
Terms for subject Notarial practice containing member | all forms | exact matches only
a member of parliamentпарламентарий
admission of a strange as a member of the peasant householdпримачество
associate memberчлен соревнователь (in prerevolutionary Russia)
corresponding members of the academyчлены-корреспонденты академии
joint and several liability of members of a community for each otherкруговая порука
loss of a member of the bodyпотеря органа тела
majority of the members present and votingбольшинство присутствующих и участвующих в голосовании членов (UN charter)
member of the House of Commonsчлен Палаты общин
members of a conspiracyучастники преступного сообщества
members of a kolkhozколхозники
members of religious ordersчёрное духовенство
members of the conspiracyчлены преступного сообщества
members of the international communityчлены международного общения
members of the international communityучастники международного общения
members of the juryприсяжные заседатели
members of the supreme privy councilверховники
nonpermanent member of the security councilнепостоянный член совета безопасности (UK charter)
original members of the united nationsпервоначальные члены организации объединённых нации (UN charter)