
Terms for subject Technology containing bull | all forms | exact matches only
big bull工长
big bull领工员
bull account买主账 (户)
bull bit凿钻头
bull bit一字形钎头
bull bit凿形钻头
bull bit—字形钻头
bull block起模板
bull block大型滑车
bull block主索滑车
bull block拉丝模
bull blocker拉丝机
bull brick单圆角砖
bull capital大型柱顶
bull chain木材拖拉机的拖运链
bull chain传送链
bull chain减速链
bull clam弯曲刮刀推土机
bull-clam shovel平土机
bull core structure筒体结构
bull crack厚薄不均匀而裂
bull crack裂纹
bull deep-well pump杆式深井泵
bull ditcher大型开沟机
bull dozer-equipped track-type tractor履带式推土机
bull earing上帆缩帆眼索
bull earing天幕角眼
bull edger多锯片板条锯
bull-engine直接作用蒸汽机 (与抽油泵相连的)
bull-fighting arena斗牛竞技场
bull-fighting arena大型斗技场
bull float大型抹子
bull float长柄镘板
bull float大抹子
bull float混凝土刮平器
bull float混凝土抹平器
bull float大镘板
bull gang普通工作队
bull gang铺路及敷设管道工作队
bull gang辅助工班
bull gear clamp带背轮的塔轮接合销
bull gear drive大齿轮转动
bull gear reducer大齿轮减速机
bull head平板箱形孔型
bull head小圆头
bull head露顶侧砖
bull head双头式 (大圆头)
bull head圆头丁砖
bull head挡土水墙
bull head堤岸
bull head大头T形管
Bull-head bed布尔赫德层【地】
bull-head pass辊身平孔型
bull-head rail双头轨
bull-head rail双头钢轨
bull-head rail工字钢轨
bull-head rail圆筒钢轨
bull-head rail小圆头栏杆
bull-head rail圆头钢轨
bull-head rail chair双头轨座
bull head rivet圆头铆钉
bull-head tee大头三通
bull-head tee异径三通
bull-head tee大小头三通
bull-headed rail工字钢轨
bull-headed rail圆筒钢轨
bull-headed rail小圆头栏杆
bull-headed rail双头轨
bull-headed rail双头钢轨
bull-headed rail圆头钢轨
bull-headed rail chair双头轨座
bull-headed tee异径三通
bull-headed tee大头三通
bull-headed tee大小头三通
bull header圆头丁砖
bull header墙角突头砖
bull header圆端丁砖
bull header圆角丁砖
bull header露顶侧砖
bull header露头侧砌丁砖
bull jig粗料跳态机
bull ladle大起重机式浇包
bull ladle输送包
bull ladle大型浇包
bull line舱面拉货短索
bull market旺市
bull metal mould大型的金属模子
bull-nose bed地毯托架
bull-nose bit楔形扩孔钻头
bull-nose bit牛鼻形不取芯钻头
bull-nose block圆角混凝土块体
bull-nose block外圆角形混凝土砌块
bull-nose block圆角砌块
bull-nose brick圆头砖
bull-nose brick外圆角砖
bull-nose brick单圆角砖
bull-nose brick牛鼻形砖
bull-nose coping圆角帽梁
bull-nose edge抹圆角边
bull-nose guide半球形导向头
bull-nose header圆端丁砖
bull-nose plane外圆角刨
bull-nose plane牛头刨
bull-nose screen混凝土摊铺机的整平板
bull-nose step楼梯起步的圆头踏步板
bull-nose step圆端踏步
bull-nose step圆角踏步
bull-nose stretcher立砌顺砖
bull-nose stretcher圆端顺砖
bull-nose stretcher露边侧砖
bull-nose stretcher圆角顺砖
bull-nose tool通切刀
bull-nose tool拉荒车刀
bull-nose trim圆镶边
bull-nose trim有圆边的装饰配件
bull-nose trim圆角边距
bull-nose trowel修边器
bull-nose winder楼梯的圆角斜踏步
