
Terms for subject Agriculture containing scale | all forms | exact matches only
abdominal scale腹鳞
absorption scale吸收鳞片
accessory pelvic scale腹鳍附属鳞
agave scale红圆蚧盾蚧科
arched scale空心鳞 (fornix)
armored scale盾蚧
armoured scale盾蚧科 (复, Diaspidiae)
armoured scale盾蚧
bagging scales装袋计量秤
bark scale皮蚧
Baumé scale波美度标
Beaumó scale波美比重标度
bract scale苞鳞 (epimatium bracteale)
breeding scale育种规模
British Columbia log scale圆木材积表
brown apricot scale金合欢蜡蚧李蜡蚧,蜡蚧科
brown scale山茶盾蚧
brown scale圆点蚧糠片蚧
bud scale芽鳞 (perula gemmae)
bud scale scar芽鳞痕 (cicatricula perulae gemmae)
California red scale红圆蚧盾蚧科
carpellary scale心皮鳞片 (squama carpellaris)
cattle scale牛称重器
chaff scale山茶盾蚧
chaff scale圆点蚧糠片蚧
chart scale图标格
comb scale梳尺量麻纤维的
commercial scale商用比例尺
computing scale求积尺
concentration scales浓度表示法
concentration scales浓度度量法
container scale容器天平
container scale容器秤
conversion scale兑换表
conversion scale换算计算尺
cottony cushion scale吹绵蚧
counting scale计算盘
crown diameter scale树冠直径量测模片
dactylopiid scale粉蚧
diagonal scale斜尺
diagonal scale对角比例
diagonal scale对角面尺
dimension scale分度尺{测}
drawing scale绘图分划尺
dry scale干鳞片 (squama sicca)
edaphic scale土壤图表比例尺
edible scale leaf食用鳞叶
enclosed scale thermometer内标温度计
factory scale records厂级记录
Fahrenheit's thermometric scale华氏温 [度]标
field scale田间比例尺
fish scale pits鱼鳞坑系坡地保水措施之一
fluted scale吹绵蚧
fruit scale果园蚧
fruit scale种鳞
full scale最大定标量
full scale原大
full scale model原大模型
funnel scale漏斗形量斗
furnace scale炉渣
ganoid scale硬鳞
giant-scale computer巨型计算机
glandular scale腺鳞 (squama glandulifera)
global scale全球范围
grain scale谷物天平
grain scale粗天平
grain scale粮秤
grain unit scale子粒容重秤
gum scale绒蚧
hook scale带钩尺用具
hopper-type scale斗式秤
indicator scale刻度尺
individual small-scale farming个体小农业
interseminal scales种子间鳞片 (squamae interseminales)
intervaginal scale鞘间鳞片 (squama intervaginalis)
involucral scale总苞片 (squama involucralis)
large scale大量的
large scale大比例尺制绘的
large-scale atmospheric process大范围天气过程
large-scale cartography大比例尺制图[法]
large scale culture大量培养
large-scale farm road大型农道
large-scale farming大规模耕作
large-scale fermentor大型发酵器
large-scale forest road大型林道
large scale growing大面积栽培
large-scale integration大规模集成化指电路
large-scale preparation大规模制备
large-scale weather situation大[天气]形势
leaf bud scale芽鳞 (perula, tegumentum gemmae)
length scale长度比例尺
long-scale plant长节植物
magnifying scale放大比例尺
medium scale integrated circuit中等规模集成电路
metre scale米达尺
Mohn's scale摩氏硬度计
nectar scale蜜腺鳞片 (squama tarifera)
nectar scale蜜鳞
nectar scale on petiole叶柄蜜腺鳞片
nectariferous scale蜜鳞 (squama nectarifera)
open scale barograph微[气]压计
ovuliferous scale果鳞
ovuliferous scale珠鳞 (squama ovulifera)
ovuliferous scale球鳞
palea scale鳞毛
peltate scale盾状鳞 (squama peltata)
pH scale酸碱度标度
pH scale氢离子浓度标度
pH scalepH 标度
pharmaceutical scale药用天平
platform scales地秤
platform scales台秤
plum scale金合欢蜡蚧李蜡蚧,蜡蚧科
preparative scale制备规模
process scale工艺规模
protractor scale半圆规
protractor scale分度器
random logic large scale integration随机逻辑大规模集成[电路] (random logic LSI)
Rankine temperature scale兰金温标指用华氏度数表示的绝对温标
receiving scales接受秤
red scale赤圆蚧 Aonidiella aurantii
red scale红肾圆盾蚧 Aonidiella aurantii
reduced scale缩小比例
regenerated scale再生鳞
regional scale地区范围
relative scale相对比例
reproduction scale翻印比例
restricted scale限制规模
rock scale岩石单位
scale above lateral line侧线上方鳞片
scale bark鳞状树皮 (cortex squamosa)
scale-bearing具鳞[片]的 (squamifer)
scale-curve method鳞片曲线法
scale division标尺刻度
scale farm规模农场
scale follicle鳞囊
scale-formed鳞片状的 (squamiformis)
scale-forming volva鳞状菌托
scale hair鳞状毛 (pilus squamiformis)
scale in lateral line侧线鳞
scale laboratory天平室
scale leaf鳞叶 (folium squamiforme)
scale line定极线
scale line比例尺线
scale mark刻度[线]
scale mark分度[标记]
scale of hardness硬度标
scale of hardness of wood charcoal木炭硬度计
scale of points评级记分
scale of population群体大小
scale of thermometer温[度]标
scale of tolerance耐阴性等级
scale of wind-force风力等级
scale picture鳞相
scale pocket存鳞袋
scale propagation鳞片繁殖
scale reading鳞纹检査法
scale reading鳞片阅读法
scale-shaped鳞[片]状的 (squamiformis)
scale stick毕氏测杖 {测}
scale structure鳞相
scale structure鳞片构造
scale transformation尺度变换
scale valve计量阀
Scribner log scale美国太平洋沿岸用原木材积表
seed scale complex种鳞复合体
seminiferous scale种鳞 (squama fructifera)
shield scale盾蚧科 (复, Diaspidiae)
shield scale盾蚧
shutter scale光门刻度{显技}
sizing scale大小级差表等级表
sizing scale量尺
sliding scale物价计算法
sliding scale滑动比例尺
small-scale dairy sector小规模乳品生产部门
small-scale distribution小规模分布
small‐scale farmer小农
small‐scale farmer小规模养殖者
small‐scale farmer耕种小块田地的农民
small-scale farming system小农制
small-scale operating system小型操作系统
small-scale preparation小量制备
small-scale preparation小规模制备
soft scale软蚧
specialized scale专化鳞片
standard scale method标准等级法
stellate scale星状鳞片 (squama stellata)
superlarge-scale integration超大规模集成电路
swine scale猪秤
swine scale称猪器
table scales台秤
temperature scales温标
the geologic time scale地质年代表
thermodynamic scale of temperature温度热力[学]标[尺]
thermometric scale温度表刻度
tree scale立木检尺
tree-crown scale树-冠比例指树的大小与树冠大小的比例
truck scale手推[车]秤
underlying scale隐伏尺度
underlying scale下伏标尺
unidimensional scale一维尺度
ventral scale前鳞 (squama ventralis)
wafer scale晶片级
wafer scale晶片规模
water-absorbing scale吸水鳞
wax scale蜡片
wax scale蜡鳞
whole-scale rotation of crops大倒茬整个规模的轮作