
Terms for subject Literature containing single | all forms | exact matches only
Lodgings for Single Gentlemen"Комнаты для одиноких мужчин" (1829, комедия Джона Пула)
Pessimists, on the other hand, thanked their lucky stars cloning had not been available to Genghis Khan or Hitler and, in their writings and prognostications, they populated the future with ruthless armies of carbon-copied, single-minded doppelgangers under the direction of their despotic donors.в своих статьях и прогнозах они населяли будущее армиями одинаковых, бесчувственных, узколобых головорезов, взращённых из клеток деспота. (D. Rorvik)
Pessimists, on the other hand, thanked their lucky stars cloning had not been available to Genghis Khan or Hitler and, in their writings and prognostications, they populated the future with ruthless armies of carbon-copied, single-minded doppelgangers under the direction of their despotic donors.Пессимисты же благословляли судьбу за то, что клеточная инженерия была недоступна Чингисхану или Гитлеру (D. Rorvik)
single-topic issueтематический номер (This single-topic issue of Mining Review, looking at the role of women in the coal industry, betrays some strikingly dated attitudes. Или: «National Geographic» также стал победителем в номинации «Тематический номер» (Single-topic issue). https://www.tatar-inform.ru/news/national-geographic-stal-zhurnalom-goda-v-ssha-269607 org.uk Elina Semykina)