
Terms for subject Figurative containing piece | all forms | exact matches only
all in one pieceцел и невредим (Anglophile)
all in one pieceцелый и невредимый (Anglophile)
all of a pieceодного покроя
all of a pieceодного закала
give someone a piece of mindнапеть в уши
give someone a piece of one's mindнапевать в уши
give someone a piece of mindнапевать в уши
mouth-pieceвыразитель (AFilinovTranslation)
mouth-pieceрупор (AFilinovTranslation)
of a pieceодного покроя
of a pieceодного закала
opinion pieceколонка (e.g., in a newspaper Liv Bliss)
piece of theatreпредставление (It is served on a porcelain "volcano" dish which is basically a conical shaped dish with a small night light burning in the middle to keep the ham nicely at room temperature. This piece of theatre is arguably unneccessary but nevertheless it adds to the experience and does the ham no harm tripadvisor.co.uk 4uzhoj)
piece of workфрукт (You're quite the piece of work! 4uzhoj)
piece together a pictureсоставить картину (произошедшего: It was over twenty years before Erik could piece together a more complete picture, when he was able to reach out to others who had undergone a similar ordeal. -- составить более полную картину coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
pull to piecesразнести
pull to piecesраскритиковать
small piece of wooдеревяшка (dim of деревяшка)
speak one's pieceвыкладывать всё
speak pieceвыкладывать все
the villain of the pieceглавный виновник
the villain of the pieceкорень зла