
Terms for subject European Bank for Reconstruction and Development containing государственное предприятие | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
государственное или муниципальное коммунальное предприятиеpublic utility (oVoD)
государственное коммерческое предприятиеstate-owned enterprise operating competitively
государственное предприятиеstate-owned enterprise (SOE; ГП)
государственное предприятиеpublic enterprise (ГП a business organization wholly or partly owned by the state and controlled through a public authority. Some public enterprises are placed under public ownership because, for social reasons, it is thought the service or product should be provided by a state monopoly. Utilities (gas, electricity, etc.), broadcasting, telecommunications, and certain forms of transport are examples of this kind of public enterprise. Although the provision of these services by public enterprises is a common practice in Europe and elsewhere, in the United States private companies are generally allowed to provide such services subject to strict legal regulations. In some countries industries such as railways, coal mining, steel, banking, and insurance have been nationalized for ideological reasons, while another group, such as armaments and aircraft manufacture, have been brought into the public sector for strategic reasons. In communist countries most forms of production, commerce, and finance belong to the state; in many newly independent and less-developed countries, there is a very large public-enterprise sector. Britannica Alexander Demidov)
государственное предприятиеpublic enterprise (ГП)
государственное предприятиеstate enterprise (ГП)
государственное предприятие, действующее в условиях конкуренцииstate-owned enterprise operating competitively
государственное предприятие, действующее на коммерческих началахstate-owned enterprise operating competitively (вк)
государственное унитарное предприятиеstate unitary enterprise (In Russia and some other post-Soviet states, unitary enterprises are commercial organizations that have no ownership rights to the assets they use in their operations. This form is possible only for state and municipal enterprises, operating with state or municipal property, respectively. The owners of the property of a unitary enterprise have no responsibility for its operation and vice versa. – ГУП wikipedia.org Alexander Demidov)
государственное унитарное предприятиеstate unitary enterprise (In Russia and some other post-Soviet states, unitary enterprises are commercial organizations that have no ownership rights to the assets they use in their operations. This form is possible only for state and municipal enterprises, operating with state or municipal property, respectively. The owners of the property of a unitary enterprise have no responsibility for its operation and vice versa. – АД, ГУП wikipedia.org)
капитал, предоставленный государством в распоряжение государственного предприятияendowment capital (oVoD)
коммерческое государственное предприятиеstate-owned enterprise operating competitively
предприятие, находящееся в государственной собственностиpublic enterprise (oVoD)