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дистанционное управление с помощью кнопок наушниковheadphone remote buttons (financial-engineer)
обустроить в соответствии с принципами гармонии фэн-шуйfeng shui (в функции глагола: How to feng shui your home: Place your bed, desk, and stove in a command position. Pay special attention to your entryway. "Activate" your front door. Pay special attention to your bed. Use a bagua map. Choose your colors based on the 5 elements. Block doors. Leave out broken objects. 'More)
обустроить в соответствии с фэн-шуйfeng shui (в функции глагола: How to feng shui your home: Place your bed, desk, and stove in a command position. Pay special attention to your entryway. "Activate" your front door. Pay special attention to your bed. Use a bagua map. Choose your colors based on the 5 elements. Block doors. Leave out broken objects. 'More)
Предприятие с полным иностранным владениемWOFE (Wholly Owned Foreign Entities Пахно Е.А.)