
Terms for subject Technology containing 增长率 | all forms | in specified order only
专用基金增长率growth rate of earmarked fund
交通增长速率traffic growth-rate
人口增长率growth rate of population
人口增长率ratio of population increase
人口增长率ratio of population in crease
人口增长率accretion of population
人口总增长率overall population growth rate
人口机械增长率rate of social increase of population
人口机械增长率rate of population growth form migration
人口自然增长率rate of natural population growth
人口自然增长率rate of natural increase of population
价格增长率ratio of price increasing
储量增长率ratio of ore reserve depleting
内含增长率公式implied growth rate equation
内在增长率intrinsical growth rate
内在增长率intrinsical rate of growth
内在增长率intrinsic rate of growth
内在增长率intrinsic growth rate
内在自然增长率intrinsical rate of natural increase
内禀增长率intrinsical rate of increase
内禀增长率intrinsic rate of increase
内禀自然增长率intrinsical rate of natural increase
内禀自然增长率intrinsic rate of natural increase
发展速度和增长率development speed and growth rate
固定资产增长率growth rate of real assets
均衡增长率equilibrium rate of growth
增长率percentage increase
增长率rate of accumulation (冰川)
增长率accumulation rate (冰川)
增长率growth rate method
增长速率rate of rise
复合年增长率compound annual rate of growth
天然内在增长率intrinsical rate of natural increase
天然内在增长率intrinsic rate of natural increase
密度增长率density increase rate
就业增长率hiring rate
市场收入增长率increasing rate of geological market receipt
市场收入增长率increasing rate of geologic market receipt
平均年增长率annual average rate of increase
增长率annual percent of increase
增长率annual increase rate
年平均增长率mean annual growth rate
年收益增长率rate of growth of benefits
强度增长率rate of strength development
强度增长率rate of development of strength
微生物比增长速率specific growth rate of microorganism
成果价值增长率increasing rate of result value
指示性增长率indicative growth
增长率daily progression rate
增长率increase rate of radon
消费增长率consumption increase rate
港口吞吐量增长率growth rate of port traffic
生产增长率ratio of productive increasing
电压增长率voltage build-up rate
电压增长率rate of voltage rise
目标增长率target growth rate
矿化度的增长率increasing rate of salinity
离子浓度的增长率incremental rate of ion concentration
经营盈利增长率increasing rate of management profit
群体每年平均增长百分率mean annual growth rate percent
能源增长率energy growth rate
荷载增长率rate of load growth
裂纹增长率rate of crack growth
角度增长率rate of increase of angle (定向钻进时)
贸易量增长率减低reduced growth in trade volume
速率增长rate increase
速率增长increase of speed
销售增长率ratio of marketing increasing
增长率zero growth rate
需求增长率ratio of demand increase
顺时人口净增长率intrinsical rate of increase
顺时人口净增长率intrinsic rate of increase