
Terms for subject Environment containing of | all forms | exact matches only
accumulation of materialoplagring af materiale
addition of mercury bichloride employed as a carriertilsætning af kviksølvIIchlorid, der tjener som medriver
Agreement concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollutionoverenskomst om Den Internationale Kommission for Beskyttelse af Rhinen mod Forurening
Agreement for Cooperation in Dealing with Pollution of the North Sea by Oil and Other Harmful Substancesoverenskomst om samarbejde ved bekæmpelse af forurening af Nordsøen med olie og andre farlige stoffer
Agreement on a Testing Ground for Application of the Kyoto Mechanisms on Energy Projects in the Baltic Sea Regionaftale om Østersøregionen som forsøgsområde for anvendelse af Kyotoprotokollens fleksible mekanismer
Agreement on Cooperation in Research, Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals in the North Atlanticsamarbejdsaftale om forskning, beskyttelse og forvaltning af marine pattedyr i Nordatlanten
Agreement on Cooperation in Research, Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals in the North Atlanticsamarbejdsaftale om forskning, beskyttelse og forvaltning af havpattedyr i Nordatlanten
agreement on cooperation on management of water resources in the Danube basinkonvention om det vandøkonomisk samarbejde i Donau-bassinet
Agreement on the Conservation of Seals in the Wadden Seaaftale om beskyttelse af sæler i Vadehavet
agricultural value of sludgeslandbrugsværdi af slam
annual limits of intakeårlig grænse for indtag
annual release of activityårligt aktivitetsudslip
antagonistic effect of toxic substancesgiftige stoffers antagonistiske virkning
area of high urban atmospheric pollutionstærkt luftforurenet byområde
area of joint interestfælles interessezone
area of outstanding natural beautyområde af særlig landskabelig værdi
area of outstanding natural beautyfredet område
area of potential pollutionområde med forureningsrisiko
area of potential pollution Area which is supposedly causing dangers to human health and environmentområde med forureningsrisiko
area of special planning controlfredet område
areas of the environmentmiljømedier
assessment of the environmental effectsvurdering af miljøvirkninger
assessment of the environmental effectsvurdering af virkningerne på miljøet
assessment of the environmental effectsmiljøkonsekvensvurdering
assessment of the environmental impact of Community measuresvurdering af fællesskabsforanstaltningernes indvirkning på miljøet
assessment of the impact on the environmentmiljøkonsekvensvurdering
assessment of the impact on the environmentvurdering af miljøvirkninger
assessment of the impact on the environmentvurdering af virkningerne på miljøet
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changevurderingsrapport fra Det Mellemstatslige Panel om Klimaændringer
atmospheric transport of pesticidesatmosfærisk transport af pesticider
awareness of the environmentmiljoebevidsthed
baking and extrusion of wastebagnings- og ekstruderingsanlæg
balance of materialsmaterialebalance
balancing of interestinteresseafvejning
balancing of interests Considering, weighing or counterbalancing the competing political or financial concerns of different parts of society, including industries, consumers, trade unions and other groups or organizationsinteresseafvejning
balancing of interestsinteresseafvejning
benthic vegetation of chara formationbenthisk bevoksning i form af Characeae
biodegradation of liquid discardsbionedbrydning af flydende affald
biodegradation of pollutantsforurenende stofs bionedbrydelighed
biodegradation of pollutantsforurenende stofs biologiske nedbrydelighed
biological effect of biocides in surface and ground watersbiologisk virkning af biocider i overflade- og grundvand
biological effect of biocides in surface and ground watersbiocids biologiske virkning på overflade- og grundvand
biophotolysis of waterfotolyse af vand
bird of prey Any of various carnivorous bird of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes which feed on meat taken by huntingrovfugle
bird of preyrovfugle
birds of paradiseparadisfugle (Paradisaeidae)
breeding period/period of breedingyngleperiode
buffer ability of the soiljordens bufferkapacitet
building-up of a poolhydrogenansamling
carrying capacity of the environmentmiljøets bæreevne
Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of DisastersCenter for forskning i epidemiske sygdommes udbredelse i forbindelse med katastrofer
centre of diversityafgrødes diversitetscentrum
centrifugal dewatering of sludgeslamcentrifugering
certificate of disposalbevis for bortskaffelse
certificate of recoverybevis for nyttiggørelse
chemistry of the stratospherestratosfærekemi
classification, packaging and labelling of dangerous substancesklassificering, emballering og mærkning af farlige stoffer
cloud of escaped gasessky af frigjorte gasser
coalition of the willingkoalition af villige
coalition of the willingkoalition af de villige
coalition of the willingde villiges koalition
Code of conduct on accidental pollution of transboundary inland watersadfærdskodeks for utilsigtet forurening af grænseoverskridende indre vandområder
code of practice A systematic collection of procedures outlining the established method of application of all relevant laws, rules or regulations to a specific endeavoradfærdskodeks
cogeneration of heat and electricitysammenkobling af elektricitet og varme
cogeneration of heat and electricityvarmekraftproduktion
cogeneration of heat and electricitykraftvarmeproduktion
Common Secretariat for the Cooperation on the Protection of the Wadden SeaDet Fælles Vadehavssekretariat
Compliance Committee of the Kyoto ProtocolCompliancekomitéen
consignee of radioactive wastemodtageren af radioaktivt affald
Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sourceskonvention om forhindring af landbaseret havforurening
Convention for the Protection and Development of the Marine Environment of the Wider Caribbean Regionkonventionen om beskyttelse og udvikling af havmiljøet i det vestindiske område
Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Regionkonventionen om beskyttelse, forvaltning og udnyttelse af havmiljøet og kystområderne i regionen Østafrika
Convention for the protection of the Baltic Seakonvention om havmiljøet i Østersøområdet
Convention for the protection of the Baltic Seakonvention om beskyttelse af havmiljøet i Østersøområdet
Convention for the protection of the DanubeKonventionen om beskyttelse af Donau
Convention for the protection of the Danubekonventionen om samarbejde om beskyttelse og bæredygtig udnyttelse af Donau
Convention for the protection of the DanubeKonvention om samarbejde om beskyttelse og bæredygtig udnyttelse af Danau
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterraneankonventionen om beskyttelse af Middelhavets havmiljø og kystområder
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East AtlanticKonvention om beskyttelse af havmiljøet i Det Nordostlige Atlanterhav
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantickonventionen om beskyttelse af havmiljøet i det nordøstlige Atlanterhav
Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantickonvention om beskyttelse af havmiljøet i det nordøstlige Atlanterhav
Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollutionBarcelona-konventionen
Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollutionkonventionen om beskyttelse af Middelhavets havmiljø og kystområder
Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollutionkonvention om beskyttelse af Middelhavet mod forurening
Convention for the Protection of the Ozone LayerWienerkonventionen om beskyttelse af ozonlaget
Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layerkonventionen om beskyttelse af ozonlaget
Convention for the Protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollutionkonvention om beskyttelse af Rhinen mod kemisk forurening
Convention for the protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollutionkonvention om beskyttelse af Rhinen mod kemisk forurening
Convention for the protection of the Rhine against thermal pollutionkonvention om beskyttelse af Rhinen mod termisk forurening
Convention of the Transboundary Impacts of Industrial Accidentskonvention om grænseoverskridende virkninger af industriulykker
Convention on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of the river Danubekonventionen om samarbejde om beskyttelse og bæredygtig udnyttelse af Donau
Convention on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of the river DanubeKonvention om samarbejde om beskyttelse og bæredygtig udnyttelse af Danau
Convention on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of the river DanubeKonventionen om beskyttelse af Donau
Convention on Fishing and Conservation of Life Resources in the Black Seakonvention om fiskeri og bevarelse af de levende ressourcer i Sortehavet
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Florakonvention om international handel med udryddelsestruede vilde dyr og planter
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resourceskonvention om bevarelse af de marine levende ressourcer i Antarktis
Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resourceskonventionen om bevarelse af de marine levende ressourcer i Antarktis
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitatskonventionen om beskyttelse af Europas vilde dyr og planter samt naturlige levesteder
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild AnimalsBonn-konventionen
Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animalskonvention om bevarelse af vandrende arter af vilde dyr
Convention on the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbekonvention om Den Internationale Kommission for Beskyttelse af Elben
Convention on the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder against PollutionKonventionen om Den Internationale Kommission for Beskyttelse af Oder mod Forurening
Convention on the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areakonvention om beskyttelse af havmiljøet i Østersøområdet
Convention on the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areakonvention om havmiljøet i Østersøområdet
Convention on the Prevention of Industrial Disasterskonvention om forebyggelse af industrikatastrofer
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matterkonventionen om forhindring af havforurening ved dumpning af affald
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matterkonventionen om forebyggelse af havforurening ved dumpning af affald og andre stoffer
Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniqueskonvention om forbud mod militær eller enhver anden fjendtlig anvendelse af miljøpåvirkningsteknik
Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakeskonvention om beskyttelse og udnyttelse af grænseoverskridende vandløb og internationale søer
Convention on the protection of the AlpsAlpe-konventionen
Convention on the Protection of the AlpsAlpekonventionen
Convention on the protection of the Alpskonventionen om beskyttelse af Alperne
Convention on the Protection of the Alpskonvention om beskyttelse af Alperne
Convention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Lawkonvention om strafferetlig beskyttelse af miljøet
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992konvention om beskyttelse af havmiljøet i Østersøområdet 1992
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areakonvention om beskyttelse af havmiljøet i Østersøområdet
Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Areakonvention om havmiljøet i Østersøområdet
Convention on the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against PollutionBarcelona-konventionen
Convention on the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollutionkonvention om beskyttelse af Middelhavet mod forurening
Convention on the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution by Chlorideskonvention om beskyttelse af Rhinen mod forurening med chlorider
