
Terms for subject Religion containing собор | all forms | exact matches only
Антиохийский соборCouncil of Antioch (AD 341, a non-ecumenical Christian church council, the first of several 4th-century councils that attempted to replace orthodox Nicene theology with a modified Arianism)
Арелатский соборCouncil of Aries (AD 314, the first representative meeting of Christian bishops in the Western Roman Empire)
Ариминский соборCouncil of Ariminum (AD 359, one of the several 4th-century church councils concerned with Arianism)
Базельский соборCouncil of Basel (A general council of the Roman Catholic church inaugurated on July 23, 1431)
Благовещенский соборcathedral of the annunciation
большой колокол колокольни Линкольнского собораGreat Tom of Lincoln (A bell at Lincoln Cathedral weighing over 5 tons)
Буддийский соборBuddhist council (Any of several assemblies convened in the centuries following the death of the Buddha to recite approved texts of scriptures and to settle doctrinal disputes)
Ватиканский соборVatican Council (The twentieth Oecumenical Council of the Roman Catholic Church, 1869-1870)
Введенский соборPresentation Cathedral (KaKaO)
воздвиженский соборCathedral of the Elevation of the Holy Cross (варианты: кресто-воздвиженский, свято-воздвиженский 4uzhoj)
Вознесенский соборAscension Cathedral (nyasnaya)
Вознесенский соборCathedral of the Ascension (nyasnaya)
войсковой Воскресенский соборthe Don Нost Cathedral of the Ascension (станица Старочеркасская (см. войско донское) soa.iya)
Воскресенский соборHost Resurrection Cathedral (soa.iya)
восточная часть готического собора во французском стилеchevet (Eastern end of a church, especially of a Gothic church designed in the French manner)
Восьмой Вселенский соборEighth Ecumenical Council (869-870, a council of the Christian church, meeting in Constantinople. The Roman church eventually recognized it as ecumenical, but the Eastern church for the most part denied its ecumenicity and continues to recognize only the first seven ecumenical councils)
Всеамериканский соборAll-American Council (olga6913)
Вселенские соборыOecumenical Councils (Ecclesiastical councils whose findings are - or were - recognized as binding on all Christians)
вселенский соборecumenical council
всеобщий соборgeneral council
Второй Ватиканский соборSecond Vatican Council (1962-65, 21st ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church)
Второй Вселенский соборSecond Ecumenical Council (381, the council of the Christian church summoned by the emperor Theodosius I and meeting in Constantinople. Doctrinally, it promulgated what became known to the church as the Nicene Creed)
Вьенский собор католической церквиCouncil of Vienne (1311-12, 15th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic church)
Гангрский соборCouncil of Gangra (A council of the Christian church in mid-4th century)
иерусалимский соборjerusalem synod
иерусалимский соборjerusalem council
Иерусалимский собор православной церквиSynod of Jerusalem (A council of the Eastern Orthodox Church convened in 1672 in order to reject the Confession of Orthodox Faith)
Иерусалимский собор христианских апостоловCouncil of Jerusalem (A conference of the Christian Apostles in Jerusalem in about AD 50 which decreed that Gentile Christians did not have to observe the Mosaic Law of the Jews)
Исаакиевский соборSaint Isaac's Cathedral (Iron-domed cathedral in St. Petersburg designed in Russian Empire style)
кафедральный соборmetropolitan church
кафедральный соборcathedral (A church that is the official seat of a diocesan bishop)
кафедральный соборminster (A large or important church often having cathedral status)
кафедральный соборcathedral church
кафедральный соборmetropolitan cathedral
кафедральный собор в ШартреChartres cathedral (One of the famous early Gothic cathedrals; present church mainly built after 1194)
кафедральный собор св. ПавлаSaint Paul's Cathedral (Cathedral of the Church of England in London)
Кафедральный собор св. ПавлаSt. Paul's Cathedral (Александр Рыжов)
Кафедральный Собор Святого ПавлаSt. Paul's Cathedral (Александр Рыжов)
Клермонский соборCouncil of Clermont (An assembly for church reform called by Pope Urban II in 1095)
Константинопольский пято-шестой соборQuinisext Council
