
Terms for subject Football containing touch | all forms | exact matches only
boot into touchвыбивать мяч за боковую линию
dodgy first touchнеуверенный приём мяча (британский сленг Andrei_Guk)
first touchобработка мяча (Featus)
go into touchуйти за пределы площадки (The touchline is the side border to the field of play. If the ball crosses it, it goes into ‘touch' and play halts until it is returned to the playing area – in football (soccer) by a throw in and in rugby by a line out throw. VLZ_58)
one-touch passпас в одно касание (felog)
one-touch playигра в одно касание (VLZ_58)
one-touch shotудар в одно касание (VLZ_58)
one-touch shotудар сходу (VLZ_58)
one touch shotудар по мячу в одно касание (Alex Lilo)
touch-lineбоковая (линия Artjaazz)
touch lineбоковая линия (denghu)