Convention on the salt pollution of the Rhinekonvention om beskyttelse af Rhinen mod saltforurening
Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidentskonvention om grænseoverskridende virkninger af industrielle uheld
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitatkonventionen om vådområder af international betydning navnlig om levesteder for vandfugle
Convention on Wetlands of international importance especially as Waterfowl Habitatkonventionen om vådområder af international betydning navnlig som levesteder for vandfugle
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitatkonvention om vådområder af international betydning navnlig som levesteder for vandfugle
Convention on Wetlands of international importance especially as Waterfowl HabitatRamsarkonventionen
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl HabitatRamsar-konventionen
conversion of energyenergiomdannelse
conversion of energyenergikonvertering
conversion of waste productsomdannelse af affald
Cooperation Agreement for the protection of the coasts and waters of the north-east Atlantic against pollutionsamarbejdsaftale om beskyttelse af kysterne ved og farvandene i det nordøstlige Atlanterhav mod forurening
Cooperation Agreement for the protection of the coasts and waters of the north-east Atlantic against pollutionoverenskomst om samarbejde om beskyttelse af Det Nordøstlige Atlanterhavs kyster og vande mod forurening
Coordinating Unit of the Mediterranean Action Plankoordineringsenhed under Middelhavshandlingsprogrammet
Coordination of Information on the Environmentarbejdsprogram for Kommissionen vedrørende et forsøgsprojekt for indsamling, koordinering og afstemning af oplysninger om miljø og naturressourcer i Fællesskabet
Coordination of Information on the Environmentfællesskabsprogram til koordinering af oplysninger om miljøet i Europa
data on the state of the environmentdata om miljøsituationen
data on the state of the environment No definition neededdata om miljøsituationen
Declaration of Forest Principlesikke juridisk bindende autoritativ erklæring om principper for en global enighed om forvaltning, bevarelse og bæredygtig udvikling af alle slags skove
Declaration of Principles Regarding a Multilateral Nuclear Environmental Programme in the Russian Federationprinciperklæring om det multilaterale atom- og miljøprogram i Den Russiske Føderation
decline in number of speciesnedgang i antal af arter
decline in number of speciesformindskelse af artsrigdom
decontamination of potential sources of drinking water potable waterdekontaminering af vand, som kan udnyttes til drikkevand
decontamination of waste gasesafgiftning af udstødningsgasser
decrease in the activity of the dehydrase of aminolevulinic acidnedgang i aktiviteten af aminolævulinsyres dehydrase
degraded raised bog still capable of natural regenerationnedbrudt højmose med mulighed for naturlig gendannelse
demercurization of waste waterfjernelse af kviksølv fra spildevand
Demonstration projects in the field of the environmentDemonstrationsprojekter på miljøområdet
deodourization of wastewatersfjernelse af spildevandets lugt
departmental plan for the elimination of domestic and related wastedepartementsplan for fjernelse af husholdsningsaffald og lignende affald
desalination of sea and brackish waterafsaltning af hav-og brakvand
device equipped with a fixed filter for the continuous sampling of airborne atmospheric dustapparat udstyret med et fast filter for kontinuert indsamling af luftbåret støv
direct dispersal of liquid wastes to the environmentdirekte udledning af flydende affald til omgivelserne
direct isolation of valuable materialsdirekte isolering af værdifulde materialer
dispersion of hydrocarbonsspredning af carbonhydriderne
dispersion of radioactive material to the environmentspredning af radioaktive stoffer i omgivelserne
disposal of the deadbegravelsesvæsen
disposal of warfare materials Disposal of the material remnants of war, which can seriously impede development and cause injuries and the loss of lives and property. The disposal of warfare waste is problematic because it can be highly dangerous, toxic, long-living and requires the utilization of specific and sophisticated technologies, particularly in the case of mines and unexploded bombs which have been left on the war territoriesbortskaffelse af krigsmateriel
disposal of warfare materialsbortskaffelse af krigsmateriel
disposition of plutoniumplutoniumdisponering
disposition of plutoniumbortskaffelse af plutonium
distortion of competition Article 85 of the EEC Treaty prohibits all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between member states and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market. All such arrangements are automatically null and void under Article 85, unless exempted by the Commission pursuant to Article 85. The text of Article 85 is as follows: "1. The following shall be prohibited as incompatible with the common market: all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices which may affect trade between member states and which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition within the common market, and in particular those which: (a) directly or indirectly fix purchase or selling prices or any other trading conditions; (b) limit or control production, markets, technical development, or investment; (c) share markets or sources of supply; (d) apply dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with other trading parties, thereby placing them at a competitive disadvantage; (e) make the conclusion of contracts subject to acceptance by the other parties of supplementary obligations which, by their nature or according to commercial usage, have no connection with the subject of such contractskonkurrencefordrejning
distribution of contaminantsfordeling af forurenende stoffer
disturbance of the environmentforstyrrelse i miljøet
disturbance of the environmentforringelse af miljøet
draining of marshesdræning af sumpareal
