
Terms for subject Business containing S | all forms | exact matches only
Abel's close test埃勃尔密闭试验
accountant's certificate会计师执照
accountant's department会计部
accountant's department会计处
accountant's fees会计师公费
accountant's handbook会计师手册
accountant's legal liability会计师法律责任
accountant's method会计师算法
accountant's opinion会计师意见书
accountant's rate of return会计报酬率
accountant's report核算查账报告
accountant's responsibility会计师职责
accountant's role会计师作用
advance buying for the season's needs季节性提前购货
advance buying for the season's needs因季节原因提前购进
advance one's salary预付某人薪水
agricultural producer's co-operative农业生产合作社
agriculture's level of specialization农业专业化
agriculture's physical resources农业自然资源
Almon's distributed lag model阿尔蒙分布滞后模型
Almon's lag scheme阿尔蒙滞后模型
Almon's scheme of polynomial lag阿尔蒙多项式滞后模型
American Petroleum Institute Baume's gravity index美国石油学会比重指数
assess one's income所得额查定
assure one's life保人寿险
attorney's fee委托费
attorney's fee律师费
attorney's letter委托书
authorized foreign exchange bank's system指定外汇银行制
balance one's foreign currency budget外汇收支差额
balance one's foreign exchange budget外汇收支差额
banker's acceptance银行承兑汇票
banker's advance银行放款
banker's agency银行代理行
banker's almanac银行年鉴
banker's and financiers货币资本家
banker's association银行协会或公会
banker's automated clearing service银行自动清算服务
banker's bank中央银行如英格兰银行
banker's bill银行汇票向其国外分行、支行或代理行开出
Banker's Blanket Bond银行总括保证书
banker's blanket bond银行一揽子保险
banker's blanket bond银行不记名债券
banker's buying rate银行买价即银行买进外汇的牌价
banker's call rate银行活期贷款利率
banker's call rate要求各行报告贴现率通知
banker's card信用卡
banker's card英美等国银行发行的支票信用卡
banker's checks or demand draft on their correspondents abroad银行对国外代理机构所发支票或即期汇票
banker's cheque银行支票
banker's clean bill无抬头银行票据
banker's clearing house票据交结所
banker's commission银行佣金
banker's deposit or balance银行外币存款或余额
banker's deposits银行存款
banker's discount银行贴现
banker's enquiry银行征信
banker's enquiry银行对存户信用保证
banker's industrial development trust银行业开发信托公司
banker's irrevocable letter of credit银行不可撤销信用证
banker's long bills drawn for the purpose of raising money资金长期融通票据
banker's option银行对客户的信用证明
banker's order银行本票
banker's order银行受客户委托, 代付保险费、房租等项支出银行代付款项书
banker's payment银行付款
banker's rate银行规定的贴现率
banker's rate银行利率
banker's rate银行贴现率
banker's rate银行汇价汇率
banker's reference银行意见书
banker's reference银行征信证明
banker's reimbursement credit银行偿付信用证
banker's revocation of authority to pay checks银行撤销付现权
banker's second line of defence银行第二道防线
banker's selling rate卖价
banker's share银行股票
banker's share银行股份
banker's transfer银行间转账
banker's transfer银行转账
Beall-Rescias generalization of Neyman's distribution内曼分布的比尔—雷谢斯推广
Bentham's utilitarianism边沁功利主义
Beran's test拜伦检验
Blackman's criterion布莱克曼判定准则
Blackwell's theorem布莱克韦定理
Bock's three Component model博克三分量模式
borrowing's outstanding未偿还借款额
boss man's demand老板所好
Briggs's logarithm常用对数
broker's board经纪人交易所
broker's broker自己做买卖的掮客
broker's cancellation clause经纪人取消保险单条款
broker's cancellation clause经纪人取消保单条款
broker's charge经纪人费用
broker's collateral loan经纪人证券担保借款
broker's collateral loan经纪人以证券担保借款
broker's contract经纪合同
broker's contract note经纪人契约书
broker's cover note保险经纪人暂报单
broker's cover note保险经纪人开具的暂保单
broker's difference经纪人错失金
broker's lien经纪人持留保单留置直到投保人交付保费止
broker's line经纪人专线
broker's loan经纪贷款
broker's loan经纪人借款
broker's market经纪人间的交易市场
broker's order经纪人委托业务
