
Terms for subject Bridge card game containing 防守 | all forms | in specified order only
危险的防守danger hand
对方 3副花色开叫时的防守defence to opening three-bid
对方 4副花色开叫时的防守defence to opening four-bid
1NT 无将开叫的防守defence to one notrump
1NT 无将开叫被加倍时的防守defence to double of one notrump
强迫将吃防守打法forcing defence
投给一个防守人出牌throw the lead
挤牌的防守defence to a squeeze
比赛的防守match-point defence
消极防守passive defence
特拉斯科特防守约定叫Truscott defence
第二家防守打法second hand play
约定性强开叫时的防守叫牌defence to strong artificial openings
约定性强梅花开叫的防守defence to artificial strong club
防守人声称或承认能赢得的牌墩数defender's claim or concession of tricks
防守叫牌defensive bidding
防守打法defensive play
防守赢墩defensive trick
黑木问叫受到干扰后的防守defence to interference with blackwood