draining of marshestørlægning af sumpareal
draining of marshesafvanding af sumpareal
draining of swampstørlægning af sumpareal
dregs of oilolierester
dregs of oiloliegrums
drying-out of wetlandstørlægning af vådområde
duration of sunshineantal soltimer
duration of sunshinesolskins varighed
duration of sunshine Period of the day during which the sun is shiningantal soltimer
Dutch Society for the Preservation of the WaddenzeeVadehavsforeningen
dynamics of soil organic matter systemdynamikken i jordbundens organiske stof
ecotoxicity of chemical compoundskemisk forbindelses økotoksicitet
EEC-Singapore Regional Institute of Environmental TechnologyDet Regionale Institut EØF-Singapore for Miljøteknologi
effect of micropollutants on manvirkning af mikroforurening på mennesket
effect of micropollutants on manvirkning af mikroforurenende stof på mennesket
effect of noisestøjs indflydelse
efficiency of remediation techniquebehandlingseffektivitet
electrification of rural areaselektrificering af landområder
element of group Any of the monovalent metals lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, caesium, and francium, belonging to group 1A of the periodic table. They are all very reactive and electropositive; alkalinegrundstoffer i gruppe I
element of group Group III consists of two subgroups: group IIIb and group IIIa. Group IIIa consists of scandium, yttrium, and lanthanium, which is generally considered with the lanthanoids, and actinium, which is classified with the actinoids. Group IIIb, the main group, comprises boron, aluminium, gallium, indium, and thalliumgrundstoffer i gruppe III
element of group Any of the elements of the halogen family, consisting of fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatinegrundstoffer i gruppe VII
element of group 0 A group of monatomic gaseous elements forming group 18 (formerly group 0) of the periodic table: helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and radon (Rn)elementer i gruppe 0
element of group 0elementer i gruppe 0
element of group Group VI consists of two subgroups: group VIb, the main group, and group VIa. Group VIa consists of chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten. The main group consists of oxygen, sulphur, selenium, tellurium, and poloniumgrundstoffer i gruppe VI
element of group Group V consists of two subgroups: group Vb, the main group, and group Va. Group Va consists of vanadium, niobium, and tantalum, which are generally considered with the transition elements. The main group consists of nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, and bismuthgrundstoffer i gruppe V
element of group Group IV consists of two subgroups: group IVb, main group, and group IVa. Group IVa consists of titanium, zirconium, and hafnium which are generally classified as transition metals. The main group consists of carbonium, silicium, germanium, tin, and lead. The main valency of the elements is IV, and the members of the group show a variation from nonmetallic to metallic behaviour in moving down the group. The reactivity of the elements increases down the group from carbon to lead. All react with oxygen on heatinggrundstoffer i gruppe IV
element of group Any of the divalent electropositive metals beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium, belonging to group 2A of the periodic table; alkaline earth metalsgrundstoffer i gruppe II
element of group alkaline earth metalsgrundstoffer i gruppe II alkaliske jordmetaller
element of group alkalinegrundstoffer i gruppe I alkalimetaller
element of group IIIgrundstoffer i gruppe III
element of group IVgrundstoffer i gruppe IV
element of group Vgrundstoffer i gruppe V
element of group VIgrundstoffer i gruppe VI
element of group VIIgrundstoffer i gruppe VII
element of the environmentmiljøelement
elements of group alkaline earth metalsgrundstoffer i gruppe II alkaliske jordmetaller
elements of group alkalinegrundstoffer i gruppe I alkalimetaller
elements of group IIIgrundstoffer i gruppe III
elements of group IVgrundstoffer i gruppe IV
elements of group Vgrundstoffer i gruppe V
elements of group VIgrundstoffer i gruppe VI
elements of group VIIgrundstoffer i gruppe VII
emitter of SO2udleder af svovldioxid
emitter of SO2udleder af SO2
emitter of sulphur dioxideudleder af svovldioxid
emitter of sulphur dioxideudleder af SO2
environment committee of an advisory naturerådgivende miljøudvalg
European Association for the Conservation of EnergyDen Europæiske Sammenslutning for Energibesparelse
European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of ChemicalsDet Europæiske Center for Økotoksikologi og Kemiske Stoffers Toksikologi
European Community Programme of Policy and Action in relation to the Environment and Sustainable Development "Towards sustainability"Det Europæiske Fællesskabs program for politik og handling i forbindelse med miljøet og bæredygtig udvikling "Mod en bæredygtig udvikling"
European Community scheme for the evaluation and improvement of the environmental performance at industrial production sitesfællesskabsordning for evaluering og højnelse af miljøniveauet i industrielle produktionsanlæg
European Convention for the protection of international watercourses against pollutioneuropæiske konvention om beskytelsen af de internationale vandløb mod forurening
European convention on the quality of lifeeuropaeisk konvention om livsrammen
European Court of Justice The supreme court of The European Union which oversees the application of the EU treaties, decides upon the validity and the meaning of Community legislation and determines whether any act or omission by the European Commission, the Council of Minister or any member state constitutes a breach of Community lawEF-Domstolen
European Federation of Special Waste Industrieseuropæisk sammenslutning af behandlere af affald
European Monitoring and Evaluation of Pollutantsovervågning og vurdering af luftforurenende stoffers transport over store afstande i Europa
