
Terms for subject British usage, not spelling containing пункт | all forms | exact matches only
обменный пунктbureau de change (валюты denghu)
основной пунктstandard port (в предвычислении приливов)
пролетать промежуточный пункт маршрутаpass over a waypoint
пролетать промежуточный пункт ППМpass over a waypoint
пролетать промежуточный пункт ППМpass over a check-point
пункт кратковременного содержанияshort-term holding facility (STHS tlumach)
пункт обмена валютbureau de change ([ˈbjʊəɹ.əʊ.dəˌʃɒ̃ʒ], pl. bureaux de change) An office at a hotel, in an airport, etc, where you can exchange money from one country for that from another: This 24-hour distribution eliminates the need for customers to visit the bureau de change for currency exchange. • Staff would send people with European currency to the customer service desk and we would operate as a bureau de change against a rate fixed two or three times a week. • He laundered his money through bureaux de change and in casinos in Amsterdam. • ‘This survey highlights the great British holiday money rip-off that people face at most airport bureaux de change,' said Phil McHugh, senior foreign exchange dealer at Currencies Direct. Boris Gorelik)
пункт обмена валютыbureau de change (denghu)
строка, набранная шрифтом в 5,5 пунктаagate line