
Terms for subject Figure of speech containing момент | all forms | exact matches only
берущий за душу моментchoker (Lily Snape)
в решающий моментwhen push comes to shove (ЛВ)
душераздирающий моментchoker (Lily Snape)
душещипательный моментchoker ("I've seen some lovely things at shows, remember one in Brazil, a dad, a tall guy with a beard and he's got this beautiful young girl with him and she's looking up at him and I'm doing 'Let It Be' and he's looking down and it was a real sort of beautiful family moment. And it was a choker because I've got to sing this thing and not cry!" Lily Snape)
момент крайнего удивленияpinch-me moment (sankozh)
момент озаренияa-ha moment (When I had this a-ha moment... – Когда я, наконец, понял... Когда до меня, наконец, дошло... visitor)
момент откровенияPauline conversion (Clepa)
момент прозренияa-ha moment (When I had this a-ha moment... – Когда я, наконец, понял... Когда до меня, наконец, дошло... visitor)
момент прозренияpinch-me moment (sankozh)
переломный моментwatershed moment (bigmaxus)