European monitoring system of forest healtheuropæisk overvågningssystem for skovenes sundhedstilstand
European Network of protection areasEuropæisk net af beskyttede områder
European office for the approval of new substanceseuropaeisk bureau til godkendelse af nye stoffer
European Region Technical Committee for the 10-year Review of the Appendices to the ConventionDen Videnskabelige Komité for Europa for 10-års Status over Arter på Konventionens Lister
European Year of the Environmentdet europæiske miljøår
European Year of the EnvironmentDet europæiske miljøår
examination and control of protective devicesafprøvning og kontrol af beskyttelsesanordninger
exchange of obligations"flag swap"
exchange of safeguards obligations"flag swap"
exhaustion of natural resourcesudtømning af de naturlige ressourcer
exhaustion of stocksoverbelastning af naturressourcer
federal institution of water-Forbundsrepublikkens hygiejniske institut
flow of pollutantstrøm af forurenende stoffer
foot of the continental slopekontinentalskråningens fod
foot of the continental slopekontinentalskræntsfod
foot of the continental slopefoden af kontinentalskråningen
form of governmentregeringsform
form of government Form of authority in which an individual or group of individuals wield power over the majorityregeringsform
fraction of wasteaffaldsfraktion
fragmentation of natural areasfragmentering af naturområder
Global Framework Convention on the Protection of the Ozone LayerWienerkonventionen om beskyttelse af ozonlaget
global pattern of fire activity in vegetationglobalt mønster for brande i plantesvæksten
Global Plan of Actionglobal handlingsplan for bevaring og bæredygtig udnyttelse af plantegenetiske ressourcer for fødevarer og jordbrug
Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agricultureglobal handlingsplan for bevaring og bæredygtig udnyttelse af plantegenetiske ressourcer for fødevarer og jordbrug
Greens "Peoples' Europe - Per un avvenne corsu - Future of Corsica"De Grønne "Folkenes Europa - For Korsikas Fremtid"
handling of radioactive wasteomgang med radioaktivt affald
harmonisation of law The process by which two or more states, sometimes under the auspices of an interstate or international organization, change their legislation relevant to some area of common concern to conform their statutes and to facilitate compliance and enforcement across bordersharmonisering af lovgivning
harmonisation of lawharmonisering af lovgivning
impoundment of wateropmagasinering af vand
incineration of domestic refuseforbrænding af husholdningsaffald
incineration of wasteforbrænding af affald
incineration of waste The controlled burning of solid, liquid, or gaseous combustible wastes to produce gases and solid residues containing little or no combustible material in order to reduce the bulk of the original waste materialsaffaldsforbrænding
incineration of wasteaffaldsforbrænding
indication of the dangersfarebetegnelse
indication of the dangersfareangivelse
indicator of environmental managementindikator for miljøstyring
indicator of environmental qualitymiljøindikator
indicator of environmental quality Qualitative or quantitative parameter used as a measure of an environmental condition, e.g. of air or water qualityindikator for miljøkvaliteten
indicator of environmental qualityindikator for miljøkvaliteten
indicator of health effectsindikator for sundhedsvirkninger
indicator of sustainable developmentindikator for bæredygtig udvikling
indicator of sustainable developmentbæredygtighedsindikator
ink sludges free of halogenated solventsTrykfarveslam uden halogenerede oploesningsmidler
integrated management of biotopesintegreret forvaltning af biotoper
integrated management of habitatsintegreret styring af levesteder
integrated management of water resourcesintegreret forvaltning af vandressourcerne
integrated prevention and control of pollutionintegreret forebyggelse og bekæmpelse af forurening
integrated strategy for the management of coastal watersintegreret strategi for kystområderne
Integrated System of Economic and Environmental Indicessystem for integrerede økonomiske og miljømæssige indikatorer
internalisation of environmental costsinternalisering af miljøomkostninger
internalisation of external costs The process of getting those who produce goods or services with adverse effects on the environment or on society to incorporate a knowledge of possible negative repercussions into future economic decisionsinternalisering af eksterne omkostninger
internalisation of external costsinternalisering af eksterne omkostninger
isolation of the precipitate and dissolving in aqua regiaisolering af bundfaldet og opløsning af det i kongevand
Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine PollutionDen Fælles Ekspertgruppe til Undersøgelse af de Videnskabelige Aspekter vedrørende Beskyttelse af Havmiljøet
keeping of wild animals in zooshold af vilde dyr i zoologiske haver
kinetic behavior of micron sizekinetisk adfærd
kinetic behaviour of micron sizekinetisk adfærd
lake of gypsum karstgipskarstsø
layer of contaminantslag af forurenende stoffer
leakage of ill smelling vapourudstroemning af ildelugtende dampe
load of the influentmængde i tilledt spildevand
location of industriesplacering af industrier
location of industries The particular place that seems apt for the installation of a new plant; the choice of the site depends on a number of economic and environmental factorsplacering af industrier
location of industrieslokalisering af industrier
long range transport of air pollutantslangtransport af luftforurening
long-distance transport of air pollutantslangtransport af luftforurening
long-range transport of air pollutantslangtransport af luftforurening
long-range transport of air pollutionlangtransport af luftforurening
long-range transport of airborne pollutantslangtransport af luftforurening
long-range transport of atmospheric pollutantslangtransport af luftforurening
long-term effect of pollutantslangsigtede virkninger af forurenende stoffer
maintenance of environmentvedligeholdelse