broker's order经纪人订货
broker's return给船务经纪的装货清单
broker's return经纪人收到的货物装船清单
broker's storehouse行栈
Brouwer's fixed point theorem布劳维尔不动点原理
buy one's ticked after the normal time补票
cabin passenger's ticket客票
Cagan's adaptive expectation model卡根适应性期望模式
cargo owner's wharf货主码头
cargo's proportion of general average共同海损货物分摊额
carrier's immunities承运人免费
carrier's lien承运人留置权如系目的地交货,承运人有权留置货物,待收货人交清运费再交货
carrier's maximum liability承运人最高限度责任
carrier's option承运人选择权
carrier's statement货物缺损证明书
carrier's statement承运人商务记录即承运人发现货物短欠、破损等情况所作记录
Cattle's criterion卡特尔准则
Cattle's "scree" test卡特尔"碎石"检验
certificate of agent's authorities代理权证书
certificate of ship's valuation船舶估价单
cessation of donor's dominion and control赠与人产权的中止
Champernowne's model钱珀努恩模型
Charlier's check沙利尔验算法
Chauvenet's criterion査文纳特准则
checking the enterprise's impulse to boost prices抑制企业涨价冲动
child's deferred insurance子女指定年岁保险
child's education and marriage insurance子女婚嫁教育保险
circumstance beyond the insurer's control被保险人所不能控制的情况
citizen's right公民权
clear one's estate to赎产
clerk's office办公室
client's account委托人账户
client's staff委托人职员
Condensers are one of our company's traditional exports. They're highly-reputed for their quality电容器是我公司传统出口商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名
connotation expansion of reproduction with one's own funds自筹内涵扩大再生产投资
constructor's all risks建筑工程一切险
controller's department审计部
controller's expense主计长费用
Cox and Stuart's test考克斯与斯图尔特检验
Cox's method of two-step sampling考克斯两步抽样法
creditor's assets债权人资产
creditor's bill债权人开出票据
creditor's bill债权人所开汇票
creditor's committee债权人委员会
creditor's damage债权人损失
creditor's equity债权人产权
creditor's equity债权人权益
creditor's journal应付账款日记账
creditor's meeting债权人大会
creditor's meeting债权人会议
creditor's preferential claim债权人优先权
cut down one's expenditures节省开支
dependent's benefit家属福利
desert one's post擅离职守
distributor's brand经销商商标
distributor's brand供货商号的商标
distributor's contract经销合同
distributor's discount批发折扣
distributor's inventory经销商库存量
distributor's profit margin经销商利润幅度
do business on one's own account自行经营
dollar's buying power美元购买力
drain on the company's earnings公司收入大幅度减少
draw on one's funds提取资金
drawee's name受票人名称
each according to one's work按劳分配
earn one's bread谋生
earn one's living谋生
earn one's own living自食其力
economy's performance经济状况
economy's stability经济稳定性
employee's association职工联合会
employee's bonus职工奖金
employee's insurance fund职工保险基金
employee's withholdings allowance certificate预扣职工所得税认可证书
employer's annual federal unemployment tax return职工年度联邦失业税申报表
employer's contribution雇主出资额
employer's contributions to private pension, family allowance and similar schemes雇主对私人养老金、家庭补助金和类似计划的分摊额
employer's contributions to social security schemes雇主对社会保险计划的分摊额
employer's credit associations雇主举办的职工信用合作社
employer's federation雇主协会
employer's liability insurance雇主责任保险指对职工保护责任
employer's payroll tax雇主工薪税
employer's relief fund由雇主负担的职工救济基金
employer's third liability insurance雇主第三者责任保险
engage oneself to perform one's duties负责履行义务
enterprise's own resources企业自有资金
evade payment of one's debts躲债
ex buyer's bonded warehouse duty unpaid税后买方关栈交货价
ex maker's godown制造厂商仓库交货价
ex seller's godown卖方仓库交货价
excuse oneself for one's conduct替自的行为辩护
export merchant's selling agent出口商的售货代理商
export packing for buyer's account买方负担出口包装费
