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不要害怕去零售商店如沃尔玛购买质轻透气的运动服装,者到二手体育用品店购买一些健身器材Don't be afraid to check retail stores like Wal-Mart for basic lightweight, breathable workout apparel, or secondhand sports stores for fitness equipment
举办奥林匹克运动会、世界锦标赛、世界杯赛以及洲际、地区区域性锦标赛、应任命下列国际官员:At Olympic Games, World Championships and World Cups, Continental, Regional or Area Championships, the following officials should be appointed internationally:
争取保住奖杯的运动员cup defender
以语言行动表示异议show dissent by word or action
侧面后面移动move sideways or backwards
"兔耳"运动员裁判员指运动员或裁判员对场外观众反应过分灵敏rabbit ears
无反应all or none response
无定律all-or-none law
无定律all or none law
无收缩all-or-none contraction
无现象all-or-none phenomenon
无现象all or none phenomenon
无的方式all-or-none fashion
棒球投手动辄受伤发炎的手臂glass arm
协助国际田联进行赛外兴奋剂检查是任何会员协会其官员的责任It is the duty of any Member or officer of a Member to assist the IAAF in carrying out out-of-competition testing
单枪匹马投篮射门得分solo goal
发令员认为一名几名运动员对起跑犯规负责时、他应只给这名或这几名运动员警告The Starter should warn only such competitor or competitors who, in his opinion, were responsible for the false start
因有伤病恶劣天气情况而由主办方限制下注金额的一场比赛circled game
比赛因雨取消延期rain out
国家地区奥林匹克委员会名称和代号National Olympic Committees
在下达"各就位""预备" 口令时、所有运动员应立刻做好最后的预备姿势On the command "On your marks" or" Set, all competitors shall at once assume their full and final set position
在"各就位" 口令下达后、如果一名运动员通过声音其他方式干扰参加这次比赛的其他运动员、这一行动应视为起跑犯规If a competitor after the command On your marks "disturbs other competitors in the race through sound or otherwise,it may be considered a false start"
在径赛时决定一名参赛运动员是否到达终点取决于他的躯干的位置、而不取决于他的手臂、腿头部的位置In track events it is the torso, not the arms, legs or head that determines when the competitor has reached the finish line
在撑竿跳高和跳高比赛中、运动员仅在胸前后背佩戴一块号码布In the pole vault and high jump events, one number bib may be worn on the breast or back only
在比赛的任何阶段、当运动员的行进方式违反竞走定义的规定、表现出可见的明显的腾空膝关节弯曲时、均应给予严重警告红卡Competitors shall be given warnings red card when, by their mode of progression, they fail to comply with the Definition of Race walking by exhibiting visible loss of contact or a bent knee during any part of the competition. (注释:1. 国际田联竞走规则中较长时间使用 warning作为严重警告,因此,仍保留这种例句作为参考。2. 国际田联新规则(2006)更多使用红卡 red eard 例如,当裁判员观察到运动员表现出明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时,裁判员须向主裁判送交一张红卡 red card)
如果一名运动员被另一名运动员推出被迫跑出他的分道、但未从中获得实际的利益、这名运动员将不应被取消比赛资格If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside the lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor shall not be disqualified
如果两名更多的选手成绩相同、则在比赛中失败次数最少者获胜If two or more competitors are tied, the winner is the one with the fewest misses during competition
如果你决定投资建一个家庭健身房,可以查阅当地的分类广告,访问网上的克雷格列表,者去趟二手体育用品商店If you decide you want to invest in a home gym, check out your local classifieds, Craigslist and used sports goods stores
如果出现运动员犯规违犯规则的情况、检查员应立即以书面形式将这一事件报告裁判长In the case of a foul or violation of the rules by a competitor, the umpire shall make an immediate written report of the incident to the referee
少年男子和女子组:凡比赛当年 12 月 31 日为 16 17 周岁者Youth Boys and Girls: Any athlete of 16 or 17 years on 31st December in the year of the competition
居家度假时,多数美国人穿休闲或运动服饰At home or on holiday, most Americans wear informal or sporty clothes
应警告运动员、 他们应对其体内存在所有任何禁用物质负责Athletes are warned that they are responsible for all or any prohibited substance present in their body
当接力的全程第一棒为分道跑时、运动员可在自己的分道内用胶布做一个标记When all or the first portion of a relay race is being run in lanes, a competitor may place one check-mark on the track within his own lane, by using self-adhesive tape
抛硬币选择发球权场区toss for service and end of court
挠骨头软骨骨片撕脱baseball pitcher's elbow
拔河掷币挑边抽签toss or draw
撑竿的长度、直径构成没有限制There is no restriction on the length, diameter or composition of the pole
最好的表演成绩top performance
比赛场地指挥员是一名官员、 职责是确保参赛运动员进人跑道田赛场地时其他人员不得人内Marshal is an official whose duty is to ensure that only competitors are permitted on the running track or on the field
比赛时、裁判员应举白旗红旗以示试跳的成功或失败The Judge shall indicate the validity or non-validity of a trial by raising a white or red flag
涉及比赛成绩的抗议比赛过程的抗议、必须在正式宣告该项成绩后30分钟内提出Protests concerning the result or the conduct of an event shall be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the result of that event
用正当不正当的手段by fair means or foul
裁判员手势信号official's signal
试跳试投有效valid trial
走得比…… 远或快outgo
运动员可在第二次第三次试跳时请求免跳注释:1. forgo 作动词使用,原意是放弃,如放弃一次机会 forgo an opportunity; 2. forego = forgo 两种拼法均可; 3. 用于试跳 forgo a trial 意即放弃一次试跳机会,规则使用"免跳"A competitor may forgo his second or third trial
运动员应穿着由其国家主管部门正式批准的国家俱乐部统一的比赛服装Competitors must wear the national or club uniform clothing approved by their National Governing Body (注clothing 是衣服、服装的总称,通常不用复数)
青年男子和女子组:凡比赛当年 12 月 31 日为 18 19 周岁者Junior Men and Women: Any athlete of 18 or 19 years on 31st December in the year of the competition