
Terms for subject Religion containing кодекс | all forms | exact matches only
Александрийский кодексCodex Alexandrinus (An early-5th-century manuscript containing most of the New Testament but with gaps in Matthew, John, and II Corinthians, plus the inclusion of the extracanonical I and II Clement)
Ватиканский кодексCodex Vaticanus (A biblical manuscript of the mid-4th century in the Vatican Library since before 1475)
Вашингтонский кодексCodex Washingtonianus
Вашингтонский кодексCodex Freerianus
Грольерский кодексGrolier Codex (One of several richly illustrated glyphic texts of the pre-Conquest Mayan period known to have survived the book burnings by the Spanish clergy during the 16th century)
Дрезденский кодексDresden Codex (One of several richly illustrated glyphic texts of the pre-Conquest Mayan period known to have survived the book burnings by the Spanish clergy during the 16th century)
исламский кодекс правил в одеждеIslamic dress code (Alex_Odeychuk)
Кембриджский кодексCodex Bezae Cantabrigiensis
Клермонский кодексCodex Claromontanus (One that contains the Pauline Letters including Hebrews; not remarkably dissimilar from other known texts)
Кодекс АргентусCodex Argenteus
Кодекс БезыCodex Bezae Cantabrigiensis (A 5th-century Greco-Roman bilingual text, with Greek and Latin pages facing each other)
Кодекс ГиссенсисCodex Gissensis (The New Testament translation essentially based on a Byzantine text, exceedingly literal and not homogeneous)
кодекс законов Иосифа КароShulhan 'arukh
кодекс законов шариатаcode of Sharia (Alex_Odeychuk)
Кодекс канонического праваCodex Juris Canonici (English Code of Canon Law, official compilation of ecclesiastical law promulgated in 1917 and again, in revised form, in 1983, for Roman Catholics of the Latin rite)
"Кодекс лаудианус"Codex Laudianus (A bilingual Grecolatin text of Acts presented in 1636 by Archbishop Laud, an Anglican churchman, to the Bodleian Library at Oxford)
Кодекс ПересаParis Codex
Кодекс ПересаCodex Peresianus
Кодекс ТепленсисCodex Teplensis (c. 1400, a complete New Testament from Bohemia)
"Коридетианский кодекс"Codex Koridethianus (A 9th-century manuscript taking its name from the place of the scribe's monastery, Koridethi, in the Caucasus Mountains, near the Caspian Sea)
Ленинградский кодексCodex Leningradensis (самая древняя полная масоретская рукопись Танаха (еврейской Библии) Beforeyouaccuseme)
Мадридский кодексMadrid Codex
Мадридский кодексCodex Trocortesianus
палимпсест "Кодекс Ефрема Сирина"Codex Ephraemi Syri rescriptus (A palimpsest. Originally written as a biblical manuscript in the 5th century, it was erased in the 12th century, and the treatises or sermons of Ephraem Syrus, a 4th-century Syrian Church Father, were written over the scraped text)
Парижский кодексParis Codex
Парижский кодексCodex Peresianus
Серебряный кодексCodex Argenteus (The only extant illuminated manuscript of Bishop Ulfilas' 4th-century translation of the Gospels into the Gothic language)
Синайский кодексCodex Sinaiticus (One discovered in 1859 at the Monastery of St. Catherine at the foot of Mt. Sinai after a partial discovery of 43 leaves of a 4th-century biblical codex there in 1844)