
Terms for subject Fish farming pisciculture containing seals | all forms | exact matches only
Atlantic sealтевяк (Halichoerus gripus dimock)
Atlantic sealсерый тюлень (dimock)
Baikal sealбайкальский тюлень (Pusa sibirica dimock)
Baikal sealбайкальская нерпа (Phoca sibirica)
Caribbean monk sealтропический тюлень-монах
Caspian sealкаспийский тюлень (Pusa caspica dimock)
Caspian sealкаспийская нерпа
common sealпятнистый тюлень (Phoca vitulina dimock)
common sealпёстрый тюлень (Phoca vitulina dimock)
crabeater sealтюлень-крабоед
eared sealушастый тюлень (An eared seal or otariid or otary is any member of the marine mammal family Otariidae, one of three groupings of pinnipeds. They comprise 15 extant species in seven genera (another species became extinct in the 1950s) and are commonly known either as sea lions or fur seals, distinct from true seals (phocids) and the walrus (odobenids). Otariids are adapted to a semiaquatic lifestyle, feeding and migrating in the water, but breeding and resting on land or ice. They reside in subpolar, temperate, and equatorial waters throughout the Pacific and Southern Oceans and the southern Indian and Atlantic Oceans. They are conspicuously absent in the north Atlantic. wikipedia.org dimock)
fur sealморской котик (Callorhinus ursinus dimock)
fur sealкотик (Callorhinus ursinus dimock)
Galapagos fur sealгалапагосский морской котик
gray sealсерый тюлень (Halichoerus grypus)
gray sealтевяк
Greenland sealгренландский тюлень (Phoca groenlandica)
grey sealсерый тюлень (Halichoerus grypus dimock)
Guadalupe fur sealгваделупский морской котик
harbor sealпятнистая нерпа
harbour sealларга (Phoca vitulina largha)
hard sealкожа (Phoca groenlandica Fabr.)
harp sealлысун (Pagophilus groenlandica dimock)
Hawaiian monk sealгавайский тюлень-монах
hooded sealхохлач
Juan Fernandez fur sealхуанфернандский морской котик
Kerguelen fur sealкергеленский морской котик
largha sealларга
leopard sealморской леопард (Rurga Leptonyx dimock)
Mediterranean monk sealсредиземноморский тюлень-монах
New Zealand fur sealновозеландский морской котик
northern elephant sealкалифорнийский морской слон
northern fur sealсеверный морской котик
ribbon sealполосатый тюлень (Phoca fasciata)
ribbon sealкрылатка (Poca fasciata)
ringed sealкольчатый тюлень (Pusa hispida dimock)
ringed sealакиба (Phoca hispida dimock)
Ross sealтюлень Росса
seal hunting shipзверобойное судно (dimock)
seal killingзабой тюленей
seal rookeryлежбища тюленей
seals, sea lions and walrusesластоногие (Pinnipedia)
South African fur sealюжноафриканский морской котик
South American fur sealюжноамериканский морской котик
southern elephant sealсубантарктический морской слон
spotted sealпёстрый тюлень (dimock)
spotted sealпятнистый тюлень (dimock)
spotted sealларга
Weddell sealтюлень Уэддела