maintenance of environmentpleje
maintenance of environment No definition neededpleje
maintenance of forestsvedligeholdelse af skove
maintenance of genetic resourcesbevarelse af genetisk materiale
Management Committee on the control of the production and use of substances that deplete the ozone layerUdvalget for Kontrol af Stoffer, der nedbryder Ozonlaget
Management Committee on the Systematic Evaluation of Existing Chemicalsforvaltningsudvalg for systematisk vurdering af eksisterende kemikalier
management of natural resources Planned use of natural resources, in particular of non-renewable resources, in accordance with principles that assure their optimum long-term economic and social benefitsnaturforvaltning
management of natural resourcesnaturforvaltning
management of super-toxic compoundsbehandling af super-giftige stoffer
management of water resourcesvandressourcemanagement
management of water resourcesvandressourceforvaltning
management of water resourcesvandøkonomi
management of water resourcesvandressourceledelse
manager of protected arealeder af et beskyttet område
MED-TECHNO initiative in the field of treatment and re-use of waste water using renewable sources of energyMED-TECHNO-initiativet til behandling og genbrug af spildevand under anvendelse af vedvarende energikilder
members of the publicenkeltpersoner i befolkningen
method of spectrographic determination of lead in the blood serummetode til spektrografisk bestemmelse af bly i blodserum
minimisation of damageskadesbegrænsning
minimisation of damage The activity of reducing the harm or injury done to the environment or ecosystemskadesbegrænsning
minimisation of wasteminimering af affald
minimisation of wasteaffaldsminimering
Ministry of the EnvironmentMiljøministeriet
mitigating the effects of droughtafhjælpning af virkningerne af tørke
mitigating the effects of droughtafbødning af virkningerne af tørke
mitigation of climate changebegrænsning af klimaændringer
mitigation of climate changeimødegåelse af klimaændringer
mitigation of climate changemodvirkning af klimaændringer
mitigation of climate changemodvirkning af klimaforandringer
mitigation of climate changeafdæmpning af klimaændringer
mode of toxic actiontoksisk virkningsmekanisme
moisture of extinctionbrandslukkende fugtighedsindhold
movement and ultimate fate of pollutants in the environmentforurenende stofs vandring og endelige aflejring i det omgivende miljø
multifunctionality of the soiljorden som multifunktionelt medie
multi-year programme of workflerårigt arbejdsprogram
Munich Multilateral Conference on the causes and prevention of damage to forests and waters by air pollution in EuropeDen Multilaterale Konference om Årsager til og Forhindring af Skader på Skov- og Vandområder som følge af Luftforurening i Europa
National Fund for Protection of the EnvironmentDen Nationale Fond for Miljøbeskyttelse og Vandkontrol
National Hydrological Plan of Spainspansk vandplan
National Institute for the Conservation of NatureDet Nationale Institut for Naturbeskyttelse
national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocolnational opgørelse over menneskeskabte emissioner efter kilder og optaget heraf gennem dræn for alle drivhusgasser, der ikke er reguleret af Montrealprotokollen
national inventory of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocolnational opgørelse over antropogene emissioner fordelt på kilder og optagelsen heraf fordelt på dræn for alle drivhusgasser, der ikke er reguleret af Montrealprotokollen
National Park of the Northern Sporadesnationalparken på De Nordlige Sporader
nominal capacity of the incineration plantforbrændingsanlæggets nominelle kapacitet
obtain the consent of pollution control authorities before discharging to wastewater treatment plantsindhent forureningskontrolmyndighedernes tilladelse inden udledning til spildevandsrensningsanlæg
obtain the consent of pollution control authorities before discharging to wastewater treatment plantsS54
occurrence of non-compliancetilfælde af ikke-overensstemmelse
OECD classification list of wastes destined for recovery operationsOECD-klassifikationsliste over affald bestemt til nyttiggørelse
optimisation of installationsanlægsoptimering
Organisation for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Turtlesorganisation til beskyttelse af havskildpadden i Middelhavet
organisation of teachinguddannelsesorgan
organisation of teaching A group or association of persons united to address the concerns, methods and professional status of instructors or educatorsuddannelsesorgan
organisation of teachinguddannelsesinstitution
organisation of the legal system The specific manner, form and institutions by which a government's ability to make, enforce and interpret laws are brought together into a coordinated wholeretssystemets opbygning
organisation of the legal systemretssystemets organisering
Oslo and Paris Conventions for the prevention of marine pollutionOslo- og Paris-konventionerne til forhindring af havforurening
Oslo and Paris Conventions on the prevention of marine pollutionOslo- og Paris-konventionerne til forhindring af havforurening
other wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in view of the prevention of infectionAndet affald, hvis indsamling og bortskaffelse er underkastet saerlige krav af hensyn til smittefare
oxygenation of watervands oxidering
oxygenation of watervands oxidation
oxygenation of watervands iltning
packaging and labelling of pesticidesemballering og mærkning af pesticider
packaging and labelling of pesticidesemballering og etikettering af pesticider
pattern of consumptionforbrugsmønster
pattern of urban growth The combination of acts, tendencies and other observable characteristics that demonstrates a municipal area's progress or state of development, including its population trendsmønster for byvækst
persistence of pesticides The ability of a chemical to retain its molecular integrity and hence its physical, chemical, and functional characteristics in the environment through which such a chemical may be transported and distributed for a considerable period of timepesticiders persistens
