
Terms for subject Law containing Instrument | all forms | exact matches only
authentic instrumentînscris autentic
body of the instrumentPartea dispozitivă
collective redress instrumentsinstrumente de recurs colectiv
Community legal instrumentact al Uniunii
constituent instrumentact constitutiv
instrument inter vivosact inter vivos
instrument of acceptanceinstrument de acceptare
instrument of acceptanceact de acceptare
instrument of approvalact de aprobare
instrument of approvalinstrument de aprobare
instrument of constitutionact constitutiv
instrument of incorporationact constitutiv
instrument of incorporation of a companyact constitutiv
instrument of ratificationinstrument de ratificare
instrument of ratificationact de ratificare
legally binding instrumentinstrument cu caracter juridic obligatoriu
regulatory instrumentinstrumente normative
regulatory instrumentinstrument normativ
regulatory instrumentinstrument de reglementare
soft-law instrumentinstrument legislativ fără caracter obligatoriu
statutory instrumentdecret