
Terms for subject Religion containing orthodoxy | all forms | exact matches only
Eastern OrthodoxyПравославие
Feast of Orthodoxyпервая неделя Великого поста
Feast of OrthodoxyТоржество Православия (Feast celebrated on the first Sunday of Lent by the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholics of the Byzantine Rite to commemorate the return of icons to the churches)
Neo-Orthodoxyнеоортодоксальное иудейство (A theological system that helped make Orthodox Judaism viable in Germany)
Orthodoxy Sundayпервая неделя Великого поста
Orthodoxy SundayТоржество Православия
Protestant Orthodoxyпротестантская схоластика (Phase of orthodoxy that both Lutheran and Reformed theology went through after the 16th-century Reformation)
Sunday of the OrthodoxyТоржество Православия (In the Russian Orthodox Church, 1st Sunday of the Lent)
Sunni orthodoxyтрадиционный ислам суннитского толка (Alex_Odeychuk)
the Triumph of OrthodoxyТоржество православия (молебен)
triumph of orthodoxyторжество Православия