
Terms for subject Religion containing dance | all forms
Ghost Dance A group dance of a late 19th century American Indian messianic cult believed to promote the return of the dead and the restoration of traditional ways of lifeритуальный "Танец призраков"
Ghost DanceПляска Духов (moevot)
Ghost DanceПляска Духа (wikipedia.org moevot)
Prophet DanceТанец пророка (North American Plateau Indian ritual of the early 19th century during which the participants danced in order to hasten the return of the dead and the renewal of the world, particularly the world as it was before European contact)
rain danceтанец дождя (Ceremonial dance performed in many cultures, from the ancient Egyptian to 20th-century Balkan, to invoke rain, ensuring an abundant harvest)
sun-danceтанец солнцепоклонников (The ritual dance of sun-worshippers)