
Terms for subject Religion containing а | all forms | exact matches only
а жития его было ... летaetatis suae
а именноVidelicet ("namely", сокр. Vid.)
а именноscilicet (Latin for "surely, to wit", that is to say)
'А'ишаA'ishah (The third and most favoured wife of Muhammad the Prophet)
'А'ишаA'isha (The third and most favoured wife of Muhammad the Prophet)
а-йога-кайвальяa-yoga-kaivalya (In Jainism, the fourteenth stage of spiritual development)
а-кинAh Kin (The regular clergy of the Yucatec Maya in pre-Columbian times)
а-кин майAh Kin Mai
а конкретноvidelicet
а-локакашаa-lokakasha (In a meaning peculiar to Jainism, the nonworld space)
а-локакашаa-lokakasha (In a meaning peculiar to Jainism, the nonworld space)
а не святогоcivil righteousness
а такжеplus ("more", P.)
ал-гаус ал-а'замghawth (In the invisible hierarchy of Sufi saints, "help"; title claimed by many Sufi leaders)
ахл ас-сунна ва-л-джама'аAhl as-Sunnah al-Jama'ah ("People of Sunna and consolidated majority", the Sunnites labelled themselves so)
аш-ши'а Алиshi'at 'Ali In Islamic history, a political faction that supported the power of Ali, a son-in-law of Muhammad and the fourth of the Muslim community
берегитесь лжепророков, которые приходят к вам в овечьей одежде, а внутри суть волки хищныеbeware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves (Mt:7:15)
важны дела, а не словаre, non verbis (Latin for "things, not words")
жатвы много, а делателей малоthe harvest is plentiful but the workers are few (Matt 9:35-38 Alex Lilo)
кесарю кесарево, а Богу Боговоgive to Caesar what is Caesar's, and give to God what is God's (Библия Юрий Гомон)
кесарю кесарево, а Богу Боговоgive to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's (Библия Юрий Гомон)
кесарю кесарево, а Богу Боговоrender unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's (Библия Юрий Гомон)
крещение, совершённое не священником, а миряниномlay baptism
от а до яfrom A to izzard
салат ад-джум'аsalat al-jum'ah
так вы работаете, а плата достаётся другимsic vos non vobis