
Terms for subject Religion containing mass | all forms | exact matches only
Black Massчёрная месса (A sacrilegious mass in which the Devil is invoked in place of God and various obscene rites performed)
Canon of the Massканон мессы (The fixed form of consecratory prayer used in the Greek and Roman Catholic Churches - from the Sanctus to the Paternoster)
conventual massежедневная месса
dry massсухая месса
go to massходить к обедне
going to massходящий к обедне
high massглавная месса
high massканоническая месса
high massторжественная месса
high massвеликая месса
hold a massпроводить мессу (Supernova)
low massмесса без пения
Low Massмалая месса (A mass that is recited without singing by the celebrant, without a deacon, subdeacon, or choir assisting the celebrant, and without the use of incense)
mass-bookкатолический требник
mass evangelismпроповедь Евангелия массам
mass evangelismширокая проповедь Евангелия
mass evangelismблаговестие
mass for the deadзаупокойная месса
mass of the Catechumensмесса оглашённых
Mass of the Faithfulлитургия верных (Catholic: wikipedia.org)
mass of the presanctifiedлитургия преждеосвящённых даров (Catholic: often cap.; abbr. "M&P" a special eucharistic service celebrated in the Latin rite on Good Friday only in which elements consecrated at a previous service are used)
Mass of the Resurrectionзаупокойная литургия (The mass for the repose of the souls of the servants of God departed this life)
midnight massвсенощная (Notburga)
nuptical mass One which follows the marriage serviceвенчальная месса
office of the Massобедня
office of the massкатолическая обедня
office of the massлитургия
office of the Massчин обедни
office of the Massмесса
ordinary of the massкалендарная часть мессы (That part of the mass which varies in accordance with the church calendar; it consists of the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus and Benedictus, Agnus Dei, and in some medieval masses also the "Ite, missa est")
pontifical high massархиерейская торжественная месса (One celebrated by a bishop or higher prelate with very full ritual)
requiem massреквием
requiem massзаупокойная месса (One offered for the dead)
say massслужить обедню
say massмолебствовать
say Mass for soulслужить обедню за упокой чьей-либо души
saying massслужащий обедню
solemn massторжественная месса
sung massсокращённая торжественная месса
votive massзаказанная месса (A mass celebrated for a special intention, as for a wedding or funeral, in place of the mass of the day)