
Terms for subject Figurative containing writing | all forms | exact matches only
illegible writingгиероглиф
illegible writingиероглиф
write offмахнуть рукой (на кого-либо: "This is going to sound pretty blunt, I'm afraid. Father had written my sister off long ago. When they met he barely spoke to her." (Raymond Chandler) – отец давно махнул на неё рукой ART Vancouver)
write offсдавать в архив
write offпеть отходную
writing on the wallплохое предзнаменование (As leaders, they should have seen the handwriting on the wall and come up with an alternative course of action. Val_Ships)
writing on the wallпредвестие грядущего несчастья (Александр Рыжов)
writing on the wallзловещее предзнаменование (wikipedia.org 4uzhoj)
writing on the wallнеизбежное событие (At some point we may have to sell if the writing's on the wall.- если это неизбежно; если этого будет не избежать ART Vancouver)