
Terms for subject Sports containing | all forms
交替使用种战术打法mix up delivery
你可以选择在家锻炼——寻找种能让你流汗,但便宜甚至免费的健身器材There's always the home workout option - check out the myriad of fitness appliances which will make you sweat but are cheap or free
其他项应继续按运动员报名成绩排序后分组For other events, the original performance lists shall continue to be used for seedings
发令员在鸣枪前喊两个口令"就位! "和"预备!"Starter gives two commands before firing pistol On your marks! "and Set!"
向同性转换isotropic transformation
国奥林匹克委员会会徽Emblems of National Olympic Committees
国奥林匹克委员会常设总会Permanent General Assembly of National Olympic Committees
国奥林匹克委员会总会Association of National Olympic Committees
大洲预选赛continental qualifying rounds
就位!Take your marks! (口令)
就位裁判用语on your marks
就位!On your marks!
就各位!ready! steady! go
裁判用语就各位!Take your marks!
就各位!Take post!
裁判用语就各位!On your marks!
级通用测验class-free test
在"就位" 口令下达后、如果一名运动员通过声音或其他方式干扰参加这次比赛的其他运动员、这一行动应视为起跑犯规If a competitor after the command On your marks "disturbs other competitors in the race through sound or otherwise,it may be considered a false start"
在下达"就位"或"预备" 口令时、所有运动员应立刻做好最后的预备姿势On the command "On your marks" or" Set, all competitors shall at once assume their full and final set position
在全能单项比赛时、自始至终只能使用一种计时方法In combined events competition, only one system of timing may be applied throughout each event (注释:timing 计时是名词,动词是 time,记录时间也可用动词 record 或 takeo 例如:the time shall be recorded/the time shall be taken from/time a race/the race was timed 时间 time,计时 timing 两者均可作名词使用,但意义上有差别)
将运动员按排列的序号、 依照蛇形分布的方法编人The competitors shall then be placed in heats in the order of seeding in a zigzag distribution (注释:seeding 可作为名词或动名词使用。其动词是 seed,它有两种用法:一是从运动员中挑选种子选手;二是排序,将参赛运动员按成绩优劣排序编组,以免水平较高的运动员过早相遇。)
循环制场赛round-robin series
循环制中的场比赛round robin series
打——个电话就可以把健身教练叫到家,他还随身带有式各样的健身器材One phone call will also bring a fitness coach to your house, bringing all manner of fitness equipment with him
批准 200 米及 200 米以下项目的纪录、必须申报有关风速数据For all records up to and including 200 metres, information concerning wind speed shall be submitted
模仿种动物行走的游戏animal walks
波多黎PUR (National Olympic Committee)
米至 800 米的项径赛应按下列规定抽签排定道次:For events 100m to 800m inclusive lanes will be drawn as follows: 100
纵观世界民族的运动服装,不难看出,体育运动服饰呈现出很强的民族性,大多数体现了各民族的服饰文化特征Looking at various peoples' costumes, it is easy to find that sportswear takes on an obvious nationality and most of it embodies respective characters of finery culture
赢输split even
跑步是一项对年龄段的人都有益的运动Running is a good exercise for people of all ages
输赢split even
铅球运动员是田径项目中块头最大的Shot-putters are among the largest athletes in track and field events