
Terms for subject Environment containing S | all forms | exact matches only
British Sewage Plant Manufacturer's Association英国污水处理设备制造商协会
Dobeneck's tonne of minimum nutrients多氏最小养分桶
earth's crust The outer layers of the Earth's structure, varying between 6 and 48 km in thickness, and comprising all the material above the Mohorovicic Discontinuity (a seismic discontinuity occurring between the crust of the earth and the underlying mantle; the discontinuity occurs at an average depth of 35 km below the continents and at about 10 km below the oceans). The earlier idea of a cool solid skin overlaying a hot molten interior has now been replaced by a concept of a crust composed of two shells: an inner basic unit composed of sima (oceanic crust) and an outer granitic unit composed of sial (continental crust)地壳 (地球结构的外层,厚度为6公尺至48公尺,包含莫霍(洛维奇)不连续面(一个引起地震的不连续面,出现在地壳及其下的地幔之间;这不连续面出现在陆地下平均35公里和海洋下大约10公里处)以上的所有物质。 以前认为一个冷却坚固的表层覆盖着热熔融内部的想法,现在已被地壳是由两层外壳组成的概念所取代,一个是硅镁组成的内部基本单元(大洋地壳),一个是由硅铝组成的外部花岗石单元(大陆地壳)。)
fill M's place代替 M
Lambert-Beer's extinction law朗伯一毕尔二氏消光法则
public prosecutor's office A government agency for which an elected or appointed attorney or staff of attorneys is vested with the authority by a constitution or statute to try cases on the government's behalf, to represent public interest or to take legal action against persons violating federal, state or local laws公众检查官 (一个政府机构,该机构中选举或任命的律师或律师工作人员具有由宪法或法律赋予的权利,他们代表政府审理,表达公共利益或对危害联邦、国家或当地法律的人采取法律行动。)
"stork's nest""鹳巢"
Strategies for Today's Environmental Partnerships当今环境伙伴关系战略
woman's status The social position, rank or relative importance of women in society妇女地位 (妇女在社会中的社会地位、等级或相对重要性。)