
Terms for subject Environment containing aizsardzibas | all forms
ainavu aizsardzībalandscape protection Elaboration and implementation of strategies and measures for the conservation, preservation, suitable use, and renewal of natural resources and nature or man-made components of landscape, in particular wildlife and natural systems of various standing
ainavu aizsardzības zonalandscape protection area Area where landscape is protected for its particular features in order to maintain its role in contributing to the wider enjoyment of the countryside
aizsardzība no kaimiņiemprotection from neighbours
aizsardzība pret bojājumiemdamage prevention The aggregate of approaches and measures to ensure that human action or natural phenomena do not cause damage. It implies the formulation and implementation of long-range policies and programmes to eliminate or prevent the damages caused by disasters
aizsardzība pret kaitēkļiempest control Keeping down the number of pests by killing them or preventing them from attacking
aizsardzība pret lavīnāmavalanche protection The total of measures and devices implemented to protect people, property or natural resources from avalanche conditions, including avalanche forecasting and warning, avalanche zoning, ski testing and the use of explosives and other equipment to stabilize an avalanche area
aizsardzība pret mežu ugunsgrēkiemprevention of forest fires Precautionary actions, measures or installations implemented to avert the possibility of an unexpected conflagration of any large wooded area having a thick growth of trees and plants
aizsardzība pret plūdiemflood protection Precautionary measures, equipment or structures implemented to guard or defend people, property and lands from an unusual accumulation of water above the ground
aizsardzība pret radiācijuradiation protection Precautionary actions, measures or equipment implemented to guard or defend people, property and natural resources from the harmful effects of ionizing energy
aizsardzība pret troksninoise protection Adoption of measures for controlling noise pollution, such as restriction of the emission of noise from industrial, commercial and domestic premises, from motor vehicles and aircrafts, the provision of noise barriers and buffer zones, the fitting of sound attenuation equipment, etc.
aizsardzības pasākumiprotective measure Any precautionary action, procedure or installation conceived or undertaken to guard or defend from harm persons, property or the environment
aizsardzības sistēmaprotection system A series of procedures and devices designed to preserve people, property or the environment from injury or harm
augu aizsardzībaplant protection Conservation of plant species that may be rare or endangered, and of other plants of particular significance
augu aizsardzības līdzeklisplant protection product Any substance or mixture of substances which through physiological action protects the plants against parasites, fungi, virus, or other damaging factors
augu aizsardzības produktu pārbaudīšanatesting of plant protection products Tests performed to establish the effectiveness of pesticides under a wide variety of climatic and other environmental conditions; to assess the possible side effects on animals, plants and humans and to determine the persistence of pesticide residues in the environment
Baltijas jūras vides aizsardzības komisijaHelsinki Commission
Baltijas jūras vides aizsardzības komisijaBaltic Marine Environment Protection Commission
biotopu aizsardzībabiotope protection Measures taken to ensure that the biological and physical components of a biotope are in equilibrium by maintaining constant their relative numbers and features
bišu aizsardzībabee conservation The care, preservation and husbandry of hymenopterous insects valued for their ability to pollinate crops and other flora or for their production of honey
civilpersonu aizsardzībacivilian protection The organization and measures, usually under governmental or other authority depending on the country, aimed at preventing, abating or fighting major emergencies for the protection of the civilian population and property, particularly in wartime
dabas aizsardzībanature protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to the elements of the material world that exist independently of human activity
dabas aizsardzībanature conservation Active management of the earth's natural resources and environment to ensure their quality is maintained and that they are wisely used
dabas aizsardzībaconservation No definition needed
dabas aizsardzības organizācijanature conservation organisation
dabas aizsardzības politikaconservation policy The guiding procedure, philosophy or course of action for preserving and renewing human and natural resources
dabas aizsardzības programmanature conservation programme An organized group of activities and procedures, often run by a government agency or a nonprofit organization, to preserve and protect elements of the natural world such as mountains, trees, animals or rivers
