
Terms for subject Religion containing Egyptian | all forms | exact matches only
Egyptian bondageрабство Египетское (Slavery of the people of Israel in Egypt in the 13th century ВС)
Egyptian calendarкалендарь древних египтян
Egyptian calendarдревнеегипетский календарь (Dating system established several thousand years before the Christian era, the first calendar known to use a year of 365 days, approximately equal to the solar year, or year of the seasons)
Egyptian Church Orderчин египетский
Egyptian HallelГаллель
Egyptian hieroglyphicsпиктографическое письмо
Egyptian hieroglyphicsегипетские письмена (The picture script of the ancient Egyptian priesthood)
Egyptian religionрелигия Древнего Египта (Religion of ancient Egypt from the Late Neolithic period to the first centuries AD, including both folk traditions and the court religion)