exporter's bank出口商往来银行
exporter's invoice出口商发票
factory's quality terms出厂品质条件
fail in one's duty失职
fail to keep one's promise违约
Fermat's spiral费马螺线
fortnight's holidays两周假期
founder's share创业股
founder's shares发起人创办人股份
founder's stock创业股
founder's stock发起人创办人股份
Gambler's ruin伽布勒损坏
general stock holder's meeting股东大会
get off one's hand货物脱手
get one's work工作获好评
get quit of one's debts了清债务
Glejser's test格莱赛检验
Gossen's Law高逊法则
Hagg's rules亥格定则
Hamilton's principle哈密顿原理
handicraft producer's cooperative手工业生产合作社
help supply each other's needs互通有无
hold in one's own possession个人持有
holding of subsidiary's preferred and common stock持有子公司优先股和普通股
individual's account私人账户
individual's work daily个人工作日写实
inspector's rejection检验员驳回
inspector's report检验员报告
issuer's cost发行成本
It's our principle in business "to honor the contract and keep our promise".我们的经营原则是"重合同,守信用"
joint reserves at the banker's association银行家联合会共同准备金
Kaldor's criterion卡尔多标准
Koyck's method科伊克法
laborer's credit corporation劳动金库
laborer's quality劳工素质
Lagrange's identity拉格朗日恒等式
Lagrange's interpolation method拉格朗日插值法
leader's price领导者价格
lessee's incremental borrowing rate承租方增支借款利率
lessee's minimum lease payments承租方最低租赁付款额
lessor's gross investment出租方总投资
lessor's method of accounting analysis出租人会计分析法
lessor's method of economic analysis出租人经济分析法
lessor's minimum lease payments岀租方最低租赁得款额
lessor's net investment出租方净投资
Let's congratulate ourselves for the successful contract成功签了合同,我们庆祝一下吧
Let's discuss the delivery date first. You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing让我们来说一下交货期的问题。你方在合同签订后的6个月内交货
lie on one's hands没有脱手
lighten the people's burden减轻人民负担
Lloyd's劳氏即劳埃德公司,17 世纪末由爱德华・劳埃德在伦敦创办的一家咖啡店发展起来,逐渐成为海上保险和航运业交易场所,并发展成为世界著名的保险组织
Lloyd's劳埃德船级协会由保险商、 船东及经纪人等组成
Lloyd's agent劳爱德代理人
Lloyd's association劳埃德协会
Lloyd's average bond劳合社海损保证书
Lloyd's average bond劳埃德协会海损分担协议
Lloyd's average bond劳氏共同海损契约担保
Lloyd's Average Bond, Guarantee and Salvage Agreement劳氏共同海损分担担保,保证及救助协议
Lloyd's Bank劳埃德银行英国四大银行之一
Lloyd's broker劳埃德保险公司经纪人
Lloyd's certificate劳氏证书
Lloyd's class劳合社船级社
Lloyd's Form "Average Bond"劳氏"海损担保"格式
Lloyd's Insurance Company劳埃德保险公司
Lloyd's List劳氏海事情报劳氏日报是海运专业报
Lloyd's List英国劳氏日报
Lloyd's Loading List劳氏船舶停港及装货周报
Lloyd's policy劳埃德保险单
Lloyd's Policy Signing Office劳埃德协会保险单签发局
Lloyd's refrigerating machinery certificate劳合社冷冻机械证
Lloyd's Register劳氏船舶登记簿
Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping劳氏船级社包括英国及世界各国海运货轮
Lloyd's Room劳埃德保险营业大厅
Lloyd's Rule劳合社船级规范
Lloyd's Rule劳氏船级规范
Lloyd's S. G. Form劳氏海上保险单格式
Lloyd's Underwriters Association劳氏承保人协会
Lloyd's Weekly Casualty Reports劳氏意外险报道周刊
lose one's ability of activity丧失活动能力
lose one's ability to live丧失生活能力
lose one's ability to work丧失工作能力
lose one's capital亏本
lose one's reputation丧失信誉
Lyapunov's direct method李亚普诺夫直接法
Lyapunov's theorem李亚普夫定理
make one's jack赚大钱
make up for each other's shortages互通有无
management's basic resources管理基本资源
management's business管理业务
management's responsibility管理责任
management's wishes经理意愿
manager's check经理的支票
manager's check经理支票
manager's check本票
manager's discretionary limit经理决定权限
manager's letter经理职责书
manager's order本票
manager's share经理股
manufacturer's brand厂商品牌
manufacturer's brand制造厂商标
manufacturer's certificate厂商证明
manufacturer's certificate制造厂证明书
manufacturer's certificate of quality制造商质量证书
