
Terms for subject Sakhalin containing целесообразно | all forms
в кратчайшие практически целесообразные срокиas soon as practical
в рамках целесообразногоto the extent practical
где возможно и целесообразноwhere possible and appropriate
подвергать проверке на соответствие безопасным, технически целесообразным и экономичным техническим решениямchecked and verified for consistency with a safe, technically appropriate and cost effective design
практически целесообразный низкий уровеньALARP (as low as reasonably practicable)
практически целесообразный низкий уровеньas low as reasonably practicable (Risks are as low as is reasonably practicable when: there is a gross disproportion between the cost (in money, time or trouble) of additional risk reduction measures, and the reduction in risk they would achieve; the cost of reducing the risks further are grossly high compared with the benefit gained)
Практически целесообразный низкий уровеньas Low as Reasonably Practicable (ALARP, ПЦНУ)
считать целесообразнымsee fit to (Sakhalin Energy)