
Terms for subject Environment containing that | all forms | exact matches only
Committee for implementation of the regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layerComité voor de tenuitvoerlegging van de verordening betreffende de ozonlaag afbrekende stoffen
Management Committee on the control of the production and use of substances that deplete the ozone layerComité inzake de beperking van stoffen die de ozonlaag afbreken
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone LayerProtocol van Montreal betreffende stoffen die de ozonlaag afbreken
payment that can be deducted from taxesaftrekpost
product that causes less harm to the environmentminder milieuschadelijk produkt
substance that depletes the ozone layerde ozonlaag afbrekende stof
substance that depletes the ozone layerozonaantastende stof
substance that depletes the ozone layerozonafbrekende stof
substance that depletes the ozone layerstof die de ozonlaag afbreekt
the principle that environmental damage should as a priority be rectified at sourcehet beginsel dat milieuaantastingen bij voorrang aan de bron dienen te worden bestreden
trading rights that were improperly generatedverhandeling van oneigenlijk verkregen rechten
worked specimens that were acquired more than 50 years previouslymeer dan 50 jaar geleden verkregen bewerkte specimens