manufacturer's certificate of quantity制造商数量证书
manufacturer's credit厂商信用
manufacturer's export agent厂商出口代理人
manufacturer's export agent制造商的出口代理商
manufacturer's export agent制造商外销代理人
manufacturer's inspection certificate厂商检验证书
manufacturer's inspection certificate制造厂商检验证明
manufacturer's invoice制造厂商发票
manufacturer's liability厂商责任
manufacturer's liability insurance厂商责任保险
manufacturer's liability insurance制造厂商责任保险
manufacturer's new orders厂商新订单
manufacturer's offices厂商销售机构
manufacturer's output floater厂商产品流动证券
manufacturer's output insurance厂商产品保险
manufacturer's productivity network厂商生产率网络
manufacturer's recommended price厂商推荐价格
manufacturer's representative厂商代表
manufacturer's sale branch制造厂商的分销机构
manufacturer's sales and inventory expectations厂商销储期望值
manufacturer's sales branch厂商分销机构
manufacturer's sales office工厂销售部
manufacturer's shipment自制自运
manufacturer's shipments厂商装运量
manufacturer's standard厂商标准
manufacturer's unfilled orders厂商未发货订单
master of one's own affairs当家作主
master's account业主账户
mate's receipt收货单指装船后由大副签字的收据
Mcclelland's needs theory of motivation麦克莱兰激励需要理论
mend one's market改善业务情况
merchandise inventory on hand at year's end年终现有商品库存
merchant's exchange rate商人汇率
merchant's rule商业计息法指分期付款销售的计息办法
merit rating form for clerical jobholder's公务员功绩表
middleman's commission中间商佣金
middleman's discount中间商折扣
middleman's fee中人介绍费
Mooney's theory of organization穆尼组织理论
mortgagee's insurance interest受押人保险利益
mortgagor's insurance interest出押人保险利益
multiple-s tep income statement分步收益表
Murthy's method莫蒂方法
mutually supplying each other's needs互通有无
National Council for U.S. - China Trade美中贸易全国委员会
national economy and people's livelihood国计民生
number of clay's sales in merchandise inventory存货销售天数
observe one's contractual obligation遵守契约义务
occupier's tax农民所得税
occupier's tax占用人所得税
offer subject to buyer's inspection以买方检验为条件的报盘
offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval发盘待买方验看满意后订货
offer subject to seller's confirmation发盘以卖方确认为准
offer subject to seller's confirmation须卖方确认的报盘
offer subject to seller's final confirmation发盘以卖方最后确认为准
officer's bonus职员奖金
other people's money借入款
overrun one's market错失脱手机会
owner's clause所有人条款保险条款之一
owner's liability业主责任
owner's occupation业主所有权
owner's occupation业主自用
owner's risk clause船主自负风险条款
owner's risk of damage货主负担货损险
owner's risk of deterioration腐烂变质由货主负责
owner's risk of fire火灾由货主负责
owner's risk of freezing冻坏由货主负责
owner's risk of leakage漏损险由货主负担
Paasche's formula帕许公式
paradox of prisoner's dilemma囚徒两难问题悖论
Pareto's law帕氏定律
Parkinson's laws帕金森定律
partner's drawing account合伙人提款账户
partner's note payable应付合伙人票据
partner's salary合伙人薪金
passenger's luggage in advance旅客行李预收
payable with the banker's charge付款时连同支付银行费用
Pearson's formula皮尔逊公式
percent of year's sales uncollected年度未收货款百分率
period of the carrier's responsibility承运人责任期
Peter's law彼得定律
pieceworker's make up allowance计件工人补偿津贴
pieceworker's makeup allowance计件工人补偿津贴
port's maximum monthly throughput港口最繁忙月吞吐量
port's maximum monthly tonnage of cargo transfered港口最繁忙月操作量
port's productivity港口劳动生产率
port's project trust fund港口项目信托基金
port's volume of freight traffic港口吞吐量
preferred stockholders's equity优先股股东权益
priority for the people's livelihood人民生活优先
priority of one's claim优先索赔权
prisoner's dilemma囚徒两难问题
public relation's man负责公共关系人员
