
Terms for subject Agriculture containing 活动 | all forms | in specified order only
活动分蘖期passive tillering period
活动inaction region
活动inactive leaves
活动基因inactive gene
不受人类农业活动影响的土地free field
与种子有关的活动seed-related activity
中间活动intermediate activity
主动纺锤体活动active spindle-mobility
人类活动mankind's activities
人类活动系统human activity system
会话活动session activation
侵蚀活动erosion activity
光激活动photomotion (photomotio)
全体发生活动hologenetic action (actio hologenetica)
共生活动symbiotic action
内在活动生理internal activity
内生活动endogenous activity (activitas endogenus)
农业机械是指用于农业生产及其产品初加工等相关农事活动的机械和设备Agricultural machines mean the machines and equipment used for agricultural production, primary processing of agricultural products and other activities relating to farming
农事活动rural activity
活动式万向节universal slip joint
固氮活动nitrogen fixation activity
外生活动exogenous active (activus exogenus)
夜间活动动物nocturnal animal
夜间活动鸟类nocturnal fowls
娱乐活动recreational activity
季节活动seasonal activity
宇宙飞船外活动extravehicular activity
家畜露天活动loafing area
家畜活动loafing pen
引种活动introduction activity
当代科学技术活动contemporary scientific and technical activities
当代科技活动contemporary scientific and technical activities
形成层活动cambial activity (activitas cambialis)
微生物活动microbial activity
活动diurnalism (diurnalismus)
机械活动mechanical activity
果园用活动塔架orchard monkey
每日活动diurnal activity
活动中心叶active center leaf (folium centrum activum)
活动修理车mobile repair shop
活动分析器motion analyzer
活动前轮架犁loose forecarriage plow
活动mobile fork
活动active leaf
活动地板禽舍elevated-floor poultry house
活动active type
活动巢框movable frame
活动巢框蜂箱movable-frame hive
活动帆布收刈台moving canvas platform
活动degree of activity
活动cine mode
活动式分禾器active divider
活动式打麻轮jute free beater
活动形成层细胞active cambium cell
活动性节律activity rhythm
活动扳子monkey spanner
活动扳手adistable spanner
活动扳手工具coes wrench
活动挡板施肥机moving apron
活动phase of activity
活动模型activity model
活动温室block hothouse
活动温床transferable hotbed
活动温床removable hotbed
活动激素motility hormone
活动猪舍colony house
活动皮带轮alternate sheaves
活动目标显示器指示器moving target indicator
活动空间action space
活动组织active tissue (tela activa)
活动mobile harrow
活动active bud
活动范围extent of activity
活动蜂箱movable-comb hive
活动载体mobile carrier
活动锤式击碎机swing beater grinder
活动锤片swinging hammer
活动draw key
活动键盘live keyboard
活动鸡舍colony house
活塞往复运动up-and-down movement of piston
活塞流动发酵器plug flow fermentor
温度活动thermal activity
生命活动vital movement
生命活动vital activity
生物活动biological activity
生物活动性指标index of biological activity
生物活动温度临界biokinetic temperature limits
生物土壤活动biological soil activity
粮食危机引发的抗议活动food protest
索饵活动grazing activity
细胞活动cell mobility
细胞激动素活性cytokinin activity
经济活动分析farm analysis
结实活动fruiting activity
结构活动construction activity
活动musculation (musculatio)
自动活动active mobility
自动活化细胞autoactive cell (cellula autoactiva)
营养体活动vegetative activity
表面活动surface mobility
软件活动software activity
随机活动stochastic activity
需氧微生物活动aerobic microbial activity
麻醉活动narcotic movement