
Terms for subject Formal containing согласно | all forms | exact matches only
в корне не согласенfundamentally disagree (on – по вопросу; with * I fundamentally disagree with this statement. ART Vancouver)
мы руководствуемся правилами, согласно которымit is our policy (It is XYZ's policy not to accept unsolicited materials or ideas... ART Vancouver)
согласно графикуin accordance with the schedule (financial-engineer)
Согласно действующему законодательствуUnder the current legislation (ART Vancouver)
Согласно имеющимся у нас даннымOur records show that (ART Vancouver)
согласно которомуwherein (He also put forward another theory wherein the drawing is connected to "a horned deity cult in the Roman army as depicted at several military sites across Britain." -- теорию, согласно которой coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
согласно описаниюas described (as described in that section ART Vancouver)
Согласно оценкамit is estimated that (ART Vancouver)
согласно потребностиas needed (ART Vancouver)
согласно установленным правиламunder the policy (Under the city’s policy to protect heritage homes, a home could be demolished if over 60 per cent of it is damaged by fire. If the damage is to less than 60 per cent of the home then the policy states that it should be retained. ART Vancouver)
согласно соответствующему законодательствуin compliance with the relevant legislation (Soulbringer)
согласно условиям, изложенным в данном документеin accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein (I do hereby agree I carried out the above services in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein, referred to herein or attached hereto. ART Vancouver)
согласно установленным нормам | требованиямas stipulated by (ART Vancouver)
согласно установленным нормам | требованиямas stipulated (When E. coli levels get too high (200 E. coli/100 ml for primary recreational uses like swimming and 1,000 for secondary uses) as stipulated by Health Canada, the city must implement swimming closures in such areas. ART Vancouver)