
Terms for subject Pompous containing I | all forms | exact matches only
I aim toя стремлюсь (+ infinitive; As a contemporary artist, I aim to create works that have an emotional impact on both the viewer and myself.)
I make bold to sayосмелюсь сказать (I do not assert that this love is meritorious without grace – I leave the theologians to unravel that- but I make bold to say that with regard to the present life it is the most delightful and useful passion possible ... René Descartes • ... and does not now understand it , I make bold to say that nobody else on either side has analysed it so carefully or explained it so meticulously as the President did in his message to Congress or to the House of Representatives. Legislative History of the Labor Management Relations Act, 1947 google.com)
I've luckilyмне посчастливилось (e.g. I've luckily found some clues. I've luckily seen him there. Soulbringer)
I venture to sayс позволения (4uzhoj)
I venture to sayосмелюсь сказать (4uzhoj)
I would like to extend cordial congratulations on the occasion ofпримите самые сердечные поздравления (Soulbringer)
whenever I pleaseкогда пожелаю (4uzhoj)