persistence of pesticidespesticiders persistens
persistent insecticide of the chlorinated organic typepersistent insekticid af kloreret organisk art
pests of plantsplanteskadegørere
pests of plantsskadegørere på planter
photochemical oxidant creation potential of the precursorsudgangsstoffernes potentiale for dannelse af fotokemiske oxidanter
photochemistry of ozoneozonens fotokemi
physical measurement of pollution The quantitative determination of the presence, extent or type of pollutant substances in the environment using mechanical means, including optical, electrical, acoustical and thermodynamic techniquesfysisk måling af forurening
physical measurement of pollutionfysisk måling af forurening
pollution load capacity of watervandvejs evne til belastning med forurenende stoffer
pollution of beaches by oilolieforurening af strande
Pollution of Surface Waters Actlov om forurening af overfladevand
pollution of the biosphereforurening af biosfæren
pollution of the water tableforurening af grundvandet
prevent build-up of electrostatic charges e.g.,by groundingundgå elektrostatisk opladningf.eks.ved jordforbindelse
proposed site of Community interestforeslået lokalitet af fællesskabsbetydning
protection of ambient airbeskyttelse af atmosfæren
protection of ambient waterbeskyttelse af vandmiljøet
protection of animalsdyrebeskyttelse
protection of birdsfuglebeskyttelse
protection of birds of preybeskyttelse af rovfugle
Protection of ForestsBeskyttelse af Skoven
protection of habitatsbeskyttelse af levesteder
protection of habitatsbiotopbeskyttelse
Protection of natural and semi-natural habitatsbeskyttelse af naturlige og delvis naturlige levesteder
protection of soils and groundwatersbeskyttelse af jord og grundvand
protection of speciesbeskyttelse af arter
protection of speciesarternes beskyttelse
protection of speciesartsbeskyttelse
protection of species Measures adopted for the safeguarding of species, of their ecosystems and their biodiversitybeskyttelse af arter
protection of species and habitatsbeskyttelse af vilde dyr og planter samt deres levesteder
protection of the aquatic environmentbeskyttelse af vandmiljøet
protection of the biocenosesbeskyttelse af biocønoser
protection of the biospherebeskyttelse af biosfæren
protection of the countrysidelandskabsbevaring
protection of the public against doses of radiation arising from radon in housesbeskyttelse af offentligheden mod stråling fra radon i boliger
protection of water levelsbeskyttelse af vandstanden
Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe EMEPprotokol til konventionen af 1979 om grænseoverskridende luftforurening over store afstande, om langsigtet finansiering af samarbejdsprogrammet for overvågning og vurdering af transport af luftforurenende stoffer over store afstande i Europa Emep
public institution of administrative natureoffentlig administrativ institution
public institution of administrative nature Public institution for the management of administrative issuesoffentlig administrativ institution
public institution of industrial and commercial nature Public institution for the management of industrial and commercial issuesoffentlig institution af industriel og handelsmæssig art
public institution of industrial and commercial natureoffentlig institution af industriel og handelsmæssig art
purifying separate occurrences of effluentsrensning af separate afløbsstromme
reclamation of sewagegenbrug af spildevand
redevelopment of derelict industrial landsanering af industrigrunde
reintroduction of native speciesgenudsætning af naturligt hjemmehørende arter
reintroduction of native speciesgenindførelse af naturligt hjemmehørende arter
release of activityaktivitetsudslip
release of krypton-85udslip af krypton-85
release of organisms The release of organisms in the environment creates the risk that once released they may exhibit some previously unknown pathogenicity, might take over from some naturally occurring bacteria or pass on some unwanted trait to such indigenous bacteriaudsætning af organismer
release of organismsudsætning af organismer
release of solid waste into a water bodyudledning af fast affald i vandmiljøet
release of waste materialsudslip af affaldsmaterialer
remuneration of workvederlag
remuneration of workbetaling for arbejde
reoxidation capacity of watervands geniltningsevne
reoxidation capacity of watervands evne til reoxidering
report on the state of the environment A written account on the level of integrity and conditions of the ecosystem and natural resources in a given region, usually presented by an official person or body mandated to protect human health and the environment in that regionrapport om miljøsituationen
report on the state of the environmentrapport om miljøsituationen
reprocessing and storage of irradiated nuclear fuelsoparbejdning og oplagring af bestrålet kernebrændsel
restocking of waterwaysyngeludsætning i vandløb
reuse of materials Any re-utilization of products or components, in original form, such as when used glass bottles are sterilized and refilled for resalegenanvendelse af materiale
reuse of materialsgenanvendelse af materiale
reuse of wastegenanvendelse af affald
reversibility of acidificationmulighed for at afbøde forsuring
reversibility of the effectspåvirkningens reversibilitet
reversibility of the effectsindvirkningens reversibilitet
reversibility of the effectsvirkningernes reversibilitet
reversibility of the effectseffekternes reversibilitet
right of accessret til adgang
right of access to administrative documentsret til adgang til administrative dokumenter
right of property The legal guarantee or just claim inhering in a citizen's relation to some physical thing, but especially a plot of land, including the right to possess, use and dispose of itejendomsret
rights of the individualpersonlige rettigheder
