
Terms for subject Environment containing Boden | all forms | exact matches only
Abfallbeseitigung in den Bodenwaste disposal in the ground The planned discharge, deposit or burial of refuse or other unserviceable material into the surface of the earth, as in a landfill
Abfallbeseitigung in den Bodenwaste disposal in the ground
Ablagerungen im Bodentipping underground
Abteilung Stoffe,Boden,BiotechnologieSubstances,Soil and Biotechnology Division
Akkumulation im Bodensoil accumulation
Alkalischer Bodenalkali soil
Alkalischer Bodenalkali soil Soil that contains sufficient exchangeable sodium to interfere with water penetration and crop growth, either with or without appreciable quantities of soluble salts
Alkalischer Bodenalkali land Any geomorphic area, often a level lake-like plain, with soil containing a high percentage of mineral salts, located especially in arid regions
Alkalischer Bodenalkali land
Aufbringung auf den Bodenland treatment
Aufnahmekapazität des Bodensland carrying capacity
Aufnahmekapazität des Bodensland carrying capacity The maximum extent to which ground or soil area may be exploited without degradation or depletion
Ausbringen auf den Bodenland application
Bakterien- und Pilzflora des Bodensbacterial and fungal flora of the soil
behandelter Bodentreated soil
Behandlung im Bodenland treatment
belasteter Bodencontaminated soil
Bindung von Kohlendioxid im Bodensoil carbon sequestration
Boden- oder Untergrundpassagepercolation through the ground or subsoil
Boden- und Klimaverhältnissesoil and climate conditions
Boden-und Lufthygienesoil-and air-hygiene
Boden-und Lufthygienefederal institution of water-
Boden- und Wasserschutzsoil and water conservation
Boden-Wetterradarground weather radar
Boden-Wetterradargerätground weather radar
COsub2sub-Vorratskapazität der Bödensoil carbon stock
Degradation der Bödensoil degradation
dekontaminierter Bodendecontaminated soil
dekontaminierter Bodenclean soil
Einbringung in den Bodeninjection into the ground
Einträge in den Bodenemissions to land and soil
Endlagerung im Bodenwaste dump
Endlagerung im Bodendisposal in land
Endlagerung im Bodenrubbish dump
Endlagerung im Bodenlandfill
Endlagerung im Bodenland disposal The discharge, deposit or injection of any waste onto or into the soil or other land surfaces
Entgiftung von Bödensoil decontamination
Europäisches Büro für BödenEuropean Soils Bureau
Forschungsprogramm Nutzung und Bewirtschaftung der Böden und GewässerLand and water use and management research programme
Freisetzen von Schadstoffen in den Bodenrelease of any polluting substance into soil
geschädigter Bodendegraded soil
geschädigter Bodendegraded land
Grund und Bodensoil
Kohlenstoffbindung im Bodensoil carbon sequestration
Kohlenstoffdioxid-Speicherkapazität des Bodenssoil carbon sequestration capacity
Kohlenstoffspeicherkapazität des Bodenssoil carbon sequestration capacity
Kontaminierte Bödencontaminated area Any site or region that is damaged, harmed or made unfit for use by the introduction of unwanted substances, particularly microorganisms, chemicals, toxic and radioactive materials and wastes
kontaminierte Bödencontaminated soils
Kontaminierte Bödencontaminated area
künstlicher Bodenartificial soil
Leben im Bodensoil life
Multifunktionalität des Bodensmultifunctionality of the soil
nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung der Bödensustainable management of the soil
organischer Kohlenstoff im Bodensoil organic carbon
Photolyse im Bodensoil photolysis
Pufferungsvermögen des Bodensbuffering capacity of the soil
Puffervermoegen des Bodensbuffer ability of the soil
Reinigung durch den Bodenpurification through the soil The act or process in which a section of the ground is freed from pollution or any type of contamination, often through natural processes
Reinigung durch den Bodenpurification through the soil
Reinigungsvermoegen des Bodenspurification capacity of the soil
Salzgehalt des Bodenssoil salinity Measurement of the quantity of mineral salts found in a soil. Many semi-arid and arid areas are naturally salty. By definition they are areas of substantial water deficit where evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation. Thus, whereas in humid areas there is sufficient water to percolate through the soil and to leach soluble materials from the soil and the rocks into the rivers and hence into the sea, in deserts this is not the case. Salts therefore tend to accumulate
Salzgehalt des Bodenssoil salinity
sanierter Bodendecontaminated soil
sanierter Bodenclean soil
Schutz des Bodens und des Grundwassersprotection of soils and groundwaters
Schädigung des Bodensland damage
Schädigung von Bodenland degradation
Selbstreinigungskraft der Bödennatural regenerative capacity of soils
Sodifizierung der Bödensodization
Speicherkapazität des Bodens für C02soil carbon sequestration capacity
unverschmutzter Bodenunpolluted soil
Vernäßter Bodenwaterlogged land Waterlogging is an effect of canal irrigation; it occurs when the water table rises to within 3 meters of a crop's roots, impeding their ability to absorb oxygen and ultimately compromising crop yields. Many factors contribute to waterlogging. These include inadequate drainage, improper balance in the use of groundwater and surface water, seepage and percolation from unlined channels, overwatering, planting crops not suited to specific soils, and inadequate preparation of land before irrigation
Versalzung des Bodenssalinization
Verschlechterung der Bödensoil degradation
Verunreinigter Bodencontaminated soil Soil which because of its previous or current use has substances under, on or in it which, depending upon their concentration and/or quantity, may represent a direct potential or indirect hazard to man or to the environment
Verunreinigter Bodencontaminated soil
Verödung von Bödendesertification
voraussichtliche Umweltkonzentration im Bodenpredicted environmental concentration in soil
Wasserinfiltration in den Bodenwater infiltration into the ground
Wasserinfiltration in den Bodenwater infiltration into the ground The movement of surface water into soil or rock through cracks and pores
Zucht am Bodensubstrate/substratum
Zustand der Bödensoil degradation
Übersalzung des Bodenssalting of soil
Übersalzung des Bodenssalinization
Übersäuerung des Bodensacidification of soil