dabisko teritoriju aizsardzībanatural areas protection Active management of nature areas in order to ensure that wildlife is protected and the quality of its environment is maintained
datu aizsardzībadata protection Policies, procedures or devices designed to maintain the integrity or security of informational elements in storage or in transmission
direktīva par ūdens aizsardzībuwater protection directive
dzeramā ūdens aizsardzības zonadrinking water protection area Area surrounding a water recovery plant in which certain forms of soil utilization are restricted or prohibited in order to protect the groundwater
dzirdes aizsardzībahearing protection The total of measures and devices implemented to preserve persons from harm to the faculty of perceiving sound
dzīvnieku aizsardzībaanimal protection Precautionary actions or procedures taken to prevent or reduce the harm to sentient, non-human species, posed, in most cases, by humans
dzīvnieku aizsardzībawildlife protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to animals, plants and other organisms living in their natural state
EK direktīva par ūdens aizsardzībuEC directive on water protection Directive concerning the use and management of water resources for a rational economical and social development and the protection of the related environmental features
elastīga pieeja vides aizsardzībaiflexible approach to environmental protection Plans, referred to in various rules as emissions averaging, or flexible compliance plans, allow facilities to undercontrol some emission points that are too costly to control to mandated levels as long as these units are balanced by overcontrolling other emission units that are more cost-effective to control
elpošanas orgānu aizsardzības aparātsrespiratory protection apparatus Any of a group of devices that protect the respiratory system from exposure to airborne contaminants; usually a mask with a fitting to cover the nose and mouth
Enerģētikas hartas protokols par energoefektivitāti un ar to saistītajiem vides aizsardzības aspektiemEnergy Charter Protocol
Enerģētikas hartas protokols par energoefektivitāti un ar to saistītajiem vides aizsardzības aspektiemEnergy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects
fitosanitārā aizsardzībaplant health care
gruntsūdens aizsardzībagroundwater protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to the environmental integrity of fresh water found beneath the earth's surface, usually in aquifers, which supply wells and springs
gruntsūdens līmeņa aizsardzībawater table protection Water table is inherently susceptible to contamination from landuse activities. Remediation is very expensive and often impractical. Prevention of contamination is therefore critical in effective groundwater management
integrēta vides aizsardzības tehnoloģijaintegrated environmental protection technology Technologies that meet environmental objectives by incorporating pollution prevention concepts in their design. Integrated environmental control strategies introduced in the early design stages of a process, rather than an end-of-pipe control option introduced in the later stages, improve the technical and economic performance of a process
Jūras vides aizsardzības komitejaMarine Environment Protection Committee
jūras ūdens aizsardzībasea water protection
kalnu aizsardzībamountain protection
klimata aizsardzībaclimate protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm from pollution to natural weather conditions or patterns, including the prevailing temperature, atmospheric composition and precipitation
klimata aizsardzībaclimate protection
Komiteja savvaļas dzīvnieku un augu sugu aizsardzībai, reglamentējot to tirdzniecībuCommittee on Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora
Konvencija par Baltijas jūras reģiona jūras vides aizsardzībuConvention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, 1992
Konvencija par Baltijas jūras reģiona jūras vides aizsardzībuHelsinki Convention
Konvencija par Baltijas jūras reģiona jūras vides aizsardzībuConvention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area
Konvencija par Eiropas dzīvās dabas un dabisko dzīvotņu aizsardzībuBern Convention
Konvencija par Eiropas dzīvās dabas un dabisko dzīvotņu aizsardzībuConvention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
Konvencija par jūras vides aizsardzību Atlantijas okeāna Ziemeļaustrumu daļāOSPAR Convention
Konvencija par jūras vides aizsardzību Atlantijas okeāna Ziemeļaustrumu daļāConvention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic
Konvencija par Melnās jūras aizsardzību pret piesārņojumuConvention on the Protection of the Black Sea against Pollution
Konvencija par Melnās jūras aizsardzību pret piesārņojumuBucharest Convention
Konvencija par Reinas aizsardzību pret ķīmisko piesārņojumuConvention for the Protection of the Rhine against Chemical Pollution
