
Terms for subject Religion containing отречение | all forms | exact matches only
Библия отреченияDenial Bible (Printed at Oxford in 1792, in Lk:22:34 "Philip" is substituted for "Peter", as the apostle who should deny Jesus)
Великое отречениеGreat Renunciation Siddhattha's decision to give up the princely life and become a wandering ascetic
отречение апостола ПетраPeter's denial
отречение как этап мистического путиzuhd
отречение от мираwithdrawing from the world
отречение апостола ПетраPeter's denial
отречение ПетраPeter's denial of Christ
покаянное отречениеrepentant disavowal (Alex_Odeychuk)
публичное отречение от убежденийrecantation (и т.п.)