
Terms for subject Technology containing Cubic Meter | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
agreement by cubic meter按方计货
approximate estimate on cubic meter basis单立方概算
bank cubic meter立方米土方
content of cement in a cubic meter体量水泥系数
cubic meter of base pit基坑土量
cubic meter of earth土方
cubic meter of earth and stone土石方
cubic meter of site digging井场挖方
cubic meter of site filling井场填方
cubic meter of stone石方
cubic meters per day立方日
cubic meters per hour立方米/小时
cubic meters per minute立方米/分
cubic meters per second秒立方米
cubic meters per second立方米每秒
estimate on cubic meter basis立方米预算
explosive consumption per cubic meter每立方米坑道炸药消耗量
kilograms per cubic meter千克/立方米
kilograms per cubic meter每立方米千克数
loose cubic meter松散立方米
mega cubic meter兆立方米