Konvencija par sadarbību Donavas upes aizsardzībai un ilgtspējīgai izmantošanaiConvention on cooperation for the protection and sustainable use of the river Danube
Konvencija par sadarbību Donavas upes aizsardzībai un ilgtspējīgai izmantošanaiDanube River Protection Convention
Konvencija par sadarbību Donavas upes aizsardzībai un ilgtspējīgai izmantošanaiConvention for the protection of the Danube
Konvencija par vides krimināltiesisko aizsardzībuConvention on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law
krasta aizsardzībacoast protection A form of environmental management designed to allay the progressive degradation of the land by coastal erosion processes. Sea defence works can be undertaken to protect the land from erosion and encroachment by the sea and against flooding. These involve engineering solutions such as groynes, sea walls, bulkheads, revetments and breakwaters
laukaugu aizsardzībacrop protection The problem of crop protection has changed dramatically since 1945. There is now a whole arsenal of chemicals with which to combat agricultural pests and diseases, but this development has itself many drawbacks. Such sophisticated techniques are available only to a minority of farmers; in most parts of the world the standard of crop protection remains abysmally low. In addition, modern crop protection methods have been criticized for relying too heavily on chemical control. Biological controls, both natural and contrived, have been neglected. In some cases involving misuse of agricultural chemicals, crops must be protected from the very measures intended for their protection. Meanwhile previously localized pests and diseases continue to spread worldwide
likumdošana par dabas aizsardzībunature conservation legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to protect, preserve or renew an area's natural habitats or ecosystem
likums par aizsardzību pret radiācijuradiation protection law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by government to establish measures to keep humans and natural resources safe from harmful exposure to energy waves released by nuclear materials, electromagnetic current and other sources
Melnās jūras aizsardzības pret piesārņojumu komisijaBlack Sea Commission
Melnās jūras aizsardzības pret piesārņojumu komisijaCommission on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution
meža aizsardzībaforest protection Branch of forestry concerned with the prevention and control of damage to forests arising from the action of people or livestock, of pests and abiotic agents
Ministru konference par mežu aizsardzību EiropāForest Europe
Ministru konference par mežu aizsardzību EiropāMinisterial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe
naftas resursu aizsardzībaconservation of petroleum resources Controlled utilization, protection and development of exploited and potentially exploitable sources of crude oil to meet current demand and ensure future requirements
Nolīgums par Starptautisko komisiju Reinas aizsardzībai pret piesārņojumuAgreement concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollution
patērētāju tiesību aizsardzībaconsumer protection Information disseminated or measures and programs established to prevent and reduce damage, injury or loss to users of specific commodities and services
putnu aizsardzībaprotection of birds
Sadarbības nolīgums Atlantijas okeāna ziemeļaustrumu piekrastes un ūdeņu aizsardzībai no piesārņojumaCooperation Agreement for the protection of the coasts and waters of the north-east Atlantic against pollution
sociālā aizsardzībasocial protection The monies and programs a society enacts through either public or private entities to provide economic security and general welfare for its members, often on account of old age, unemployment, health, disability or death of a spouse, parent or other benefactor
Starptautiskā Dabas un dabas resursu aizsardzības savienībaInternational Union for the Protection of Nature
Starptautiskā Dabas un dabas resursu aizsardzības savienībaInternational Union for Conservation of Nature
Starptautiskā Dabas un dabas resursu aizsardzības savienībaWorld Conservation Union
Starptautiskā Dabas un dabas resursu aizsardzības savienībaInternational Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
subsīdijas vides aizsardzībāenvironmental subsidy Payment by a government to assist or improve performance regarding ecological maintenance or the protection, defense, or shelter of natural resources
sugu aizsardzībaprotection of species Measures adopted for the safeguarding of species, of their ecosystems and their biodiversity
tiesiskās aizsardzības līdzekļilegal remedy The means by which a right is enforced or the violation of a right is prevented, redressed, or compensated
tiesību akti par ūdens aizsardzībuwater protection legislation
upju gultņu aizsardzībabank protection Engineering work which aims at the protection of banks of a river, or slopes of embankments along it, from erosion by the current of flow, from floods, etc.
