
Terms for subject Environment containing Committee | all forms | exact matches only
Committee for implementation of the directive establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policyKumitat għall-implimentazzjoni tad-Direttiva li tistabbilixxi qafas għal azzjoni Komunitarja fil-qasam tal-politika tal-ilma
Committee for implementation of the Directive on establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-using productsKumitat għall-implimentazzjoni tad-Direttiva dwar it-twaqqif ta' qafas għall-iffissar tar-rekwiżiti għall-eko-disinn ta' prodotti li jużaw l-enerġija
Committee on the ecodesign and energy labelling of energy-using productsKumitat Regolatorju tal-Ekodisinn
Committee on the Ecodesign of Energy-using ProductsKumitat Regolatorju tal-Ekodisinn
Committee on Trade in Wild Fauna and FloraKumitat dwar il-Kummerċ tal-Fawna u l-Flora Selvaġġi
Compliance CommitteeKumitat ta' Konformità
Compliance Committee of the Kyoto ProtocolKumitat ta' Konformità
Ecodesign Regulatory CommitteeKumitat Regolatorju tal-Ekodisinn
Marine Environment Protection CommitteeKumitat tal-Protezzjoni tal-Ambjent tal-Baħar
Regulatory CommitteeKumitat Regolatorju tal-Ekodisinn
Regulatory Committee on the Ecodesign of Energy-related ProductsKumitat Regolatorju tal-Ekodisinn