
Terms for subject Formal containing give | all forms | exact matches only
give a lessonпровести урок (I gave Max a two-hour English lesson. ART Vancouver)
give a reportпредставить доклад (Andrey Truhachev)
give a reportпредставлять доклад (Andrey Truhachev)
give a reportотчитываться (Andrey Truhachev)
give a reportдавать отчёт (Andrey Truhachev)
give a reportдокладывать (Andrey Truhachev)
give a strong critique ofподвергнуть суровой критике (Speaking at a City conference, [Bank of England governor Mark] Carney gave a strong critique of behaviour in the City. The governor questioned whether traders met ethical standards and said that those who failed to meet high professional standards should be ostracised. 4uzhoj)
give a written requestобратиться с просьбой в письменном виде (A general leave of absence of up to two months may be applied for by giving a written request to the immediate supervisor. ART Vancouver)
give careful considerationвнимательно рассмотреть (a notice posted outside for election canvassers: Please do not knock or ring the doorbell. If you ring the doorbell or knock on the door, an unfortunate cascade of three things will happen: 1. The dog will lose her mind. 2. I will lose my shit. 3. You will lose my vote. Nonetheless, please feel free to quietly leave any campaign literature. We will give the information careful consideration. Best of luck to everyone! ART Vancouver)
give one's guessпопробовать угадать (I'm going to give you my guess. – Попробую угадать. ART Vancouver)
give instructionsотдать распоряжения (ART Vancouver)
give noticeпредупредить (Should any prior invoicing be required in order for the Publishers to make payment, it will be the obligation of the Publishers to give notice to this effect not less than 14 days prior to the due date for payment. 4uzhoj)
give someone notice of somethingдовести что-либо до чьего-либо сведения (Andrey Truhachev)
give statusприсвоить статус (Mount Gardner is treasured by many, from on and off-island, for the peace and tranquility that can be found in its forests. Mount Gardner must be given non-motorized status. bowenislandundercurrent.com ART Vancouver)
give the backgroundдать историческую справку (Victorian)
I hereby give my consentдаю согласие (e.g.: "I hereby give my consent FOR my child, Alex Dawson, Grade 3, to participate in all curriculum activities, all athletic activities, and all educational excursions." ART Vancouver)
I hereby give my full consent toнастоящим даю согласие на (ART Vancouver)
this is to give noticeнастоящим сообщается
this is to give noticeдоводится до всеобщего сведения