Константинопольский пято-шестой соборCouncil in Trullo
Константинопольский пято-шестой собор христианской церквиQuinisext Council
Константинопольский пято-шестой собор христианской церквиCouncil of Trullo
Константинопольский соборCouncil of Constantinople (1. The second ecumenical council of the Christian church promulgated in 381 what became known to the church as the Nicene Creed; 2. The fifth ecumenical council of the Christian church in 553; 3. The sixth ecumenical council of the Christian church in 680-681; 4. A council of the Christian church in 869-870 eventually recognized by the Roman - but not by the Eastern - church as the eighth ecumenical council)
Констанцский соборCouncil of Constance (1414-18, 16th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church summoned to reunite Christendom but also to examine the teachings of John Wycliffe and Jan Hus and to reform the church)
Латеранский кафедральный собор св. ИоаннаSt. John Lateran (The cathedral church of Rome, "Mother and Head of all Churches")
Латеранский соборLateran Council (Any of the five ecumenical councils of the Roman Catholic Church held in the Lateran Palace in Rome in 1123, 1139, 1179, 1215, and 1512-17)
Лионский собор католической церквиCouncil of Lyon (1. 1245, the 13th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church; 2. 1274, the 14th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church)
мечеть-собор в КордовеMosque-Cathedral of Cordoba (Islamic mosque in Cyrdoba, Spain, which was converted into a Christian cathedral in the 13th century)
настоятель собораdean (The head of the chapter of a collegiate or cathedral church)
Неделя Святых Отец Первого Вселенского СобораSunday of the Holy Fathers (In the Russian Orthodox Church, 7th Sunday after Pascha)
Никейский соборNicean council (semfromshire)
Никейский собор христианской церквиNicene Council
Никейский собор христианской церквиCouncil of Nicaea (1. 325, the first ecumenical council of the Christian church that condemned Arius and promulgated the Creed of Nicaea; 2. 787, the seventh ecumenical council of the Christian church that attempted to resolve the Iconoclastic Controversy)
Новые английские соборыCathedrals of the New Foundation (Chester, Gloucester, Peterborough, Bristol and Oxford)
община духовенства при собореcollegium
община духовенства при соборе или монастыреcollegium
определение вселенского собораcanons of the fathers
Оранжский соборCouncil of Orange (One of the two church synods held in Orange, France, in 441 and 529. The first, under the presidency of St. Hilary of Aries, dealt mainly with disciplinary matters. The second, and by far the more important, was concerned with refuting the Semi-Pelagianism of Faustus of Riez)
относящийся ко времени до Ватиканского вселенского собора 1962-1965 гг.preconciliar
Первый Ватиканский соборFirst Vatican Council (1869-70, 20th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church)
Первый Никейский соборFirst Council of Nicaea (semfromshire)
Пизанский собор католической церквиCouncil of Pisa In Roman Catholic church history, a council convened in 1409 with the intention of ending the Western, or Great, Schism, during which rival Popes, each with his own Curia, were set up in Rome and Avignon
Покровский соборSaint Basil the Blessed
Покровский соборPokrovsky Cathedral
поместный Неокесарийский соборCouncil of Neocaesarea (315, a coucnil that took place in early 4th century)
поместный соборregional council
поместный соборlocal council
потолок над кафедрой в готическом собореabat-voix
Пятый Вселенский соборFifth Ecumenical Council (553, the council of the Christian church, meeting under the presidency of Eutychius, patriarch of Constantinople)
регент певчих в собореarch-chanter
рождественский соборNativity Cathedral (nyasnaya)
Рождественский соборCathedral of the Nativity (Morning93)
рождественский соборChurch of the Nativity (nyasnaya)
рождественский соборNativity Church (nyasnaya)
Сардикийский соборSynod of Sardica (Moiseeva)
Сардикийский собор христианской церквиCouncil of Sardica (342/343, an ecclesiastical council of the Christian Church)
сборник постановлений Московского церковного собора 1551 годаStoglav
Священная конгрегация Тридентского собораSacra Congregatio Concilii ("Sacred Congregation of the Council", S.C.C.)
