
Terms for subject Uncommon / rare containing за | all forms | exact matches only
быть принятым заgo for
в погоне заin the search to (только в контексте: The Galaxy S8 isn't perfect – in the search to squeeze the screen in so completely, other factors were overlooked 4uzhoj)
в порядке вознаграждения заin consideration of (I. Havkin)
за все эти годыafter all these years (в знач. "(даже) по прошествии стольких лет"): Haven't you learned after all these years not to go off by yourself with your troubles, when you've got friends who want to help? • And you know what I've learned after all these years in our industry? 4uzhoj)
за исключениемomitting
за неимениемfor short of (With the conventional sources of capital, numerous Non-Banking Financial Companies are elevating capital through securitization of assets for short of other swift and feasible fund-raising options. corpseed.com 4uzhoj)
за-одинtogether (Супру)
за-одинconjointly (быть за-один, стоять за-один; Солженицын, РСЯР Супру)
за разa pop (=for each attempt: She swims three to four times a week and around 3,900 to 4,000 meters a pop. • Last season he rushed for an average of five yards a pop SirReal)
за сколькоfor how much (SATAN: Is it permitted to me to ask for how much he betrayed you? CHRIST: For thirty pieces of silver. 4uzhoj)
забываться за каким-либо занятиемwhile
забываться за каким-либо занятиемwhile
платить за квартиру авансомpay rent beforehand
поймать за хвостput one's finger on (мысль и т.п.; обычно в отриц. предложениях: It's at the tip of my tongue but I can't put my finger on it. 4uzhoj)
простреливать местность за укрытиемsearch ground behind cover (ABelonogov)
следовать за кем-либо по пятамfollow on the kibes of
следовать за кем-либо по пятамtread on the kibes of
сойти заgo for
сойти заgo for (за что-либо)
тост за чьё-либо здоровьеslainthe (гэльский slanj.co.uk simon)
увлекать за собойentrain
to pay a debt in twice – уплатить долг за два разаin twice