
Terms for subject Ecology containing S | all forms | exact matches only
accelerated erosion by human's activity人为加速侵蚀
accept customer’s materials for processing来料加工
Anderson's disease安德森病
Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem阿罗不可能定理
Aston’s mass spectrograph阿斯顿质谱仪
Barrel's theory巴泽尔理论
Bethel’s process贝氏防腐法
BOCOG's Department of Environmental Affairs北京奥组委环境部
Bosnquet's formula鲍费克特公式指计算排烟上升高度的公式
bulb's lifetime灯泡寿命
Casullo's difference scheme卡苏利差分格式
China’s Agenda 21中国21世纪议程
China’s Green Carbon Fund中国绿色碳基金
China’s guiding principles for environmental protection中国环保基本方针
China's National Development and Reform Commission中国国家发展改革委员会
China’s Seven Major Water Bodies中国七大流域七大水系 (i. e. the Liaohe River, the Haihe River, the Huaihe River, the Yellow River, the Songhua River, the Pearl River and the Yangtze River)
earth's average surface albedo地球表面平均反射率
earth's energy budget地球能量平衡
earth's ozone layer地球臭氧层
earth’s radiation balance地球辐射平衡收支
earth’s shadow地球阴影
earth’s water balance地球水分平衡
EL Paso's smut埃尔帕索美国城市烟尘
Endo’s agar远藤氏琼脂培养基鉴定大肠菌用
Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国渔业法
Food Hygiene Law of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国食品卫生法
Forest Law of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国森林法
geoscience’s analysis of tourism resources旅游资源地学分析地热
H₂S concentration硫化氢浓度
have one's house pulled down and move out拆迁
Hocke's law胡克定律
Hopkin’s bioclimatic law霍布金氏生物气候法则
intelligent 3S technique智能 3s 技术
Kuznet’s,curve of environment环境库兹涅茨曲线
landscape orientation's interception横向截留
Law of the People's Republic of China on Wild Animals Protection中华人民共和国野生动物保护法
mad hatter's disease慢性汞中毒症
man's activity人类活动
meet consumer’s demand满足消费者的需求
national welfare and the people's livelihood国计民生
Nessler’s reagent colorimetric method纳氏试剂比色法
Ostwald’s colorimeter奥氏比色计
Pareto's criterion/law帕累托法则又称帕累托收入分配定律
Pasquill's practical diffusion formula英国气象局公式一个实用的大气扩散公式
Robert's smoke chart罗伯特颜色图
S-type chainS 形链
S value斯韦柏单位值
Sandhoff’s disease桑德霍夫氏病
Sandhoff’s disease氨基己糖苷A-B酶缺乏症
stream’s oxygen balance河流中氧的平衡
Sutton's formula苏通扩散式
thermal environment of the earth's surface地球表面的热环境
trade of processing with customer's materials来料加工贸易
value's increase ment of water and soil resource水土资源增值
Walford's transformation equation沃尔福德转换方程
Weber-Fechner's law韦伯・费希纳法则这是心理物理学确定感觉浓度和刺激强度间函数关系的基本法则
Wheeler's filter bottom辉式滤床底部
World Bank's Community Development Carbon Fund世界银行的社会团体发展碳基金