
Terms for subject Sports containing measurement | all forms | exact matches only
anthropometric measurement人体测量
anthropometries measurement人体测量
auto-measurement system of body density自动化人体密度测量系统
body composition analysis by infrared measurement红外线测量法体成分分析
body composition analysis by skinfold measurement皮褶厚度法体成分分析
emotional measurement情绪测定
force measurement system测力系统
inertial anthropometric measurement惯性人体测量
laboratory measurement实验室测试
measurement in sports psychology运动心理学测量
measurement of acceleration加速度测量
measurement of gravity centre of body人体重心测量
measurement of muscle strength肌力测定
measurement of physical fitness and health体质和健康测定
measurement of skinfod皮褶测量
measurement of skinfold thickness皮褶厚度测量
measurement of the total volume of body water身体总水量测定
measurement of total K volume of body身体总钾量测定
measurement point测量点
photoelectric velocity measurement光电测速
physical fitness measurement体质测定
psychological measurement心理测量
qualify for measurement符合丈量的条件
response time measurement反应时测量
skinfold measurement皮褶厚度测量
The thrower must not step over the scratch line, if he is to have his throw qualify for measurement为了使投掷符合丈量条件、运动员的脚不能踩过起掷线
tolerance of measurements尺寸公差
track measurement跑道测量