarazzjoni ta' dħul
Regulation EC No 450/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008 laying down the Community Customs Code Modernised Customs CodeKodiċi Doganali Modernizzat
Regulation EU No 648/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on OTC derivatives, central counterparties and trade repositoriesRegolament dwar l-Infrastruttura tas-Suq Ewropew
reporting to the police/immigration officerdikjarazzjoni ta' dħul
repudiation of the contractripudju tal-kuntratt
rights of the defencedrittijiet tad-difiża
Rome Statute of the International Criminal CourtL-Istatut ta' Ruma tal-Qorti Kriminali Internazzjonali
Rules of Procedure of the ACP-EC Council of MinistersRegoli ta' Proċedura tal-Kunsill tal-Ministri AKP-UE
Rules of Procedure of the ACP-EC Council of MinistersRegoli ta' Proċedura tal-Kunsill tal-Ministri AKP-KE
Rules of Procedure of the ACP-EU Council of MinistersRegoli ta' Proċedura tal-Kunsill tal-Ministri AKP-KE
Rules of Procedure of the ACP-EU Council of MinistersRegoli ta' Proċedura tal-Kunsill tal-Ministri AKP-UE
Schengen alert for the purpose of refusing entrytwissija bil-ħsieb li jiġi rifjutat id-dħul
Schengen alert for the purpose of refusing entrytwissija għal rifjut ta' dħul
Schengen alert for the purpose of refusing entrytwissija sabiex jiġi miċħud id-dħul
Schengen alert for the purpose of refusing entryallert għall-finijiet ta' rifjut ta' dħul
Second Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on mutual legal assistanceIt-Tieni Protokoll Addizzjonali għall-Konvenzjoni Ewropea dwar Assistenza Reċiproka f'Materji Kriminali
Second Additional Protocol to the Council of Europe Convention on mutual legal assistance in criminal mattersIt-Tieni Protokoll Addizzjonali għall-Konvenzjoni Ewropea dwar Assistenza Reċiproka f'Materji Kriminali
Second Additional Protocol to the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal MattersIt-Tieni Protokoll Addizzjonali għall-Konvenzjoni Ewropea dwar Assistenza Reċiproka f'Materji Kriminali
Second Protocol to the European Convention on mutual legal assistanceIt-Tieni Protokoll Addizzjonali għall-Konvenzjoni Ewropea dwar Assistenza Reċiproka f'Materji Kriminali
Secretary-General/High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, of the Council of the European UnionSegretarju Ġenerali/Rappreżentant Għoli għall-Politika Estera u ta' Sigurtà Komuni, tal-Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea
Select Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering MeasuresKumitat ta' Esperti Magħżula għall-Valutazzjoni ta' Miżuri kontra l-Money Laundering
state governed by the rule of lawstat irregolat mill-istat tad-dritt
state governed by the rule of lawstat kostituzzjonali
Statute of the ESCBStatut tas-SEBĊ u tal-BĊE
Statute of the ESCBStatut tas-SEBĊ
Statute of the ESCB and of the ECBStatut tas-SEBĊ
Statute of the ESCB and of the ECBStatut tas-SEBĊ u tal-BĊE
Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central BankStatut tas-SEBĊ
Statute of the European System of Central Banks and of the European Central BankStatut tas-SEBĊ u tal-BĊE
Statute of the Hague Conference on Private International LawStatus tal-Konferenza tal-Aja dwar id-Dritt Internazzjonali Privat
subscription to the capital of the ECBsottoskrizzjoni għall-kapital tal-BĊE
subscription to the capital of the ECBabbonament għall-kapital tal-BĊE
Supervisory Committee of the European Anti-Fraud OfficeKumitat ta' Sorveljanza tal-OLAF
Supreme Council of the JudiciaryKunsill Superjuri tal-Maġistratura
suspension of the limitation periodsospensjoni tal-perjodu ta' limitazzjoni
text finalised by the legal/linguistic expertstest iffinalizzat mill-Ġuristi-Lingwisti
text finalised by the legal/linguistic expertstest iffinalizzat mill-Grupp ta' Ħidma tal-Ġuristi-Lingwisti
text finalised by the Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Expertstest iffinalizzat mill-Grupp ta' Ħidma tal-Ġuristi-Lingwisti
text finalised by the Working Party of Legal/Linguistic Expertstest iffinalizzat mill-Ġuristi-Lingwisti
the body of EU lawacquis tal-UE
the body of EU lawacquis tal-Unjoni
the body of EU lawacquis communautaire
the body of EU lawil-korp tal-liġi tal-UE
the choice must be expressed or demonstrated with reasonable certainty by the terms of the contractl-għażla trid tiġi espressa u murija b'ċertu livell ta' ċertezza bit-termini tal-kuntratt