veselības aizsardzībahealth protection
vides aizsardzībaenvironmental protection Measures and controls to prevent damage and degradation of the environment, including the sustainability of its living resources
vides aizsardzība uzņēmumāenvironmental protection in the enterprise Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken by non-governmental, business or industrial entities to prevent or reduce harm to the ecosystem and human health
vides aizsardzības asociācijaenvironmental protection association Associations whose object resides in the protection of natural environment
vides aizsardzības aģentūraenvironmental protection agency EPA is the US Government's watchdog agency responsible for controlling the pollution of air and water, pesticides, radiation hazards and noise pollution. The agency is also involved in research to examine the effects of pollution
vides aizsardzības izmaksasenvironmental protection cost The amount of money incurred in the preservation, defense, or shelter of natural resources
vides aizsardzības kārtībaenvironmental protection order
vides aizsardzības likuma piemērošanaenvironmental law enforcement Any variety of activities associated with promoting compliance and obedience to those binding rules of a state that have been promulgated to safeguard ecological integrity, preserve natural resources and protect human health
vides aizsardzības likumsenvironmental law A wide spectrum of options from binding "hard" laws, such as international treaties and national legislation, to "soft" laws, covering guiding principles, recommended practices and procedures, and standards. Environmental law also attempts to reconcile international considerations with concerns that focus on very specific problems such as soil degradation, marine pollution or the depletion of non-renewable resources
vides aizsardzības noteikumienvironmental protection regulation A government or management prescribed rule for the preservation of natural resources and the prevention of damage or degradation of the ecosystem
vides aizsardzības organizācijaenvironmental protection organisation A government agency, committee or group that is responsible for preserving and safeguarding ecological or natural resources
vides aizsardzības padomsenvironmental protection advice Consultations or recommendations given as a guide of action regarding the preservation of ecological integrity and the defense or shelter of natural resources
vides aizsardzības prasmju treniņšenvironmental training Teaching of specialists and qualified workers who acquire knowledge and skills necessary to solve environmental problems
vides aizsardzības tehnoloģijaenvironmental protection technology Technologies that meet environmental objectives by incorporating pollution prevention concepts in their design. Environmental control strategies introduced in the early design stages of a process, rather than an end-of-pipe control option introduced in the later stages, improve the technical and economic performance of a process
vides aizsardzības tiesību aktienvironmental legislation Branch of law relating to pollution control; national parks, wildlife, fauna and flora, wilderness and biodiversity; environmental and occupational health; environmental planning; heritage conservation and a large number of international conventions relating to the environment
vides veselības aizsardzībaenvironmental health protection Measures or devices designed to reduce the risk of harm to human health posed by pollutants or other threatening conditions in the ecosystem
Vienošanās par mazo vaļveidīgo aizsardzību Baltijas jūrā, Ziemeļaustrumu Atlantijā, Īrijas jūrā un ZiemeļjūrāAgreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic and North Seas
Vienošanās par mazo vaļveidīgo aizsardzību Baltijas jūrā, Ziemeļaustrumu Atlantijā, Īrijas jūrā un ZiemeļjūrāAgreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas
vietu aizsardzībasite protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to the environmental integrity of a physical area or location
Vīnes Konvencija par ozona slāņa aizsardzībuVienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
Vīnes Konvencija par ozona slāņa aizsardzībuGlobal Framework Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer
īpašuma aizsardzībaproperty protection That benefit or safety which the government affords to the citizens to insure their individual or corporate right to exclusive enjoyment and disposal of property, money and any other thing tangible or intangible that represents a source of income or wealth
ūdens aizsardzībawater protection Measures to conserve surface and groundwater; to ensure the continued availability of water for growing domestic, commercial and industrial uses and to ensure sufficient water for natural ecosystems
ūdens aizsardzības teritorijawater protection area Area surrounding a water recovery plant in which certain forms of soil utilization are restricted or prohibited in order to protect the groundwater
ūdens satekvietu aizsardzībawater catchment protection Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken to prevent or reduce harm to the environmental integrity of drainage areas used to catch water, such as reservoirs or basins