
Terms for subject Advertising containing phrase | all forms
bandied phraseрасхожая фраза
catchpenny phraseрасхожая фраза
echo-phraseэхо-фраза (The echo-phrase is the final part of your advertisement. It's one of the most important elements of your offer, as it's the mostly read part together with the title. The main function of the echo-phrase is to summarize your advertisement webstartguide.com Alexander Demidov)
linking phraseсвязующая фраза
linking phraseсвязка
marketing phraseслоган (NadVic)
pictorial phraseяркое выражение
proleptic phraseвводящая фраза
provincial phraseдиалектизм
tired phraseзатёртая фраза
tired phraseизбитая фраза
tired phraseзатасканная фраза