
Terms for subject Oilfields containing response | all forms | exact matches only
Global Industry Response GroupМеждународная группа реагирования нефтегазовой отрасли (подраздел МАПНГ oshkindt)
hydraulic pilot responseчувствительность системы гидроуправления
log response equationsпетрофизические уравнения, петрофизические зависимости (evermore)
RSM Response Surface MethodologyМетод поверхностного отклика (гидродинамическое моделирование: The purpose of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) is to approximate a process over a region of interest, often called the operating region. Engineers define a performance measure of the process (the response) and input variables (factors) that are supposed to influence the response. The input variables correspond to the prior uncertainties on the process. RSM provides tools for (1) identifying the variables that actually influence the response (sensitivity), and (2) building a regression model relating the response to the influential variables (modeling). The final model can be used to make predictions of the process over the domain. For the regression model to be computed, the process must be sampled over the operating region through experimentation. evermore)
stress/strain responseпрофиль напряжение / деформация
waterflood responseначало вытеснения при заводнении (evermore)