
Terms for subject Notarial practice containing службы | all forms | exact matches only
брать на службуhire
взять на службуhire
действительная службаactive military service
должность на государственной службеpublic office
зависимый по службеdependent by virtue of employment
консульская службаconsular service (consular service, organized body of public officers maintained by a government in the important ports and trade centers of foreign countries to protect the persons and interests of its nationals and to aid them in every possible way. Consuls are officially recognized by a foreign state through the issuance of an authorization known as an exequatur, which may be revoked by the admitting state at any time. The many duties of U.S. consuls in foreign states include promoting and protecting American commercial interests; issuing passports and verifying citizenship; certifying the sanitary conditions of the cargo, crew, and passengers of vessels leaving for U.S. ports; and mediating with local officials in cases of legal matters involving American citizens. The consular service was once strictly distinguished from the diplomatic service, but because of the interrelated duties of the two branches, the Rogers Act of 1924 consolidated both into the Foreign Service of the Department of State. The Department of Commerce and the Department of the Treasury may place commercial attaches at a consulate office to aid in gathering statistics and promoting trade. The persons of consuls enjoy immunity and extraterritoriality in all matters pertaining to their official functions, and the premises of consulates are likewise privileged. Such privileges are granted either by courtesy or through special consular treaties. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia® Copyright © 2007, Columbia University Press – АД)
лица, отказывающиеся нести военную службу по религиозным или иным убеждениямconscientious objectors
Об утверждении Положения о Государственной санитарно-эпидемиологической службе Российской Федерации и Положения о государственном санитарно-эпидемиологическом нормированииon approval of the Provision on state sanitary-and-epidemiological service of the Russian Federation and of the Provision on state sanitary-and-epidemiological standardization (Reddish Prickle)
обязанности по службеofficial duties
отказ от несения военной службы по религиозным или иным убеждениямconscientious objection
подневольная службаservitude
правительственная службаcivil service
правительственная службаpublic service
призыв на военную службуcall to military service
призыв на военную службуcall to military service
призыв на военную службуcall to military duty
регистрационная службаRegistration Service (Johnny Bravo)
служба регистрации актов гражданского состоянияCivil Registrar's office (Johnny Bravo)
служба регистрации актов гражданского состоянияcivil registration service (Johnny Bravo)
служба регистрации актов гражданского состоянияRegistration Service (North Yorkshire County Council Registration Service – Служба регистрации актов гражданского состояния Совета графства Северного Йоркшира, Великобритания Johnny Bravo)
служба регистрации актов гражданского состоянияservice of civil status registries (Johnny Bravo)
служба регистрации актов гражданского состоянияDepartment of Political and Constitutional Affairs (Johnny Bravo)
служба регистрации актов гражданского состоянияCivil Registry Service (Johnny Bravo)
служба регистрации актов гражданского состоянияCivil Registry and Identification Service (Johnny Bravo)
срочная службаmilitary service for a regular term
сыскная службаinvestigatory agencies
уклонение от военной службыdraft evasion
халатное отношение к службеhabitual negligence in office