the Palestinian population of the Occupied Territoriesil-popolazzjoni Palestinjana tat-Territorji Okkupati
the partiesil-partijiet f'konċentrazzjoni
the partiesil-partijiet
the parties to the concentrationil-partijiet f'konċentrazzjoni
the parties to the concentrationil-partijiet
the residence permit shall be revalidated or renewedpermess ta' residenza għandu jiġi rivalidat jew imġedded
This Decision shall apply in accordance with the Treaties.Din id-Deċiżjoni għandha tapplika skont it-Trattati
This INSTRUMENT is addressed to the Member States.Dan l-ATT huwa indirizzat lill-Istati Membri skont it-Trattati
This INSTRUMENT is addressed to the Member States.Dan l-ATT huwa indirizzat lill-Istati Membri
This INSTRUMENT is addressed to the Member States in accordance with the Treaties.Dan l-ATT huwa indirizzat lill-Istati Membri skont it-Trattati
This INSTRUMENT is addressed to the Member States in accordance with the Treaties.Dan l-ATT huwa indirizzat lill-Istati Membri
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the Member States in accordance with the TreatiesDan ir-Regolament għandu jorbot fl-intier tiegħu u japplika direttament fl-Istati Membri skont it-Trattati
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the Member States in accordance with the TreatiesDan ir-Regolament għandu jorbot fl-intier tiegħu u japplika direttament fl-Istati Membri kollha
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the Member States in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European CommunityDan ir-Regolament għandu jorbot fl-intier tiegħu u japplika direttament fl-Istati Membri skont it-Trattati
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in the Member States in accordance with the Treaty establishing the European CommunityDan ir-Regolament għandu jorbot fl-intier tiegħu u japplika direttament fl-Istati Membri kollha
This INSTRUMENT shall enter into force on the ... day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.Dan l-att għandu jidħol fis-seħħ fi ... jum wara, tal-pubblikazzjoni tiegħu f'Il-Ġurnal Uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea.
This INSTRUMENT shall take effect on the day of its notification.Dan l-Att għandu jsir effettiv fil-jum tan-notifika tiegħu.
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg concerning cross-border police interventionTrattat bejn ir-Renju tal-Olanda, ir-Renju tal-Belġju u l-Gran Dukat tal-Lussemburgu dwar Interventi Transkonfini tal-Pulizija
Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities Merger TreatyIt-Trattat li jemenda ċertu disposizzjonijiet tal-budget tat-Trattati li jistabbilixxu l-Komunitajiet Ewropej u tat-Trattat li jistabbilixxi Kunsill wieħed u Kummissjoni waħda tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej 1970
Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Communities Merger TreatyIt-Trattat li jemenda ċerti disposizzjonijiet finanzjarji tat-Trattati li jistabbilixxu l-Komunitajiet Ewropej u tat-Trattat li jistabbilixxi Kunsill wieħed u Kummissjoni waħda tal-Komunitajiet Ewropej 1975
unauthorised entry into the territorydħul illegali fit-territorju
unauthorised entry into the territorydħul mhux awtorizzat fit-territorju
Vice-President of the Executive BoardViċi-President tal-Bord Eżekuttiv tal-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew
Vice-President of the Executive Board of the European Central BankViċi-President tal-Bord Eżekuttiv tal-Bank Ċentrali Ewropew
visa issued at the borderviża maħruġa mal-fruntiera
visa issued at the borderviża maħruġa fil-fruntiera
waiver of the successionrinunzja ta' wirt
When Member States adopt those measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or shall be accompanied by such reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such a reference shall be laid down by the Member States.Meta l-Istati Membri jadottaw dawn il-miżuri, dawn għandhom jinkludu referenza għal din id-Direttiva jew tali referenza għandha takkumpanjahom meta jiġu pubblikati uffiċjalment. Il-metodi kif issir tali referenza għandhom jiġu stabbiliti mill-Istati Membri.
when the licensed product is first put on the marketmeta l-prodott illiċenzjat jitqiegħed għall-ewwel darba fis-suq