
Terms for subject Formal containing цель | all forms | exact matches only
анализы, которые берут у женщины, жалующейся на недавнее изнасилование, в госпитале, и переправляют прокурору с целью дальнейшего проведения генетической экспертизы для сравнения материалов с анализами, взятыми у подозреваемого.Rape kit (ilina197912)
в исследовательских целяхfor research (ART Vancouver)
в целях вашей личной безопасностиfor your own protection (ART Vancouver)
в целях демонстрацииfor demonstration purposes (Note that these simulations are for demonstration purposes only. – Просим иметь в виду, что данное моделирование применяется только в целях демонстрации. ART Vancouver)
в целях поддержкиin support of (Alex_Odeychuk)
выплаты с целью подкупаcorrupt payments (corrupt payments to foreign officials – выплаты с целью подкупа иностранных должностных лиц ART Vancouver)
деятельность с целью получения доходаrevenue-generating activity (ART Vancouver)
для этой целиthis effect
достигнуть целиachieve an objective (The objective of the legislation has been achieved. – цель достигнута ART Vancouver)
единственная цельsole object ("No article of value was taken, as it is probable that the criminals were men of good position, whose sole object was to prevent social exposure." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – единственной целью которых было не допустить • "Then there is the singular fact that he did not break it in the house, or immediately outside the house, if to break it was his sole object." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) – было его единственной целью ART Vancouver)
использование служебного положения в личных целяхinfluence peddling (ART Vancouver)
не отступать от своей целиbe committed to (He was emaciated, dehydrated and suffering from a severe case of mange. His rescuers knew it would take a while before he was fully healed, but they were committed to making sure he got there eventually. ART Vancouver)
осуществлять выплату с целью подкупаmake a corrupt payment to (ART Vancouver)
с единственной цельюexpressly (expressly = for a specific purpose; solely: "the deck was expressly built for entertaining": The accused entered the premises expressly to steal the antique items. ART Vancouver)
с любой цельюfor any purposes (ART Vancouver)
с ознакомительной цельюfor informational purposes ((Disclaimer: for informational purposes only -- Данная программа подготовлена исключительно с ознакомительной целью ...  ART Vancouver)
с цельюas a matter of (Alex Lilo)
с цельюfor the purposes of (for the purposes of securing these opportunities ART Vancouver)
с целью контроля качестваfor quality assurance (All calls are monitored for quality assurance. ART Vancouver)
с целью обеспеченияto ensure (To ensure the correct use of information, we maintain appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information and data stored on our system. ART Vancouver)
с целью создания видимостиfor staging purposes (The RTB wasn't persuaded by the landlord's submissions, which included photos of the home that appeared to be taken for "staging purposes" and did not include personal items like clothing, art, or photos. It also sided with the tenant regarding the mobile phone and low electrical bill, which it noted did not prove the landlord occupied the unit. (vancouverisawesome.com) ART Vancouver)
ставить своей цельюseek (+ gerund: We seek to empower young men and women to be socially responsible, caring and generous members of our society. – Нашей целью является ... ART Vancouver)
цель поездкиpurpose of one's trip (The purpose of my trip to Fort Myers was to meet my new business partners. ART Vancouver)