
Terms for subject Desert science containing moraine | all forms | exact matches only
ablation moraine消融磧
accumulation moraine堆积冰磧
bottom moraine底磧
end moraine facies终冰磧相
englacial moraine内磧
flank moraine侧磧石
front moraine facies前积相
ground moraine基磧
lateral moraine侧磧
layered moraine层状冰积物
medial moraine facies中磧相
moraine-dammed lake冰磧堰塞湖
moraine deposit冰磧堆积
moraine facies冰磧相
moraine hill冰磧丘
moraine landscape冰磧景观
moraine of advance前进冰磧
moraine of recession后退冰磧
moraine terrace冰磧阶地
non-layered moraine非层状冰积物
recessional moraine后退冰磧
subglacial moraine冰底磧
superglacial moraine表磧石
surface moraine表磧石
terminal moraine终磧