publisher's specification出版说明
rate of return on stockholder's equity股东产权收益率
recover one's losses捞本
region's foreign-exchange constraint地区外汇紧张状况
report of director's董事会报告
Reuter's Index路透社商品行情指数
Reuter's Index of Commodity Price路透社商品价格指数
salesmen's commission推销员佣金
salesmen's estimates销售人员预测估算
salesmen's salaries and commission推销员薪金及佣金
salesmen's samples推销员样品
salesmen's sates composite method销售员估计综合法
salesmen's time report推销员工时报告
salesmen's traveling and entertainment expenses推销员差旅交际费
salesmen's travelling and entertainment expenses推销员旅费和交际费
saw sharpener's bench锯床台面
seller's contract售出合同
seller's failure to perform卖方不履行合约
seller's market卖方市场求大于供市场
seller's option卖主选择
seller's option to double卖主有权加倍
seller's or shipper's usance L/C远期信用证
seller's over卖主过多
seller's usance卖方远期票据
set one's self up in business备本经商
Sheppard's correction谢派德校正数
ship builder's policy造船公司保险单
ship's clearance船舶结关证
ship's company船上全体船员
ship's gear船上装卸机具
ship's husband船舶管理人
ship's husband随船押货人
ship's inventory船上所载货物
ship's manifest船运舱单
ship's option船方选择权如对载货运费计算基准,可选择以重量吨为准或体积吨为准等
ship's report给目的港装货报告单
ship's stores船舶用品即船上人员自用的食品和用品,均免税
ship's turnover rate平均航次周转率
ship's turnround time船舶生产周期
shipowner's liability船主责任
shipper's contract发货人与承运人签订的合同
shipper's endorsement发货人背书
shipper's letter of instruction装运指示书
shipper's load and count运货人自装自算
shipper's load and count发货人自装自算
shipper's load and count发货人装货并点数
shipper's load and tally运货人自装自理货
shipper's order托运发货人的指令
shipper's usance托运人远期信用又称卖方信用,指出口商准许进口商在货物出口后一定日期后才支付货款,系出口商给进口商的资金融通
Simpson's rule辛普森原则
speak one's mind直言
steamer's bag船上邮袋
"student's" critical point"学生"临界点
student's distribution"学生"分布
"student's" T-distribution"学生式" T 分布
summary of customer's order客户订单汇总表
supplier's credit供应商信贷
supplier's credit供方信贷
supplier's credit debt供应方信贷债务
supplier's credit debt供方信贷债务
supplier's industry供应行业
supplier's invoice供应商发票
supplier's monopoly供应垄断
supplier's surplus供方盈余
take effect as from this day's date自当日起生效
take up one's indenture服务期满
teacher's book教本
teller's machine出纳机
teller's proof出纳验证指核查库存现金与账面总额是否相符
teller's settlement book出纳员结算簿
teller's station岀纳台
The People's Insurance Company of China Insurance Clause中国人民保险公司保险条例
today's event记事牌
trader's room外汇银行中外汇交易室
traveler's accident insurance旅客平安险
traveler's baggage insurance旅客行李险
traveler's desire旅客期望
traveler's preferences旅游者喜好
traveller's accident insurance旅客意外险
traveller's check旅行支票指专为出国旅行者使用的定额支票
traveller's circular credit旅行信用证
traveller's letter of credit旅行信用证
traveller's policy旅客旅行意外保险单
value of manufacturer's inventories制造业存货额
value of manufacturer's new order制造业新订货额价值
value of manufacturer's new orders制造业新订货额
vice president's office副总裁办公室
warehouse-keeper's order仓库管理员命令指海关官员签发的命令, 授权仓库保管员放行保税货物
warehouse-keeper's receipt存仓凭单
warehouseman's order岀库许可证
watchman's expense看护费
within arbitrator's jurisdiction仲裁员管辖权范围
women's extra女式特大号
worker's annuity职工年金
worker's annuity insurance职工年金保险
worker's compensation insurance工人恤养保险
worker's congress职工代表大会
worker's director职工董事
worker's information system工人信息系统
worker's insurance expenses劳动保险费
worker's management工人自治
worker's management工人参加管理
worker's participation in management工人参加管理
worker's participation management工人参与管理
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