Сергиево-Казанский соборthe Sergiev Kazan Cathedral (soa.iya)
"Собор архангелов"Choir of the Holy Archangels As a theme in Christian art, depiction of the seven archangels, occasionaly accompanied by a group of angels
Собор Архистратига Михаила и прочих Небесных Сил бесплотныхFeast of St. Michael and All Angels
Собор в ОранжеCouncil of Orange
собор Василия БлаженногоSaint Basil the Blessed (Church constructed on Red Square in Moscow between 1554 and 1560 by Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible)
Собор Казанской иконы Божьей МатериCathedral of Our Lady of Kazan (KaKaO)
собор кардиналовthe sacred college
собор Парижской БогоматериNotre-Dame de Paris
собор Парижской БогоматериNotre-Dame Cathedral
Собор Преображения ГосподняCathedral of the Transfiguration (gnev)
собор Пресвятой Богоматери Царицы Святого РозарияOur Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral (wikipedia.org soa.iya)
собор Рождества Богородицыthe Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (soa.iya)
собор Санта Мария Новелла во ФлоренцииSanta Maria Novella (Italian Gothic-style church of the Dominicans in Florence)
собор Санта-Мария деи ФрариSanta Maria dei Frari (Franciscan church in Venice, originally built in the mid-13th century but rebuilt in Gothic style in the 15th century)
собор св. МаркаSan Marco Basilica
собор св. МаркаSaint Mark's Basilica
Собор св. ПавлаSt. Paul's Cathedral (Александр Рыжов)
собор св. СтефанаSaint Stephen's Cathedral (Cathedral in Vienna established in 1147)
Собор Святого ПавлаSt. Paul's Cathedral (Александр Рыжов)
собор Святой Богородицыcathedral of the holy virgin mary
Собор святыхSynaxis of All Saints (askandy)
Собор Успения Божией МатериHoly Assumption Cathedral Church (Tatyana Sukhova)
соборы Генриха VIIICathedrals of the Old Foundation
соборы первых вековchurch councils of old
Собрание СоборовCollectio Conciliorum ("collection of the councils", Coll.Cone.)
средние школы при собореchoir schools
Старинные английские соборыCathedrals of the Old Foundation (The ancient cathedrals that existed in England before Henry VIII founded and endowed new cathedrals)
Стоглавый церковный соборStoglav (A great council of Russian bishops held in 1551)
Толедский собор католической церквиCouncil of Toledo (Any of the 18 councils of the Roman Catholic church in Spain, held in Toledo from about 400 to 702)
Тридентский соборCouncil of Trent (1545-63, 19th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic church, highly important for its sweeping decrees on self-reform and for its dogmatic definitions that clarified virtually every doctrine contested by the Protestants)
Троицкий соборTrinity cathedral
Трулльский соборQuinisext Council
Трулльский соборCouncil of Trullo
Трулльский соборCouncil in Trullo
Успенский соборDormition cathedral
успенский соборdormition fast
Успенский соборAssumption cathedral
Феррара-флорентийский соборCouncil of Ferrara-Florence (1438-45, ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic church in which the Latin and Greek churches tried to reach agreement on their doctrinal differences and end the schism between them)
Флорентийский соборCouncil of Florence (1438-39, a council which sought the reunion of all Eastern churches with Rome)
Халкедонский соборCouncil of Chalcedon (The fourth ecumenical council of the Christian Church, held in 451, the largest and best-documented of the early councils)
Халкидонский соборCouncil of Chalcedon
Хрустальный соборCrystal Cathedral (голливудская церковь в Калифорнии Olliver)
церковный соборcouncil (In the Christian Church, a meeting of bishops and other leaders to consider and rule on questions of doctrine, administration, discipline, and other matters))
Шестой Вселенский соборSixth Ecumenical Council (680, the council of the Christian church summoned by the emperor Constantine IV and meeting at Constantinople)
школа при собореcathedral school
школа собора Парижской БогоматериNotre-Dame school
Эльвирский соборCouncil of Elvira (The first known council of the Christian church in Spain, held early in the 4th century)
эфесский соборcouncil of Ephesus