
Terms for subject Sports containing play | all forms | exact matches only
actual play临场发挥
advice to player during play比赛中场外指导
all play with all循环赛
anti-play line回场线
ball fractured in play球在比赛进行中破裂
bonehead play失球
bonehead play笨拙的打法
bonehead play失误
bonehead play漏球
bring one's strong points into full play充分发扬长处
bring one's strong points into full play充分发挥特长
bring one's superiority into full play发挥优势
bring one's superiority into full play充分发挥优势
cautious play谨慎的打法
close play难分胜负的比赛
close play比分接近的比赛
conduct of play比赛行为
conservative play保守打法
continuity of play比赛的连续性
deceptive play引诱战术
defence play防守战术
demonstration play表演赛
dirty play小动作很多的比赛
dirty play粗野的比赛
drive of plays游戏驱力
duration of play比赛时间
fair play公平比赛
fair play公平竞争
fair play正当打法
fair play公平合理的处理
fair play公正的比赛
fair play公平游戏
fair play合法比赛
fair play按规则比赛
fair play trophy公平竞争奖
fair play trophy风格奖
false play假球
false play on purpose放水
feint play佯攻
Field of Play竞赛场地
fine play绝招
five-anima play五禽戏
five-animal play中国古代体育五禽戏
flexible play机动打法
foul play不符合体育道德的行为
foul play粗野动作
foul play犯规动作
give abnormal play to one's skill发挥失常
give best play to one's skill大显身手
give full play to充分发挥
give full play to one's abilities大显身手
give normal play to one's skill发挥正常
grandstand play哗众取宠的表演
grandstand play存心引人注意的花式动作
imitative play模仿性游戏
In middle-distance races running strategy plays a major role在中距离赛跑时、赛跑策略起重要作用
in play比赛进行中
interfere with the play干扰比赛
irregular field of play不正规的场地
irregular field of play不正规场地
level of play技术水平
miss play战术失败
moving play机动的打法
offence play进攻战术
offensive play攻击打法
order of play比赛顺序
ordered off the field for foul play因犯规被罚出场
out of play比赛成死球
out of play暂停
outstanding play精彩的表现
period of actual play实际比赛时间
persistent foul play连续犯规
play a lone hand单枪匹马地干
play a tidy game打得利落
play against the wind顶风踢
play an exhibition game举行表演赛
play as a goalkeeper担任守门员
play battledore and shuttlecock打毽板拍毽儿
play by instinct凭本能打
play by instinct靠本能打球
play by thought比赛中动脑子
play by thought比赛中动脑
play-by-play announcer实况播讲员
play catch-up全力一搏
play even打成平局
play fair按规则比赛
play fair光明正大地比赛
play fair公平地比赛
play fair公平比赛
play football对难办的事采取踢足球的态度
play for the championship争夺冠军
play foul违反运动道德
play foul违反体育道德
play ground比赛场地
play hall游戏场
play host做东
play in a groove老一套打法
play in a rut老一套打法
play in the final参加决赛
play in the finals参加决赛
play music奏乐
play national anthem奏国歌
play off延长比赛
play off加赛以破平局
play off a match平局后加赛以决胜负
play off a tie加赛以破平局
play-off match决胜加赛
play off the ceiling球击到天花板 (squash)
play off the walls球击到四壁 (squash)
play one's own game以我为主
play one's trump card打出王牌
play out把比赛进行到底 (the game)
play out筋疲力尽
play over重打
play over赛毕
play over重赛
play over one's head取得意外好成绩
play pattern进攻阵形方式、配合
play rough打球粗野
play rough比赛作风粗野
play safe打保险球
play safe稳扎稳打
play short ball打短球 (squash)
play someone's eyes观察某人的视线而行动
play straight打直线 (squash)
play street禁止车辆通过以供儿童玩耍的游戏街
play the anthem奏国歌
play the field把赌注下在热门马以外的所有马上
play the field广下赌注
play the game行动光明正大
play the game遵守比赛规则
play the song of the meet奏会歌
play therapy游戏疗法
play to a standoff打成平局
play to the gallery讨好观众
play to the gallery比赛中好表现自己
play up拼命
play up比赛加油
play up to real standard打出真水平
play war玩打仗抓人的游戏
play well打得精彩
play with the wind顺风踢
pool play分组预赛
position play阵地战
position play选择好位置的打法
positional play固定位置打法
positional play阵地战
power play力量型比赛
power play goals以多打少攻进的球
pre-play预备挥杆练习 (woodball)
put the ball out of play使成死球
read the play观察场上的情况
refuse to play拒绝比赛
resume a play续战
resume a play继续比赛
resume play继续比赛
resume play恢复
resumption of play继续比赛
resumption of play续赛
resumption of play比赛中断后继续进行
rough play粗暴的比赛
rough play粗暴的行为
rough time in the play打得艰苦的时段
rowdy play大打出手
Running strategy plays a major role in middle and long distance races赛跑策略在中长跑中起重要作用
safe play保守打法
safety-first play保守法
safety-first play保守打法
schedule of play比赛日程
set play成套的战术 (attack)
set play固定配合进攻法 (attack)
set play规定的打法 (attack)
set play成套战术
short pass play短传进攻
short pass play短传打法
speed play任意变速练习
standard of play能力水平
style of play打法
sucker play比赛中受骗
sucker play引诱战术
sucker play欺骗防守进攻法
system play按原定战术的打法
tactic of play比赛战术
team play小队练习
team play全队协作
trick play策略活动
trick play动脑筋的打法
trick play用假动作的比赛
trick play迷惑对方的巧妙打法
trick play迷惑对方的打法
trick play巧妙打法
trick play假动作很多的打法
unfair play不正当行为
ungentlemanly play粗野的比赛
variation play灵活战术
vicinity of the field of play比赛场地附近
weak-side play弱侧进攻配合
wedge play楔形打法