rights of the individual Just claims, legal guarantees or moral principles accorded to each and every member of a group or state, including the freedom to do certain things and the freedom from certain intrusions imposed by the collective bodyindividuelle rettigheder
rights of the individualindividuelle rettigheder
rights of the individualenkeltpersoners rettigheder
risk of avalanchesrisiko for laviner
risk of contamination by exogenic leadrisiko for kontamination med exogent bly
risk of damage to hearing resulting from noise emitted by toysrisiko for høreskader på grund af støj fra legetøj
risk of floodingrisiko for oversvømmelse
risk of landslidesrisiko for jordskred
route of exposureeksponeringsvej
run of a firehurtig fremrykning af brand
salinification of the RhineRhinens saltholdighed
sea dumping of radioactive wastedumpning i havet af radioaktivt affald
seizure of profits The official or legally authorized act of taking away monetary gain or surplus resulting from investments or property or from returns, proceeds or revenue in a business or business transactiontilbageholdelse af fortjeneste
seizure of profitstilbageholdelse af fortjeneste
self-cleansing capacity of the atmosphereatmosfærens selvrensningsevne
shipment of waste between Member Statesoverførsel af affald mellem Medlemsstater
sinking of waste A manner of waste disposal in which refuse or unwanted material is dumped or submerged beneath the surface of a body of watersænkning af affald
sinking of wastesænkning af affald
solvent mixes or organic liquids free of halogenated solventsOploesningsmidler og organiske vaesker uden halogenerede oploesningsmidler
solvents and solvent mixes free of halogenated solventsOploesningsmidler og oploesningsmiddelblandinger uden halogenerede oploesningsmidler
some of the damage to germinal cells by radiation may be irreversibleen del af strålingsbeskadigelsen af kimceller kan være uoprettelig
source of emissionkilde
source of pollution The place, places or areas from where a pollutant is released into the atmosphere or water, or where noise is generated. A source can be classified as point source, i.e. a large individual generator of pollution, an area source, or a line source, e.g. vehicle emissions and noiseforureningskilde
source of pollutionforureningskilde
State of destinationbestemmelsesstat
State of dispatchafsendelsesstat
state of mattertilstand
state of matter One of the three fundamental conditions of matter: the solid, the liquid, and gaseous statestilstand
State of transittransitstat
state of wasteaffaldets tilstand
state of water bindingtilstand af vandbinding
stationary source of pollutionstationær forureningskilde
storage of carbon in forestsoptag af kulstof i skove
storage of carbon in forestslagring af kulstof i skove
storage of carbon in forestsbinding af kulstof i skove
storage of radioactive wastelagring af radioaktivt affald
Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment in the MediterraneanEF-aktion til beskyttelse af miljøet i Middelhavsområdet
Strategy and Plan of Action for the Protection of the Environment in the Mediterraneanfællesskabsprogram for miljøbeskyttelse i Middelhavsområdet
strategy of adaptation to changestrategi for tilpasning til ændring
supervision and control of shipments of wasteovervågning af og kontrol med overførsel af affald
supervision of building works The oversight or direction in the construction and maintenance of houses, facilities, offices and other structurestilsyn med bygge- og anlægsarbejder
supervision of building workstilsyn med bygge- og anlægsarbejder
supervision of installation The oversight or direction over the process of setting up or making adjustments to a building or to a mechanical or electrical system or apparatustilsyn med anlæg
supervision of installationtilsyn med anlæg
supervision of installationstilsyn med anlæg
surfactant of the anionic categoryanionisk overfladeaktivt stof
surfactant of the anionic categoryoverfladeaktivt stof af den anionaktive kategori
taste of watervandsmag
taste of watervandets smag
tax differentiation in favour of the environmentafgiftsdifferentiering på miljøområdet
Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Enginesteknisk kode for NOx'er
Technical Code on Control of Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel Enginesteknisk kode for kontrol med udledninger af nitrogenoxider fra marine diselmotorer
technical guidelines for the environmentally sound management of wastestekniske retningslinjer for miljømæssigt forsvarlig håndtering af affald
technical measure for the conservation of fishery resourcesteknisk foranstaltning til bevarelse af fiskeressourcerne
test of resistance to detonationdetonérbarhedsprøve
17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeDurbankonferencen
17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changepartskonference under De Forenede Nationers rammekonvention om klimaændringer
tipping for the purpose of disposaldeponering med henblik på bortskaffelse
transfer of contaminantsoverførsel af forurenende stoffer
trip of a packagetrip
upgrading of fallow landnyttigørelse af brakmarker
wastage of natural resourcesødslen med naturens ressourcer
water capable of supporting shellfishzone med skaldyr
water-holding capacity of the soiljordbundens vandøkonomi
white of eggæggehvide
winter concentration of nitrous acidnitrogensyrekoncentration om vinteren
Working Party of Legal and Technical Experts on Biological DiversityGruppen af Tekniske og Juridiske Eksperter vedrørende Biologisk Mangfoldighed
Working Party of Senior Officials on the Convention on the AlpsArbejdsgruppen på Højt Embedsmandsplan vedrørende Alpe-konventionen
Working Party on the Environment and Quality of LifeArbejdsgruppen om Miljø og Livskvalitet
working party on the integrated management of Mediterranean-type coastal wetlandsarbejdsgruppe vedrørende integreret forvaltning af kystvådområder af middelhavstypen
Working Party on the Year of the EnvironmentArbejdsgruppen om Miljøåret
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