
Terms for subject Sports containing AS | all forms | exact matches only
act as judge at the race担任赛跑运动会中裁判员 (at athletic meet)
As all the competitors tying failed, the bar is lowered to 1.92m for another jump-off由于所有成绩相等的运动员均未能跳过此高度、横杆降至 1.92 米、进行第二次试跳、以决定名次
As you do not take part in engage in the competition, you are not allowed to come into the call room你不得进人检录处、因你与这次比赛无关
Athletics track and field consist of athletic contests such as running events, walking events, jumping events and throwing events田径运动包括赛跑、竞走、跳跃以及投掷等项目
end a career as a footballer结束足球[橄榄]球运动员生涯
Ensure that the activity is age- appropriate and provide protective equipment such as helmets and knee pads确保活动适合个人年龄并提供护具,例如头盔和护膝
For events 100m to 800m inclusive lanes will be drawn as follows: 100米至 800 米的各项径赛应按下列规定抽签排定道次:
generally recognized as safe公认安全 (GRAS)
In major competition, such as the Olympics, the marathon is included in athletics competitions在重大的田径比赛中、例如奥运会、通常包括马拉松赛跑
In order to qualify as a legal throw the hammer must land in the throwing sector.为了使投掷有效、 掷出的链球必须落人规定的落地区
In 1985, the IAAF World Athletics Series was born as a package of IAAF events1985 年国际田联世界田径系列赛诞生了、它成为国际田联"一揽子"系列比赛项目
It's a good opportunity for us, as we want to become an international, specialist sports brand我们想成为国际的、专业的运动品牌,这是一个好机会
James Easton, an IOC member from the United States, runs a sporting goods manufacturing company that has provided equipment for such Olympic sports as softball, hockey, archery and cycling美国人詹姆士・伊斯顿是国际奥委会成员,经营着一家体育用品制造公司,为垒球、曲棍球、射箭和自行车等奥运项目提供设备
length of service as a ball game player球龄
live up to one's rating as a favorite不负众望
pay-as-you-go operation动态平衡作用
play as a goalkeeper担任守门员
qualify as有条件成为
qualify as有资格成为
qualify as a legal throw投掷有效
Reaction time in specific movements will improve as a result of extensive practice of those movements大量练习某些专项动作、 将会提高这些专项动作的反应时
same level as one's head【键】与头部同高
The hop shall be made so that a competitor lands first on the same foot as that from which he has taken off单足跳时应用起跳脚落地、跨步跳时用另一只脚摆动腿落地、然后完成跳跃动作
The main hall has the competition court, the warm-up area and some auxiliary rooms as well as the entrances for athletes, technical officials, VIPs and media workers大厅里有竞赛场地、热身区域和一些辅助房间以及运动员、技术官员、贵宾和媒体工作人员的入口通道
The runner spurted as he approached the finishing line这位赛跑运动员接近终点时最后冲刺
The sports shoes have functions of absorbing shock and protecting ankles, and are quite suitable to be used as professional sports shoes such as basketball shoes, tennis shoes本运动鞋既可缓震又可护踝,非常适于作篮球鞋、网球鞋等专业的运动鞋
Thrower tries to keep discus as flat as possible during its flight to reduce wind resistance运动员试图使掷出的铁饼在飞行时保持扁平状以减少风的阻力
Ties shall be resolved as follows:按下列规定解决成绩相等:
Track and field athletics consists of athletic contests such as running events, walking events, jumping events and throwing events田径运动包括赛跑、竞走、跳跃以及投掷等项目
Two alternative methods of time-keeping shall be recognised as official:— Hand timing,— Fully Automatic timing obtained from Photo Finish system两种计时方法均应被承认为正式计时:—手计时、—以终点摄影系统为基础的全自动计时