bull-nosed plane外圆角刨
bull-nosed step楼梯起步的圆头踏板
bull of the woods工程主管人
bull operation哄抬价格活动
bull pen牛棚
bull pen宿营地
bull pen候审室
bull pin钢结构钻孔锥
bull pin大销钉
bull pin圆头钉
bull pine泡松
bull plug大塞
bull plug管塞 (子)
bull plug nose锥形塞头
bull point钢锥
bull point十字铲
bull point钢凿
bull point大尖塔
bull point大尖钻
bull point破碎岩石或砖砌石砌体的钢钻
bull point角锥铲
bull pole公牛棍
bull prick钢钎
bull pump双头泵
bull pump推力泵
bull pump杆式泵
bull pup无价值矿地
bull quartz烟式石英
bull rail挡轮坎 (码头前沿)
bull rail码头护缘
bull rail挡车槛 (码头前沿)
bull rail木码头护木
bull ring船首系缆圈
bull ring填料护盖
bull ring斗牛场
bull ring研磨圈
bull riveter重型铆钉机
bull rope吊桠桅绳
bull rope吊艇杆前牵绳
bull rope粗绳
bull rope传动索
bull rope防磨索
bull rope稳定索
bull rope舱内搬货安全索
bull rope粗钢丝绳
bull rope栏索
bull rope牵引绳子
bull's eye圆天窗
bull's eye牛眼木饼
bull's eye滑槽
bull's eye小圆窗
bull's eye旋风眼
bull's eye圆玻璃窗
bull's eye单眼滑车
bull's eye牛眼状 (黄铁矿结核心)
bull's eye cringle帆梢木眼环
bull's eye lamp牛眼灯
bull's eye lantern圆形马灯
bull's eye lens牛眼透镜
bull's eye level圆水准器
bull's eye ring牛眼环
bull's eye window牛腿窗
bull's eye window小圆窗
bull's liver砂子与湿红黏土混合土壤
bull screen碎料筛
bull seller空头
bull shaker摇动筛
bull shaker摇动溜槽
bull shaker摇筛
bull station公牛站
bull stick转杆
bull stock公牛牵引杆
bull stretcher圆角踏步板
bull stretcher侧砌的顺砖
bull stretcher带外圆角的顺砖
bull stretcher露边侧砖
bull stretcher露边侧砌顺砖
bull stretcher圆端顺砖
bull stretcher路边侧桩
bull switch照明控制开关
bull the buoy撞上浮标
bull the market使股票等的行情上涨
bull the market哄抬拾市场价格
bull tongs大管钳
bull tongue窄松土铲
bull tongue shovel重型窄锄铲
bull trawler大拖网渔船
bull trawler对拖网渔船
bull trowel圆角抹子
bull trowel圆角铰刀
bull trowel圆角泥刀
bull trowel尖脊的镘刀
bull wagon套管车
bull weeks缺勤少时期
bull wheel大转盘
bull wheel大转轮
bull wheel大轮
bull wheel起重机水平转盘
bull wheel起重机的水平转盘
bull wheel大卷筒
bull wheel钻具滚筒
bull wheel转盘
bull wheel钢绳冲击钻的拉绳轮
bull wheel牛轮
bull wheel桅式起重机桅杆下面的底轮
bull wheel box钻具滚筒端的轴颈套
bull wheel brake钻具滚筒刹车
bull wheel crane转盘起重机
bull wheel derrick大转盘桅杆起重机
bull wheel derrick转盘起重机
bull wheel derrick大转盘动臂起重机
bull wheel drive大齿轮转动
bull wheel driven binder行走轮驱动的割捆机
bull wheel shaft clamps钻具滚筒轴套
bull window圆形或椭圆形窗
bulls'eye glass牛眼玻璃
derrick bull wheel桅杆起重机转盘
double bull type column双圆角式柱
dry bull density干体密度
end bull plant终点站
end bull station终点站
internal bull-nose brick内凹砖
John bull约翰色粉 (一种粉刷墙壁用的可洗的含油色粉)
single bull nose单外圆角
single bull nose单圆角
stone bull石料大件
topping lift bull rope千斤索升降绳
topping lift bull rope小千斤
wheel bull dozer轮式推土机
winged bull双扇小圆窗